Iron Patriot Fan #2
El descarado y brillante empresario Tony Stark/Iron Man se enfrentará a un enemigo cuyo poder no conoce límites. Cuando Stark comprende que su enemigo ha destruido su universo personal, se embarca en una angustiosa búsqueda para encontrar a los responsables. Este viaje pondrá a prueba su entereza una y otra vez. Acorralado, Stark tendrá que sobrevivir por sus propios medios, confiando en su ingenio y su instinto para proteger a las personas que quiere.
When you're the city attorney you don't need the kinds of problems that her father was giving her. After her mother died, her father began doing his "Santa Schtick," as she called it, much more intensely... which meant that he turned his home into a kind of year-round Santa Claus castle where children of all ages could come to see the wonderful presents and no child ever left without a gift.