Sound Mixer
Kevin is a teenager growing up in a rural neighborhood. With the support of his partner and his sister, he becomes himself and learns that not everyone in his life will accept him for who he is, most prominently his mother.
Documentary that chronicles the career of the legendary Australian punk band Radio Birdman.
Sound Effects Editor
For Gothic Callie, her deaf sister Ariel, computer nerd Chris, popular Sarah, and misogynist Ricky, their evening plans are about to be re-written. Taken to an abandoned military training school, they finds themselves the target of 5 sadistic killers, each with their own unique and different style of killing. They fight for their lives against sociopaths who know their environment intimately, becoming increasingly outnumbered as their friends are killed.
Music Editor
Daniel Larusso llega a Los Angeles procedente de la costa Este de Estados Unidos dispuesto a hacer nuevos amigos. Sin embargo, se convierte en el blanco de los ataques de los Cobras, un hostil grupo de estudiantes de kárate, cuando comienza a salir con Ali, la antigua novia del cabecilla del grupo. En tal situación, no tiene más remedio que pedirle ayuda a Miyagi, un maestro de artes marciales, para que le enseñe kárate. Bajo la tutela de Miyagi, Daniel desarrolla no sólo sus aptitudes físicas, sino también la seguridad en sí mismo que necesita para superar todos los obstáculos.