Camera Operator
After losing control of his engines, bumbling spaceman Fripp finds himself at the mercy of his spaceship. A thrilling descent through an asteroid belt ensues, after which he finds himself marooned on a post-apocalyptic Earth. Without a working spacecraft, the interstellar time-traveler must dip into the dead planet’s history in order to find a way home.
Additional Second Assistant Camera
Traffic is delayed on the edge of a roadwork site, but what are the council workers doing? A privileged encounter with a secret somber ritual of working men. This is the second in Andrew Kavanagh’s trilogy (after the successful "At The Formal’) exploring tribalism and ritual in contemporary society.
Rancor Guard (uncredited)
Luke Skywalker y la princesa Leia deben viajar a Tatooine para liberar a Han Solo. Para conseguirlo, deben infiltrarse en la peligrosa guarida de Jabba the Hutt, el gángster más temido de la galaxia. Una vez reunidos, el equipo recluta a tribus de Ewoks para combatir a las fuerzas imperiales en los bosques de la luna de Endor. Mientras tanto, el Emperador y Darth Vader conspiran para convertir a Luke al lado oscuro, pero el joven Skywalker, por su parte, está decidido a reavivar el espíritu del Jedi en su padre. La guerra civil galáctica culmina en un último enfrentamiento entre las fuerzas rebeldes unificadas y una segunda Estrella de la Muerte, indefensa e incompleta, en una batalla que decidirá el destino de la galaxia.
Red Mike
In Red Gulch Tom is married to Nell and has a daughter. He is shot by cardsharp Jim, who runs off with Nell. The little daughter, found wandering on the prairie by two wolf hunters, is adopted and named Prairie Nell. Fifteen years later, she is the pride of Bar X, when Tom returns, shoots Jim, and finds his daughter.