Breffni McKenna

Breffni McKenna


Breffni McKenna


Tenías que ser tú
Una joven enamorada va a Dublín para pedirle a su novio que se case con ella. Lo hará siguiendo una tradición irlandesa, según la cual solo un día cada cuatro años -el 29 de febrero- una mujer puede proponer matrimonio a su novio con la certeza de que no será rechazada. Sin embargo, durante el viaje, una circunstancia imprevista la obligará a pedir ayuda a un rudo mesonero irlandés con el que tendrá que caminar campo a través si quiere llegar a tiempo para hacer su propuesta de matrimonio.
Round Ireland with a Fridge
The movie tells the story of a disillusioned television personality whose career has stalled and who is looking for answers but doesn't know the questions. When his best friend taunts him for losing his sense of adventure Tony accepts a drunken £100 bet and sets off with his unconventional traveling companion for an adventure that proved to be entertaining, educational, challenging and at times downright silly.
La recompensa
Un gángster llamado Perrier quiere vengarse de un trío de fugitivos responsable de la muerte accidental de uno de sus compinches.
Spike Milligan's book about the divided Irish village of Puckoon comes to the big screen.
Vicious Circle
Criminal Martin Cahill gets in trouble when a major robbery succeeds. He aims for more trouble when he tries to do a large art robbery
En primera línea
Belfast 1972: Bernie, que es políticamente ingenua, intenta educar a una familia normal en un entorno que no es normal. Su mejor amigo es accidentalmente asesinado a tiros por el IRA, y sus vecinos son constantemente atacados por el ejército. En este clima de miedo, ella se pone de pie y condena los asesinatos. Criticando ambas facciones, su llamado a un alto el fuego se interpreta como un ataque contra el IRA, y cuando su movimiento por la paz toma impulso, ella y su familia se colocan en primera línea.
Juego de lágrimas
La organización terrorista IRA secuestra a un soldado británico. Durante su confinamiento, el prisionero entabla amistad con Fergus, uno de los terroristas, y le pide que, si lo matan, vaya a ver a su novia. Más tarde, Fergus, huyendo de sus compañeros, acude al pub donde trabaja Dil, la novia del soldado británico.
Shoot To Kill
Martin McCauley
Shoot to Kill is a four-hour drama documentary reconstruction of the events that led to the 1984–86 Stalker Inquiry into the shooting of six terrorist suspects in Northern Ireland in 1982 by a specialist unit of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), allegedly without warning (the so-called shoot-to-kill policy); the organised fabrication of false accounts of the events; and the difficulties created for the inquiry team in their investigation.
Chinese Whispers
Kenny's work as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital isn't just a job, it's a vocation. His special group of patients are his friends - his only friends. When a strange young man is introduced to the group, he threatens the love, discipline and respect that have been the very basis of Kenny's authority, and all that surrounds the institution is scant protection from the madness of the world beyond.
Gran Bretaña, principios del siglo XX. Cuando el joven Maurice (James Willby) va a la universidad, se enamora de Clive (Hugh Grant), uno de sus compañeros de clase. Juntos vivirán un romance que mantendrán en secreto. Sin embargo, Clive, para evitar habladurías y normalizar su vida, decide casarse con una joven. Maurice, por su parte, seguirá manteniendo relaciones secretas con otros hombres, aunque no será lo mismo.
The Cry
Michael Ferguson
Ulster 1959. A young journalist visiting his quiet hometown is awakened by a scream in the night. He catches sight of a youth being beaten up and dragged away. When he investigates, witnesses seem to melt away, and life-long friends reveal a sinister indifference. Or is it fear?
The Witches and the Grinnygog
Dappy Harold
An ancient church is being dismantled and moved to a new location, stone by stone. One of the gargoyles from the stones falls into the possession of a mother who takes the stone man back to her family. Soon after, four strangers show up in the village and the Sogood & Firkettle children seem to be the only ones who question the mysterious things that begin to happen. This film was originally broadcast across six 25 minute episodes with a total runtime of 150 minutes. A few years later, the US cable network Nickelodeon edited the miniseries into a 2 hour (including commercials) movie block. This 2 hour edited version was shown throughout the 1980s on US television.