It's 1997. Distorted guitars rule the world. In an aging Chinese restaurant, a father and his punk-rock son struggle with their familial roles as they realize they each desperately need something from the other.
It's 1997. Distorted guitars rule the world. In an aging Chinese restaurant, a father and his punk-rock son struggle with their familial roles as they realize they each desperately need something from the other.
It's 1997. Distorted guitars rule the world. In an aging Chinese restaurant, a father and his punk-rock son struggle with their familial roles as they realize they each desperately need something from the other.
El capitán Jack Sparrow se enfrentará a un grupo de piratas-fantasma comandados por una de sus viejas némesis, el terrorífico capitán Salazar, recién escapado del Triángulo de las Bermudas. La única posibilidad de Sparrow para salir con vida es encontrar el legendario Tridente de Poseidón, un poderoso artefacto que le da a su poseedor el control de los mares.
At nineteen the world is every kid's playing field, but when Blake's life turns for the unexpected, he has one opportunity to seize what is means to be human.
Cuatro huérfanos salen del orfanato durante el verano para pasar las vacaciones en un pueblo de mar. Pero el idílico plan se verá enturbiado por el rumor de la posible adopción de uno de ellos, lo que causará tensiones en el grupo, ya que todos anhelan formar parte de una familia. Los cuatro jóvenes competirán por ganarse el afecto de la pareja poniendo a prueba su amistad.