Florian Miosge


Alcohol: No substance in the world seems so familiar to us and is so incredibly diverse in its effect. Alcohol is available everywhere and this particular molecule has the power to affect all 200 billion neurons of our human brain in completely different ways. But hardly anyone calls alcohol a drug despite its psychoactive and cell-destroying effect. Why do we tolerate the death of three million people every year? Have we turned a blind eye to the dangers and risks for thousands of years? What role does the powerful alcohol industry play with an annual turnover of 1.2 trillion euros in this on-going concealment? The author, who himself enjoys having a drink, looks into the question why we drink at all, what alcohol does to us and to what extent the alcohol industry influences society and politics.
O Beautiful Night
This fiction feature debut by Xaver Böhm is the newest production from Komplizen Film. In this Faustian tale, anxious Yuri finds himself face-to-face with Death. Yuri is forced to confront his fears over the course of a fateful night.
The Milk System
Milk is Big Business. Behind the innocent appearances of the white stuff lies a multi-billion euro industry, which perhaps isn't so innocent…
Three Peaks
Aaron invites his girlfriend Lea and her 8-year-old son Tristan on a trip to the mountains. What could be a starting point of a new life together, slowly turns into difficult territory as the three fight for their positions within the new family.
Imagine Waking Up Tomorrow and All Music Has Disappeared
Imagine waking up tomorrow and all music has disappeared. Just like that. What will remain when it is all gone: CDs, iPods, instruments?
We Will Stay in Touch about It
A man drives through a deserted landscape. Suddenly his car hits a person, seriously hurting or even killing him. The driver searches for the body, cannot find it - and must accept, that there is no one. Instead, he does find blood on the broken windshield. What happens when realizing that we kill - without being confronted with the dead?
The Silent Mountain
A young Austrian soldier in World War I fights his way through the Alps to rescue his Italian girlfriend and escape the impending explosion that will rock the mountain.
Hanna's Journey
A German girl travels to Israel to help people with disabilities, where she learns a lot about the role of her grandparents in WWII and meets a man who wants to move to Berlin.
Anja lives with her parents in a small town somewhere in Germany. She is about to graduate, but the weekend is usually celebrated. When Anja runs home from a party one morning, she is hit by a car on the highway. Apparently not much has happened. After the first shock has subsided, everyone is relieved that the accident has gone so smoothly. First. But it is becoming increasingly clear that Anja is no longer the same. She sleeps badly, suffers from panic attacks and delusions. It's as if she's been followed by gloomy shadows since that party night.
The Venice Syndrome
Tourism takes its toll on the inhabitability of Venice.
El río que era un hombre
Un joven alemán inicia un viaje en canoa por el país africano en compañía de un nativo que ha contratado para que se encargue de la embarcación. Los dos entablan una breve conversación en la que el joven, entre otras cosas, revela al nativo que él es actor. Por su parte, el habitante local le cuenta que ahora son dos individuos insignificantes en mitad de un mundo dominado por los animales y la ley de la naturaleza. El alemán ha viajado hasta allí para encontrar la paz y la tranquilidad y se burla de los peligros que le narra el hombre, imitando incluso el sonido de los animales de los que le habla. Cuando amanece, el turista se da cuenta de que su acompañante se ha esfumado en mitad de la noche. A partir de este momento el recién llegado tendrá que enfrentarse en soledad a los peligros que le rodean, en mitad de un país totalmente desconocido y plagado de especies salvajes, donde cualquier atisbo de presencia humana parece una alucinación.
12 pasos sin cabeza. La leyenda de un pirata
Divertirse, desatar el caos y provocar motines ha sido, durante mucho tiempo, la forma de vida de los piratas Klaus Stöertebeker y Gödeke Michels. Un sinfín de conquistas en el Mar Báltico han dado a Stöertebeker una reputación de rebelde y revolucionario y, para sus leales tropas de piratas, él es una leyenda. Sin embargo, las constantes batallas y luchas contra los odiados “ricachones” de Hanse han ido desgastando a los antes invencibles bucaneros y a su audaz tripulación. Es por eso que, cuando Stöertebeker resulta gravemente herido en una batalla para abordar un barco, el legendario pirata comienza a preguntarse si este tipo de vida tiene futuro para él y, en el momento en que se enamora de la preciosa y luchadora Billie, la cual le hace soñar con una tranquila vida en tierra firme, se ve obligado a enfrentarse a su futuro.
Muestra el mundo aparentemente intacto de una familia de clase media, cuya armoniosa fachada se desmorona debido a la imprevista visita de su pariente Paul, un joven de 16 años. Paul llega buscando cariño y apoyo tras el suicidio de su padre, mientras que su tía Anna lo utiliza como instrumento para mantener a su hijo Robert atado a ella. Cuando finalmente Anna se aparta de él, Paul, herido, reconoce que ya no queda nada que le vincule a esa familia y comete un acto desesperado.