Iren Muratova


Art Direction
Close to bankruptcy, Irena, the owner of a struggling pig farm in a tiny post-Communist town, finds a surprising benefactor in a handsome American man who appears to be the answer to all her prayers.
Los mercenarios 3
Art Direction
El grupo de los mercenarios, dirigidos por Barney, durante una misión en África, se encuentran frente a frente con Stonebanks, el otro miembro fundador del grupo, al que Barney creía muerto. Stonebanks es ahora un rico y despiadado traficante de armas que el gobierno de los EEUU quiere capturar con vida para llevarlo al tribunal internacional de la Haya.
Death, Deceit & Destiny Aboard the Orient Express
Set Decoration
Terrorists hold a group of people hostage during a Millenium Eve party aboard the Orient Express. Only an action movie star and a gymnast can save them.
The Forbidden Fruit
Art Direction
The film depicts the incredible metamorphosis of a clerk whose sense of identity and pride are reawakened by an unexpected development.