Grady Sutton

Grady Sutton

Nacimiento : 1906-04-05, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

Muerte : 1995-09-17


Grady Sutton (April 5, 1906 - September 17, 1995) was an American actor.


Grady Sutton


The Silver Screen: Color Me Lavender
Self (archive footage)
A film scrapbook, images, phrases from our past, hiding their meanings behind veils. Let's lift those veils, one by one, to find how images, at one time seeming innocent, have revealed, after decades, to have homosexual overtones.
Rock 'n' Roll High School
School Board President
Ambientada en 1980, la secundaria Vince Lombardi sigue perdiendo a los directores por crisis nerviosas a causa del gusto de los estudiantes por el Rock and Roll y su desprecio por la educación. Su líder, Riff Randell (P.J. Soles), es la mayor admiradora de The Ramones en la secundaria Vince Lombardi. Ella espera en línea tres días para conseguir entradas para ver a la banda, esperando encontrar a Joey Ramone para que pueda darle una canción que ella escribió para la banda, "Rock N 'Roll High School".
Elmer / Storekeeper
Látigo Smith (Garner), una mezcla de gigoló y timador, baja del tren en un pueblo llamado Purgatorio para huir de un matrimonio no deseado y, además, con el propósito de borrar un tatuaje que lleva en el pecho. Mientras espera al médico, oye hablar del enfrentamiento entre los dos magnates mineros del pueblo, ambos empeñados en contratar al turbio y mítico pistolero Swifty Morgan para que defienda sus intereses. Viéndose, involuntariamente, involucrado en el asunto, Látigo se quedará en Purgatorio y resolverá el conflicto. Con lo que no contaba era con enamorarse de Patience (Pleshette), la hija de uno de los caciques, una señorita de armas tomar.
Myra Breckinridge
Kid Barlow
Myron Breckinridge vuela a Copenhague para someterse a una operación de cambio de sexo, convirtiéndose en la bella Myra. De vuelta a América, Myra acude a la escuela de interpretación de su tío Buck Loner, donde se hace pasar por su propia viuda y afirma que fue voluntad de Myron que ella recibiera la mitad de la escuela, es decir, 500.000 dólares; cuando Loner se niega, ella pide que le den un trabajo de profesora allí para mantenerse. Buck accede a regañadientes, al tiempo que inicia una investigación sobre la veracidad de las afirmaciones de Myra.
Ojos verdes, rubia y peligrosa
Rev. Simms
Un falso predicador y su ayudante se proponen atracar el banco de Friendly, el más seguro del Oeste. Por desgracia para ellos, hay otros que planean lo mismo: por un lado, un bandido mexicano y su torpe hijo, por otro, un pistolero y su compinche. Para complicar aún más las cosas, un ranger de Texas y sus seis agentes chino-americanos se hacen pasar por empleados de una lavandería con la intención de investigar a un alcalde corrupto. (FILMAFFINITY)
Acerca de un hombre solo
Male Secretary
El herrero de una pequeña ciudad del oeste es un marginado. Se había llevado a los ciudadanos al oeste con la esperanza de comenzar una nueva vida, sólo para conseguir que la ciudad que fundaron debe ser pasado por alto por el ferrocarril. Tiempo después descubrirá que algo ha quedado en el lago y lo intentará recuperar para que el pueblo mejore pero ellos ya no confían en él. (FILMAFFINITY)
I Love You, Alice B. Toklas!
Funeral Director
Harold Fine (Peter Sellers) es un abogado de Los Angeles de 35 años que no espera con ganas la edad madura ni su boda inminente. Sin embargo su vida cambia cuando se enamora de Nancy, un espíritu libre, una hippie joven e inocente... por lo que decide romper con todo y convertirse en hippie junto a ella. Pero cuando ese estilo de vida resulte demasiado independiente e irresponsable para Harold, ¿podrá todavía regresar a su antigua identidad?
Paraíso hawaiano
Mr. Cubberson
Rick Richards es un piloto de helicópteros que se ha quedado sin trabajo. Entonces, pretende abrir una empresa de servicios de transporte en Hawai con su amigo Danny Kohana. En Hawai conocerá a hermosas chicas y se enamorará de Judy Hudson.
La jauría humana
Mr. Siftifieus (uncredited)
Casi todos los habitantes de una pequeña ciudad de Texas piensan que su comisario es una simple marioneta del todopoderoso petrolero Val Rogers. Pero todo cambia cuando el joven Bubber Reeves escapa de la prisión. Y es que mientras el agente quiere entregar vivo al fugitivo, Rogers desea que le mate, pues teme por la vida de su hijo, que ha tenido una aventura con la mujer del fugitivo.
Quinientos dólares, vivo o muerto
Willie Duggans llega a un pueblo con la intención de encontrar trabajo y prosperar, pero acaba dándose cuenta de que es más fácil ganar dinero matando forajidos. Según se va acostumbrando a semejante actividad, su carácter cambia tanto que se convierte en un hombre completamente distinto. (FILMAFFINITY)
Hazme cosquillas
Mr. Dabney
Elvis Prestley es un cantante que actúa en los rodeos y conduce un caro automóvil y estará rodeado de hermosas chicas
Cuatro tíos de Texas
Bank Clerk
El simpático y caradura Zacharias Thomas (Frank Sinatra) controla muchos de los negocios de la ciudad de Galverston, en Texas. Para ello cuenta con la inestimable colaboración del presidente del banco local, el miserable Harvey Burden (Victor Buono). Pero Zach acaba de sufrir un duro revés: la diligencia que transportaba 100.000 dólares de su propiedad ha sido asaltada por un tal Joe Jarrett (Dean Martin), un aventurero que, además, es abogado. La osadía de Jarrett no se detiene aquí, ya que va a Galverston e ingresa el botín en el banco de Burden, dispuesto a hacer la competencia al poderoso Zacharias.
Gallardo y calavera
Clothing Store Manager (uncredited)
Aunque Alan es un soltero que proviene de una familia judía de clase media, vive en un lujoso ático de Manhattan, donde nunca falta una mujer bonita. Sus padres quieren que se case, pero el matrimonio es incompatible con su estilo de vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jumbo, la sensación del circo
Jimmy Durante es el propietario de un circo que cuenta solamente con dos atracciones de interés: su hija (Doris Day) y Jumbo, un elefante de gran talento. La chica y su padre tendrán que agudizar el ingenio para salvar el circo del acoso de los acreedores. (FILMAFFINITY)
La Aurora desnuda
Manuel es un pobre, pero orgulloso granjero mexicano que está casado con María. Cuando el lenguaraz vagabundo Santiago le propone que participe en el robo de un tren, Manuel al principio se resiste, pero acaba aceptando la propuesta por culpa de la codicia de su mujer. Corrompido por el afán de riqueza, Manuel empieza a tramar el asesinato de Santiago. Al mismo tiempo María hace planes para deshacerse de Manuel y escaparse con un apuesto extranjero.
Navidades blancas
Mr. Herring (uncredited)
Bob y Phil son dos tipos que acaban de volver de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Consumados cantantes y bailarines, deciden ganarse la vida haciendo números musicales. Así conocen a una pareja de hermanas dedicadas a lo mismo. Siguiéndolas, van a parar a Vermont, a un hotel que tiene graves problemas financieros. El administrador del hotel resulta ser el antiguo jefe de los muchachos en el ejército y sus líos económicos son urgentes. Tanto como para que Bob y Phil decidan ayudarlo como mejor saben.
Ha nacido una estrella
Artie Carver (uncredited)
Norman Maine, un famoso actor adicto al alcohol, descubre a Esther, una joven con un gran talento para la canción y decide impulsar su carrera cinematográfica. Ella consigue la fama y, a los pocos meses, la pareja contrae matrimonio. Pero, a medida que el éxito de Esther aumenta, decae el de Norman, y esta situación lo empuja a la autodestrucción.
Viviendo su vida
Gift Shop Clerk (uncredited)
Al desdichado Homer Flagg (Lewis) le comunica su médico, el Dr. Harris (Martin) que se está muriendo a causa de una radiación venenosa. Cuando una periodista de Nueva York (Janet Leigh) se entera de la situación de Homer, decide escribir una serie de artículos sobre el desgraciado personaje. Pero el doctor informa a Homer de que el diagnóstico ha sido un error, lo que no les impide aceptar la oferta de la periodista para hacer un fabuloso viaje a Manhattan, durante el que ambos tratarán de mantener sus mentiras.
Air Hostess
Ned Jenkins
The Hansen School for Air Hostesses, operated by Celia Hansen, welcomes a new group of students; a librarian named Ruth Jackson; Lorraine Carter, a nurse; and Jennifer White, whose husband was an aviator killed in World War II. Ruth meets a smart-alec pilot, Dennis Hogan, but complications arise as Lorraine also has an interest in him. Jennifer meets a war-buddy of her husband, Fred MacCoy. All three women, with each other's help, makes it through to graduation day.
Grand Canyon
A film company is shooting a western on location when the star breaks his leg. A local mule herder, who had never acted before, is "shanghaied" into taking over the role. Complications ensue.
Last of the Wild Horses
Curly, the cook
A cowboy must clear himself of a murder he did not commit.
Jiggs and Maggie in Court
Mr. Twiddle
Maggie is resentful of being pointed out and laughed at in public because she resembles the cartoon character in the George McManus comic strip "Bringing Up Father." She visits McManus in his studio office and tries to persuade him to stop drawing the syndicated comic-strip. He tells her he 1959. Maggie, not getting any younger, retains counsel and takes McManus to court.
Mi querida secretaria
Sylvan Scott
Una joven secretaria se enamora de su jefe, empleando los mismos trucos que utiliza él en sus negocios para hacerle caer en sus redes. No obstante, una vez casada, empieza a tener celos de la nueva secretaria que ha contratado su marido.
Romanza en alta mar
Ship Radio Operator (uncredited)
Una mujer sospecha que su marido se interesa por otras, pero él sospecha lo mismo de ella. Por culpa de sus negocios, él tiene que cancelar siempre sus vacaciones de aniversario y dejar que su mujer se vaya sola. En una ocasión, para poder espiar a su marido, ella contrata a una cantante de cabaret (Doris Day) para que viaje a América del Sur en su lugar. Mientras tanto, su esposo contrata a un detective (Jack Carson) para vigilar a su esposa durante su viaje.
My Wild Irish Rose
Musical biography of Irish 19th century tenor Chauncey Olcott.
Always Together
Jack, the Soda Jerk (uncredited)
An old millionaire, who believes he's dying, bequeaths his fortune to a young woman with a fanatical obsession with movie stars. But then the elderly tycoon recovers from his illness and decides he wants his money back. Comedy most notable for its numerous unbilled cameos by Warner Bros. actors.
Philo Vance's Gamble
One of two Philo Vance mystery movies released by PRC.
Beat the Band
Singer Ann wants back her money that the manager of a big-band has embezzled.
The Fabulous Suzanne
Suzanne, a waitress, comes up with a sure-fire method for winning at the racetrack and, later, when she inherits a fortune from a customer of the restaurant, she use the same system for investing her money. Her stock broker tries to dissuade her, but she persists and her investments increases her wealth.
The Plainsman and the Lady
Film about the early days of the Pony Express and the crooked businessman who opposed it.
The Magnificent Rogue
George Sheffield
A serviceman returns home at the end of WWII to discover his wife has become the head of her own very successful advertising agency. Comedy.
Nadie vive para siempre
Horace, the Counterman at Joe's Diner (uncredited)
Un estafador se enamora de una rica viuda a la que pretendía desplumar.
My Dog Shep
John H. Latham
An orphan boy on his way to live with his uncle picks up a stray dog, and the two become fast friends. However, the uncle doesn't want the dog, and when chickens are found dead, the uncle accuses the dog of killing them. The boy decides that it's time he and the dog hit the road so they run away, and meet up with an elderly man who also ran away from a home where he believed he wasn't wanted either.
Dos hermanas de Boston
Recital Guest (uncredited)
Dos muchachas de Boston deciden trasladarse a Nueva York. Una de ellas trabaja como cantante en el local de un viejo amigo de la familia, mientras que la otra se enamora del hijo de un importante mecenas de la ópera.
El castillo de Dragonwyck
Astor House Clerk (uncredited)
Año 1844. Miranda, la frágil e inocente hija de unos granjeros, es invitada a pasar una temporada en el castillo de Dragonwyck, donde vive un primo lejano de su madre, Nicholas Van Ryn, su esposa enferma y su hija. Miranda se enamora de Van Ryn, quien, al poco de enviudar, se casa con ella, pero entonces empiezan a salir a la luz turbios secretos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Partners in Time
Cedric Weehunt / Caleb Weehunt
Squire Skimp has a new plan to swindle the people of Pine Ridge. However, Lum has something more important on his mind. He has to tell a young engaged couple on the verge of breaking up the story of how the Jot 'em Down store first started (through flashbacks). Based on characters from the popular "Lum and Abner" radio program of the time.
Hit the Hay
Wilbur W. Whittlesey III
An unsophisticated farm girl pursues a career as an opera singer.
Sing Your Way Home
Ship's Book Shop Clerk
In this musical comedy, an arrogant war journalist is sailing back to the Big Apple after the end of WW II. En route, he has been assigned to watch over a band of teenagers who were trapped in Europe four years ago while entertaining the troops. Their entrapment has done nothing to dim their enthusiasm for performing and while waiting for passage the crews entertain everyone at every opportunity. Songs include: "I'll Buy That Dream" (sung by Anne Jeffreys), "Heaven Is a Place Called Home," "Seven O'Clock in the Morning (Waking up Boogie)," "Somebody Stole My Poor Little Heart" (Herb Magidson, Allie Wrubel), and "The Lord's Prayer" (arranged by Albert Hay Malotte).
She Went to the Races
Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
Una hermosa apostadora a carreras de caballos, con un método infalible, se enamora de un entrenador.
Song of the Prairie
William Van Welby
Joan Wingate's wealthy father doesn't want his daughter to go into show business. As they vacation in the west she gets a job with Dan Tyler's show and uses Wingate money to keep him afloat. Sandwiched in between the numerous musical numbers they try to keep her father away from the show. But he eventually finds out and decides they will return east
Levando anclas
Bertram Kraler
Gene Kelly y Frank Sinatra son dos marineros de personalidades opuestas: uno (Sinatra) es tímido y un tanto ingenuo, mientras que el otro (Kelly) es un hombre de mundo. Ambos vivirán mil peripecias en la ciudad de Los Ángeles
On Stage Everybody
Cathcart (uncredited)
Radio's miracle show is on the screen.
La campana de la libertad
Pfc. Edward - Algiers Mail Clerk
A finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el comandante Joppolo es destinado con su unidad a una población italiana para que se encargue de tomar posiciones. A pesar de su misión, poco a poco terminará implicándose en la vida de ese pueblo siciliano.
Captain Eddie
Lester Thomas
WWI flyer Eddie Rickenbaker remembers his life which brought him from a car salesman, race driver and pilot in WWI, to an important person in the early years of civil airline service, after his plane crashed in the South Pacific in late 1942.
Pillow to Post
Alex, Coast Oil Flunky (uncredited)
With a war on and most men being drafted, Howard Oil Supply Company has no salesmen left. So daughter Jean hits the road and does not make one sale. She finally gets one tentative sale with the Black Hills Oil Co., but Earl wants dinner with her. With the shortage of housing due to the war, Jean needs a military husband to get a place to stay in Clayfield, which is next to Camp Clay. She gets Lt. Mallory to act as her husband just to register. Then things go wrong as his commanding officer is there and believes them to be married. It gets worse as Don's mother shows up and then Jean's father.
La zarina
Boris (uncredited)
El joven y apuesto teniente Alexei Chernov (William Eythe), llega a palacio para advertir a la emperatriz Catalina de Rusia (Tallulah Bankhead) de que está siendo traicionada y su vida corre peligro. Pero al ser revelado por el canciller Nikolai Illytch (Charles Coburn) que ya ese caso está resuelto, la zarina se decepciona un poco con el mensajero… aunque queda encantada y supremamente halagada al saber los sacrificios que hizo pensando tan solo en protegerla. Se iniciará así un intenso romance, en magníficos tonos de comedia, entre dos seres muy dispares que miran claramente hacia objetivos distintos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Fuera de la ley
Floorwalker (uncredited)
La acción tiene lugar en el mundo de las carreras de caballos, cuando un jugador con deudas falsifica la partida de nacimiento de un jockey para que pueda participar en una trascendental carrera. (FILMAFFINITY)
Her Lucky Night
In this romantic comedy, three man-hungry sisters consult a fortune-teller to help them with their romantic futures.
Grissly's Millions
Robert Palmor, Jr.
An eccentric wealthy man is murdered, and the police set out to find his killer.
Goin' to Town
General store owners, through a series of contrivances, end up on the better side of a practical joke being played on them.
Casanova Brown
Best Man
Casanova Q. Brown, profesor de historia de una pequeña ciudad, está a punto de casarse con Magde Ferris, cuando recibe noticias de Isabel, su anterior esposa, que le comunica que es padre de un niño.
The Great Moment
Homer Quimby
The biography of Dr. W.T. Morgan, a 19th century Boston dentist, during his quest to have anesthesia, in the form of ether, accepted by the public and the medical and dental establishment.
Johnny Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Una joven alquila un apartamento a un hombre que se acaba de alistar en los marines. El problema es que ha dado las llaves a media docena de amigos, que no paran de dejarse caer por el piso.
Desde que te fuiste
Soldier Hunting for Susie Fleming (uncredited)
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Mientras su marido lucha en la guerra, Anne Hilton intenta superar los problemas económicos y el racionamiento alquilando una habitación al Coronel Smollet. Lo malo es que su hija Jane tiene un aventura con el nieto de Smollet. (FILMAFFINITY)
Nine Girls
One of the members of a sorority is found murdered. Although the police are called in to investigate, some of the girls decide to do some sleuthing on their own to unmask the killer.
What a Woman
Mr. Clark
An author and a literary agent become involved after selling film rights to his racy book.
La chica y el vaquero
Malcolm Scott
Una chica de ciudad conoce un guapo cowboy de rodeo en una visita turística a la ciudad en autobús. Con él olvidará a sus pretendientes
Young Ideas
Undetermined Minor Role (unconfirmed)
La autora de best-sellers Josephine Evans desaparece sin dejar rastro. Su agente, Adam Trent, recurre a los hijos de la escritora para encontrarla.
El amor llamó dos veces
Diner Counterman (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Washington ha visto notablemente incrementada su población y los problemas de alojamiento son cada vez mayores. Una chica se ve obligada a compartir su apartamento con dos hombres, lo cual provoca problemas de convivencia, pero la situación se complicará todavía más cuando surge el amor entre ella y el más joven de sus huéspedes. (FILMAFFINITY)
Somewhere I'll Find You
Restaurant Diner
Los hermanos Johnny y Kirk Davis trabajan en uno de los diarios más grandes del país como corresponsales de guerra. Están unidos por una gran amistad hasta el momento en que aparece una antigua compañera de trabajo que está comprometida con Kirk.
The Affairs of Martha
Justin Peacock Jr.
Members of a well-to-do small community become worried when it is revealed that one of their maids is writing a telling exposé.
Whispering Ghosts
Jonathan Flack
A detective (Milton Berle) who solves cases on the radio investigates the decade-old murder of a sea captain.
The Bashful Bachelor
Cedric Wiehunt
Lum Edwards is annoyed with his partner in Pine Ridge's Jot-'em-Down general store, Abner Peabody, because Abner has swapped their delivery car for a racehorse. Lum is also too timid to propose to Geraldine, so he involves Abner in a "rescue" effort which nearly gets both of them killed. They try again, and this time Geraldine is impressed. Lum writes a proposal note, but Abner, by mistake, delivers it to the Widder Abernathy, who has been ready to remarry for years. This puts Lum in a peck of trouble until the sheriff appears with the Widder's long-gone and hiding husband.
Dudes Are Pretty People
George Peyton
Western comedy about a cowhand falling in love with the pretty guest at a local dude ranch.
Four Jacks and a Jill
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Karanina "Nina" Novak, is befriended by Nifty, the leader of a four-piece orchestra, and in return, secures an engagement for them at the Little Aregal Cafe, with herself as the vocalist, by pretending she once knew the King or Aregal back in the old country. Steve shows up pretending to be the King of Aregal, and complicates the growing romance between Nina and Nifty. When Steve runs off with Opa, the real King of Aregal (also Steve) appears and complicates things again.
Cadet Girl
Elmer - Train Passenger (uncredited)
Un cadete de West Point se enamora de una chica que canta en la banda de su hermano. Deciden casarse, aunque ello signifique que ha de dejar la academia, pero cuando el hermano de su novia escribe una balada patriótica, comprenderá que el deber es más importante que el matrimonio...
Three Girls About Town
Meeting Doorman
Faith and Hope Banner, sisters, are "convention hostesses" in a hotel. A body is discovered next door as the magician's convention is leaving and the mortician's convention is arriving, and the sisters, with help from manager Wilburforce Puddle, try to hide it. Complicating matters, Hope's boyfriend, Tommy, is a newspaper reporter in the hotel covering some labor negotiations.
Papá se casa
Tailor Fitter
Una actriz famosa tiene que ganarse a una familia ya hecha cuando se casa con un magnate naviero.
Doctors Don't Tell
Dr. Piper
Dr. Ralph Snyder and Dr. Frank Blake open an office together but soon split over a rivalry for nightclub singer Diana Wayne and a difference over ethics.
Flying Blind
Chester Gimble
A spy steals a secret military device, then hijacks an airliner to get away. The airliner crashes in the wilderness & the survivors are threatened by a raging forest fire.
She Knew All the Answers
Chorus girl and rich playboy want to marry but he'll lose his fortune unless his trustee approves of his mate. So she goes to work in the trustee's brokerage firm under an assumed name to get on his good side but complications ensue.
Mr. District Attorney
Hat Salesman
An assistant prosecutor and his spunky friend investigate a suddenly hot case.
Detective a la fuerza
Og Oggilby
Divertida comedia, de la que W. C. Fields tuvo el control casi absoluto. Aparte de ser el protagonista, el actor firmó el guión con el curioso seudónimo de Mahatma Kane Jeeves. En realidad la trama es completamente disparatada, casi mera excusa para acumular gags sobre el personaje de Egbert Sousé, una especie de 'alter ego' de Fields, o al menos de la imagen que tenía de él el gran público. El actor da vida a un borrachín, que por casualidad detiene a un atracador de bancos. A partir de ahí nace una fulgurante carrera de detective, prácticamente a su pesar, pues él incluso intenta participar en una estafa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Too Many Girls
Football Coach
Mr. Casey's daughter, Connie, wants to go to Pottawatomie College and without her knowledge, he sends four football players as her bodyguards. The college is in financial trouble and her bodyguards use their salary to help the college. The football players join the college team, and the team becomes one of the best. One of the football players, Clint, falls in love with Connie, but when she discovers he is her bodyguard, she decides to go back East. The bodyguards follow her, leaving the team in the lurch.
Sky Murder
Buster - Chris' Boyfriend
This final Carter film is a lot of fun, with Nick (unwillingly, at first) taking on a ring of Fifth Columnists (since this was filmed before the US entered the war, we're not told the villains are Nazis, but it's pretty clear anyway). Of course, the helpful and persistent Bartholomew is at his side--much to Nick's irritation. To further complicate things--and to make them still funnier--Joyce Compton is along for the ride too, as a delightfully brainless "detective" named Christine Cross.
He Stayed for Breakfast
Set in Paris, this romantic comedy revolves around the beautiful estranged wife of a wealthy banker who hides a handsome and fiery Communist fugitive in her apartment.
Unidos por la fortuna
Ginger Rogers y Ronald Colman comparten un premio de un sorteo y se van de falsa luna de miel, con resultados perfectamente predecibles.
We Who Are Young
New Father (uncredited)
Cuando se casa, un hombre contraviene la política de su empresa.
Millionaires in Prison
Jock, Vander's Nephew (uncredited)
A crop of millionaire inmates struggle to get accustomed to prison life, while inmate Nick Burton watches out for everyone's interests on the inside.
Zona tórrida
El ejecutivo de una empresa frutera asentada en una República Bananera, Steve Case, harto de que los revolucionarios hostiguen sus plantaciones, decide contratar a Nick Butler para que restablezca el orden y las ganancias.
Millionaire Playboy
A young millionaire gets hiccups whenever he kisses a pretty woman.
City of Chance
R.O. Champion
Texas girl goes to New York, becomes a newspaper reporter, and tries to get her gambler boyfriend to come home.
Three Sons
A shop owner tries to interest his heirs in the family business.
Angels Wash Their Faces
A young man just released from a reformatory moves to a new neighborhood with his sister, intending to start a new life. However, he gets mixed up with the local mob boss and corrupt politicians and soon finds himself being framed for an arson and murder he didn't commit.
Dos mujeres y un amor
Paul Graham (uncredited)
Julie Eden (Carole Lombard), una joven viuda que tiene una hija, trabaja como dibujante publicitaria. Un día, conoce al rico y apuesto Alec Walker (Cary Grant), que está unido a la pérfida Maida (Kay Francis) por un matrimonio de conveniencia que lo hace muy desgraciado. La felicidad de Alec depende de conseguir el divorcio y casarse con Julie.
Naughty But Nice
Mr. Mankton (uncredited)
Donald Hardwick (Dick Powell) is a stuffed-shirt, classical music professor. His family and small-town music college that he works are of equal mindset. When Don visits his black-sheep aunt in New York in order to find a buyer for his Rhapsody he is exposed to her shocking swing music crowd. His life begins to make dramatic changes after drinking a "lemonade" that turns out to be a Hurricane.
En este mundo traidor
Lupton Peabody
El cliente de un detective es acusado de asesinato. El tipo acabará siendo condenado a la pena capital, y el detective a un año de prisión por ocultarle. Pero cuando le trasladan a la cárcel logra fugarse. Tratará de averiguar la verdad, aunque para ello tenga que actuar como un peligroso facineroso, reteniendo a una poetisa consigo. En realidad está más que claro que no es nada peligroso, pero por suerte para él la policía no demuestra demasiada pericia a la hora de capturarle.
Rejas humanas
Tras asesinar al alcaide, Wilson se escapa de la cárcel y se refugia con su banda en una cabaña, donde se encuentra el doctor Shelby, que tendrá que utilizar todos sus recursos como psiquiatra para intentar dominar la violencia del gángster.
They Made Her a Spy
Quiet Man on Train
When her brother is killed by sabotage, Irene Eaton (Sally Eilers) joins the secret service and goes undercover to unroot the culprits.
The Flying Irishman
Clothing Store Sales Clerk
This is the story of the historic 1938 flight of Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan. Mr. Corrigan starred in this film, which chronicled his infamous flight. On July 17, 1938, Mr. Corrigan loaded 320 gallons of gasoline (40 hours worth) into the tiny, single engine plane. While expressing his intent to fly west to Long Beach, CA, Mr. Corrigan flew out of Floyd Bennett Field heading east over the Atlantic. Instrumentation in the plane included two compasses (both malfunctioned) and a turn-and-bank indicator. The cabin door was held shut with baling wire. Nearly 29 hours later, he landed in Baldonnel near Dublin. He forever claimed to be surprised at arriving in Ireland rather than California. He returned to the US as a hero, with a ticker tape parade in New York and received numerous medals and awards.
Three Smart Girls Grow Up
Clarence, a Guest
Three sisters who believe life is going to be easy, now that their parents are back together, until one sister falls in love with another's fiancé, and the youngest sister plays matchmaker.
Blondie Meets the Boss
Camera Store Clerk (uncredited)
Dagwood inadvertently gets cornered in to resigning. When his wife Blondie tries to ask Dagwoods boss Mr. Dithers for his job back, he ends up hiring her instead. This doesn't sit too well with Dagwood. Blondie's sister comes to visit, and Dagwood is put in a compromising situation with another woman.
A mí no me engaña nadie
Chester Dalrymple
El señor Whipsnade dirige un circo de mala muerte y vive abrumado por las deudas. Además, los artistas sólo le crean problemas, y sólo puede permitirse enviar a sus hijos a un colegio pésimo. Su hija Vicky rechaza a un pretendiente fastidioso pero muy rico. Sin embargo, cuando se entera de las graves dificultades económicas de su padre cambia de idea.
Hard to Get
Stanley Potter
Cuando la mimada y rica heredera Maggie Richards intenta poner gasolina en un camping dirigido por Bill Davis, éste la obliga a pagar la deuda haciendo las camas. Con ánimo vengativo, ella finge perdonarle y le envía a su padre para que financie un plan de Bill. Lo que ocurre a continuación no formaba parte de su plan original...
Ocho mujeres y un crimen
Secretary to District Attorney
Melsa Manton, una jovencita de clase alta, descubre una noche, en una casa deshabitada, un cadáver. Pero cuando llega la policía, el cuerpo ha desaparecido. Al día siguiente, un diario publica la noticia, tomando por una bromista contumaz a Melsa, quien no duda en poner un pleito al autor del artículo, Peter Ames. Deseando demostrar la verdad, Melsa y su grupo de inseparables amigas empiezan a investigar el caso. Un segundo cadáver, éste nada escurridizo, no tarda en aparecer. Los meandros de la investigación son cada vez más espesos. Y entre dudas, sospechas y amenazas, Peter Ames y Melsa Manton empiezan a constatar que del odio al amor hay sólo un minúsculo paso.
A Man to Remember
Raymond (uncredited)
On the day of his funeral, a dedicated smalltown doctor is remembered by his neighbors and patients.
Three Loves Has Nancy
George Wilkins, Jr.
A small-town country homebody goes to New York to find her missing fiancé and gets romantically involved with two sophisticated men.
Having Wonderful Time
Teddy Shaw, a bored New York office girl, goes to a camp in the Catskill Mountains for rest and finds Chick Kirkland.
Ardid Femenino
El profesor universitario Peter Morgan se encuentra a su primo Keith totalmente ebrio en un club nocturno, por lo que tiene que avisar a su madre. Durante la espera, Peter ve cantar a Francey y, automáticamente, se queda prendado de ella. De forma impulsiva, Peter y Francey se casan y cogen un tren para ir a ver al padre de él. Pero Peter teme la reacción de su conservadora familia y convencerá a su primo para que se haga pasar por la pareja de Francey.
Joy of Living
Florist (Uncredited)
Falling in love with the voice of Broadway chanteuse Margaret Garret, cocksure young tycoon Daniel Brewster decides to rescue the star from her hectic lifestyle of frenzied fans and mooching relatives. When Margaret has her ardent suitor arrested, the judge appoints her as Daniel's probation officer, forcing the duo to spend time together. As Daniel teaches Margaret to let her hair down and enjoy life, she begins to fall for her fun-loving admirer.
Love Takes Flight
A commercial pilot romances both a Hollywood actress and a female aviator. 1937.
Damas del teatro
Un grupo de chicas, unidas por el mismo deseo de triunfar en el teatro, conviven en una residencia regentada por antiguas actrices, las cuales muestran su entusiasmo y envidia al mismo tiempo ante el futuro que espera a sus pupilas. Algunas logran alcanzar el éxito, pero otras no tendrán más remedio que olvidar sus sueños y volver al pueblo del que partieron un día.
Behind the Mike
Curly Conway
Complications ensue after a radio producer insults a sponsor.
Dangerous Holiday
A young violin prodigy is assumed kidnapped after he runs away from home.
Turn Off the Moon
Truelove Spencer
Department store owner J. Elliott Dinwiddy has waited ten years for the perfect astrological moment to propose to his secretary, Myrtle Tweep. His astrological advisor, Dr. Wakefield, has told him that if he can unite a boy and a girl in true love before midnight, he can propose to Myrtle the following night at 3:15 a.m. and she will accept. Fate brings unemployed dancer Caroline Wilson into the music department of Dinwiddy's, where she meets handsome songwriter Terry Keith. Keith has been writing music for Dinwiddy's Silver Jubilee show and has allowed Dinwiddy's nephew, Truelove Spencer, to take all the credit. That night, Terry comes into Dinwiddy's to work on the music and finds Caroline asleep in the Honeymoon Cottage, the section of the department store Spencer supervises. Posing as a man named "Pinky," Dinwiddy promises Caroline that Spencer will hire her as the bride of the Honeymoon Cottage and invites her to live there.
We Have Our Moments
Clem Porter
A trio of American crooks board a ship bound for Europe, intending to get rid of $100,000 in stolen dough. With detective John Wade breathing down their necks, the crooks stash the loot in the trunk belonging to vacationing schoolmarm Mary Smith.
Waikiki Wedding
Everett Todhunter
Tony Marvin is a laid back but incredibly successful promoter and fair-haired boy for J. P. Todhunter's pineapple company located in beautiful Hawaii. He gets the company to sponsor a contest in which the winner gets a Hawaiian vacation and is obligated to write articles on the islands which, when published, will constitute a publicity coup for the company. Unfortunately, Georgia Smith, the winner, feels lonely and isolated in the Islands and wants to return to the States. With help from buddy Shad Buggle Tony tries to romantically divert Georgia without letting her know his true motivation.
She's Dangerous
Drunk at Nightclub Bar
A beautiful woman suspected of being a jewel thief is actually a detective tracking down a ring of bond thieves.
Two Minutes to Play
Hank Durkee
Martin Granville Jr., a star track-and-field athlete, has intentions of going to Claxton College, but changes his mind when he meets Pat Meredith, a co-ed at a rival college, changes his mind team and goes to college there, just as his father Martin Granville Sr., an alum of the school, had wished. But his father has ordered him not to play football. "Dad" Granville, has offered a $100,000 endowment to his old school, not knowing his son has joined the football team, but is going to withdraw it if his son plays in the Big Game against Claxton.
Locuras de estudiantes
Mortimer Higgins
El equipo de fútbol de un pequeño pueblo de Texas deberá enfrentarse al prestigioso equipo de Yale.
Valiant Is the Word for Carrie
Mat Burdon
Carrie Snyder is a prostitute, who is forced out of the fictional southern town of Crebillon, after forming a friendship with a young boy named Paul, whose dying mother is unable to protest against her son visiting such a woman. After Carrie has left town Paul runs away from his abusive father, and meets a girl named Lady who has run away from a burning trainwreck, not wanting to go back to the people she was with. Carrie comes back for Paul and ends up taking Paul and Lady to New York with her.
King of the Royal Mounted
RCMP Const. Slim Callum
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sergeant King protects a girl who has come to claim a mine left by her father. An evil lawyer plans to keep the mine for himself.
Al servicio de las damas
Charlie Van Rumple (uncredited)
Una alocada chica de la alta sociedad, su hermana y sus ricos amigos se divierten con un extravagante juego de caza que consiste en recoger todo tipo de desechos. En un lugar del East River, zona azotada por la Gran Depresión, encuentran a Godfrey, un ingenioso y mordaz vagabundo. Este curioso personaje acompaña a las hermanas a una fiesta, donde pronuncia un discurso sobre el carácter inhumano del juego. Después acepta trabajar como mayordomo en la casa familiar. En realidad, Godfrey esconde un secreto sobre su pasado.
Palm Springs
A gambler in need of cash plots a romance between his daughter and a wealthy Englishman. The daughter, however, has plans of her own.
Dr. Socrates
Grocery Clerk
Dr. Socrates gave up his brilliant career as surgeon in a prominent hospital because his betrothed died under his knife. He is now a struggling doctor in a small town that has a gangster's hideout.
Sueños de juventud
Frank Dowling
En una familia de clase humilde, el padre y el hijo están satisfechos y se conforman con trabajar en una tienda; en cambio, la madre y la hija no dejan de urdir toda clase de estratagemas para intentar subir socialmente. Cuando la hija conoce al hombre de sus sueños, la madre arrastra al padre hacia un peligroso negocio, y planea impresionar al chico con una cena. (FILMAFFINITY)
Man on the Flying Trapeze
Claude Neselrode
Hard-working, henpecked Ambrose Ambrose Wolfinger takes off from work to go to a wrestling match with catastrophic consequences.
A Night at the Biltmore Bowl
Grady Sutton
Join vocalists broadcasting from the Biltmore Bowl in Los Angeles.
Stone of Silver Creek
In perhaps the most tranquil B-Western of the 1930s, Buck Jones, who also produced, plays the tough but goodhearted proprietor of the Bonanza, the only gambling establishment in otherwise God-fearing Silver Creek. Noel Francis, who used to play blonde schemers in Warner Bros. gangster films, earns second billing as the casino's equally goodhearted chanteuse.
Grady / Millicent
When Dorothy jilts her fiancee, he tries to make her jealous by getting a friend of his to dress like a woman and pose as his new girlfriend.
Peter Dover
A romance between two young lovers is complicated by their prohibitive parents.
Hollywood Trouble
Marvin Guppy
An oil-rich rube who aspires to stardom is bilked by a phony acting school.
The Dancing Millionaire
Ronnie Graff - the Dancing Millionaire
The Blondes and Redheads series: To prove his sophistication, a brutish gangster enlists the girls' help in winning a dancing competition
Gridiron Flash
Pudge Harrison
A college football team recruits a tough convict.
Contented Calves
Grady Sutton - Attorney at Law
An add campaign for stockings embarrasses the girls.
Bachelor Bait
Don Belden / Diker
After being fired from his job at the Marriage License Bureau, a clerk turns to matchmaking.
Rough Necking
The Blondes and Redheads series, June's father forbids her to see her boyfriend, so she sneaks him into the house disguised as a woman. One of her father's friends, however, falls in love with the mysterious young "woman".
The Undie-World
A gangster is smitten with the two girls in the next apartment. With the help of his violinist friend he gets acquainted with the girls by posing as a musician.
Bridal Bail
When a theater offers a free wedding to a couple, confusion reigns.
Walking Back Home
Grady Fleetwood
Two drive in waitresses try to find a wealthy boyfriend.
Parece que fue ayer
Charlie Smith (Uncredited)
Película inspirada en la novela de Stefan Zweig “Carta de una desconocida”. La protagonista es una mujer que es seducida en dos ocasiones por el mismo hombre, sin que éste la reconozca la segunda vez.
The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi
A campus flirt who has been "pinned" by most of the boys of Sigma Chi fraternity falls for a no-nonsense athlete who doesn't have time for such diversions as women.
Ace of Aces
Party Guest with Newspaper (uncredited)
A sculptor who doesn't want to have any part of World War I is shamed by his girlfriend into joining the army. He becomes a fighter pilot, and undergoes a complete personality change.
Flirting in the Park
A day at the park starts out well when two couples enter a boat race, but things start going south when the boys lose their shirts and one of the girls loses her dress.
College Humor
Timid Freshman
Un profesor y la estrella del equipo de fútbol americano se enamoran de la misma chica.
The Story of Temple Drake
Bob (uncredited)
The coquettish granddaughter of a respected small-town judge is stranded at a bootleggers’ hide-out, subjected to an act of nightmarish sexual violence, and plunged into a criminal underworld that threatens to swallow her up completely.
Uncle Jake
The Pharmacist
Cuthbert Smith
Un farmacéutico calzonazos, acosado por su regañona esposa, una familia disfuncional y la exigente clientela, mantiene su paciencia y estoico optimismo bebiendo martinis con frecuencia. Su esposa y sus ensimismadas hijas muestran poco aprecio por sus esfuerzos por mantener su precario negocio con la venta de licor de contrabando por debajo del mostrador, a pesar de las sospechas del sheriff local.
Don't Play Bridge With Your Wife
Baker's Rival Suitor
A Mack Sennett-produced sound short about couples playing bridge through the ages.
Sábado de juerga
Tras una fuerte discusión con Bill Fadden, su novio de toda la vida, Ruth Brock lo deja plantado y se pasa toda la tarde con Romer Sheffield, un apuesto joven que conoce casualmente en la calle. Algún tiempo después, cuando, solucionados los problemas, Bill y Ruth están a punto de casarse, el fantasma de esa tarde reaparece. Tanto Bill como sus familiares y amigos creen que Ruth ese día le fue infiel. Al extenderse ese rumor, Ruth pierde incluso su trabajo. Entonces la joven decide buscar a Romer para que sea él quien explique lo que pasó de verdad esa maldita tarde. Solo así podrá lavar su reputación.
Man Afraid of Mice (Uncredited)
Harold Hall (Harold Lloyd), un joven sin ninguna habilidad ni talento como actor, quiere desesperadamente, actuar en una película. Así que marcha a Hollywood y se presenta a numerosos castings, donde ocasiona todo tipo de dificultades y problemas.
El abuelo de la criatura
The Wrong Eddie
Mientras Laurel y Hardy luchan en el frente durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), un buen amigo suyo resulta gravemente herido y, antes de morir, les pide que busquen a su hija y la lleven a casa de sus abuelos; pero la misión resultará más difícil de lo previsto. En su segundo largometraje, Laurel y Hardy se propusieron suavizar con unas pinceladas de humor un asunto tan serio como la guerra.
Wild Babies!
Songwriter Alabam' Sutton
Two aspiring songwriters have a weird nightmare about the jungle.
Too Many Women
College baseball player Mickey Daniels can't keep his mind on the game when he's got an eye for the ladies.
You're Telling Me
Alabam Sutton
In this The Boy Friends series short, college students Mickey and Alabam stay at a city friend's place for what they tell him will be one night - though it stretches into several months.
The Knockout
When Mickey accidentally knocks out a local boxing champ, he is forced to take the fighter's place in a bout.
Love Pains
Mickey and Grady are left behind when a new kid comes to town and all the girls fall for him.
This Reckless Age
Stepladder Schultz
Donald Ingals and his wife Eunice are conventional and loving parents who are shocked when their son Bradley comes home from college with ideas that they consider to be outrageous. His parents would like him to get involved with Mary Burke, a prim and proper young lady. More complications ensue because Bradley's sister Lois is attracted to the flapper lifestyle, but she isn't sure whether she can handle its emotional demands.
The Kick-Off!
Gangsters kidnap the team's football coach in order to throw the game; Grady and Mickey try to win the game.
Mama Loves Papa
Widow Martha and widower Brandon plan to marry; their teenaged children do their slapstick best to interfere. One of "The Boy Friends" series.
Call a Cop!
The boyfriends rush into action when the girlfriends think there's a burglar in the house.
The college aerial club is at the airfield to inaugurate a new glider. Alabam gets a lot of teasing for being a "land lizard," never wanting to fly. Mary takes him aside to boost his spirits and offers to take his photo if he'll sit on a glider parked nearby. Dave is ready to take the club's glider up, but Mickey hooks the wrong rope to his car and pulls Alabam into the air. He hasn't a clue what to do; below, Mickey and Dave try to shout instructions while the glider's owner gives chase. What goes up . . .
Love Fever
An actress is rehearsing a death scene in her apartment, but her neighbors all think it's the real thing.
High Gear
The gang is out for a drive on a Sunday afternoon. When it starts to rain, they take shelter in an abandoned building. Unbeknownst to them, it is actually a gangster's hideout.
Blood and Thunder
Alabam (uncredited)
Mickey overhears the gang rehearsing a play and thinks it's real.
Ladies Last
The boys boycott the girls when they insist that the boys wear tuxedos to a big dance.
Bigger and Better
Grady 'Alabam' Sutton
On the train trip home from school, all the kids except Dave talk about taking a vacation trip to Lake Arrowhead; Dave wants a summer job. Alabam suggests that his uncle might hire Dave at a department store. The uncle likes Dave's attitude and tells Alabam and Mickey they should work there too. Reluctantly, Alabam takes a sales assignment in ladies' accessories, where he's charming but clueless. Mickey, lazy and on the take, sees the store detective helping himself to a chocolate bar, so he wants that job. Dave learns the hard way that the customer is always right, Mickey puts the cuffs on the wrong customer, and Lake Arrowhead looks very far away.
Doctor's Orders
Alabam is lovesick. He tells Mickey how he can't get close to the girl of his dreams; he's overheard by Dave, a smooth operator, who insists that Alabam leave everything to him. He contrives to have Alabam and Mickey wreck Alabam's car in the girl's front yard, then he arrives, posing as a doctor, asking the residents of the house if they'll let the injured boy come inside while the doctor examines him. Meanwhile, Mickey gets a look at the girl's cousin and feigns injury so that now both lads are in beds upstairs while Dave, the doctor, conjures foul-tasting treatments. The fly in the ointment is the girl's crusty uncle, who may stand between the lads and their true loves.
Let's Go Native
Diner (uncredited)
The company of a musical comedy gets shipwrecked on a tropical island inhabited by a "king" from Brooklyn and his coterie of wild native girls.
Wild Company
Anita's Boyfriend
The son of a wealthy politician falls in with a notorious gangster planning to rob a night club.
So This Is College
Football Game Spectator (uncredited)
Biff y Eddie son amigos del alma, compañeros de la universidad y juegan en el equipo de fútbol americano. Hasta que aparece Babs, una hermosa muchacha, y se ponen a competir por ella.
¡Qué fenómeno!
Man at Party (silent version) (scenes deleted)
A gentle botany student has to toughen up to replace his father as chief of police.
Sailor's Holiday
Sailor Extra in Cafe (uncredited)
Sailors Pike and Shorty are on leave when a street woman swindles them out of some money by telling them she is looking for her long-lost brother, a sailor.
The Sophomore
Cupie - Freshman Fraternity Brother (uncredited)
Joe Collins (Eddie Quillan) arrives at Hanford College to begin his second year with $200 to pay his tuition, is enticed into a craps game, and loses all in this nostalgic slice of college, replete with songs, romance, prom dances and the inevitable big football game.
Why Be Good?
Guest at Junior's First Party (uncredited)
Un flapper con una dudosa reputación disfruta de una noche vivaz de baile y sin saber muy bien cómo se encuentra vinculada románticamente a su jefe.
El estudiante novato
Student Who Goes to Dean (uncredited)
Harold Lamb es un estudiante novato dispuesto a todo para hacerse popular en la universidad.
The Mad Whirl
Bit Part
A teenager with permissive parents gets too caught up in wild parties and the fast life.