Renata Rezende

Renata Rezende


Renata Rezende


The Awakener
Executive Producer
Miguel is a federal agent, highly trained and skilled in weapons. After experiencing trauma in his personal life, he sets out on a journey of revenge, assuming the identity of a masked vigilante. The Awakener decides to do justice with his own hands by exterminating corrupt politicians.
Meus 15 Anos
Executive Producer
A shy student suddenly becomes the center of attention when she wins a huge birthday party that she never asked for.
Internet - The Movie
Executive Producer
In a convention of youtubers, the characters enter into various conflicts since they are all in search of fame at any price.
Executive Producer
Carrossel 2: O Sumiço de Maria Joaquina
Executive Producer
Carrossel: O Filme
Executive Producer
El grupo de “Carrossel” (Carrusel) está de vacaciones de la Escuela Mundial y los amigos se reúnen en el campamento Panapaná, donde se embarcan en nuevas aventuras. Juntos, ellos vivieron días increíbles, participando en juegos y niñerías organizadas por el señor Campos, un viejito muy simpático, que hace todo para que los niños se diviertan al máximo. Mientras los niños se divierten, Gonzáles, funcionario de una empresa capitalista, aparece en el campamento con la misión de comprar el terreno para transformarlo en una fábrica que contamina. El villano pretende sabotear el Panapaná para obligar al señor Campos a cerrarlo, pero el hábil grupo de la Escuela Mundial se une para ponerse en el camino de sus planes y mantener el campamento funcionando.
Freedom Station
Production Manager
Mario Kubo is a quiet man. For many, he seems lost. Disconnected from the world around him, he is not doing well. On the days where we follow his life, he seems to undergo a fundamental transformation. Mario receives a letter from Japan with undecipherable content, since he doesn’t speak Japanese. Alone, he begins a journey after something that he is not quite sure what it is.