Vin Hawke

Vin Hawke


Vin Hawke


Ray (Philip Broadbent) is a washed-up musician with nearly nothing left to live for. Only the broken-down relationship with his daughter Joanna (Lydia Lakemoore) keeps him going. Plagued by insomnia Ray drinks to numb the flashbacks of another life; a life that had a future, where a daughter loved her father, where his wife lived on. Determined to change before he loses Joanna too, Ray takes Pandora, a mysterious sleeping pill from the dark web. It works. Then Ray wakes to a nightmare he could never have imagined. From the shadows of Ray's tormented life now come new demons. Demons that are not in his head. Demons that want revenge.
Spitfire Over Berlin
Agosto de 1944. Con la 8ª Fuerza Aérea Americana preparada para atacar sobre la Alemania Nazi, la Inteligencia Británica se entera de que podrían estar volando hacia una trampa mortal. Con solo horas de sobra, el teniente de vuelo Edward Barnes debe volar en una misión de vida o muerte sobre Berlín en su desarmado Spitfire para obtener pruebas fotográficas y salvar la vida de 1200 hombres.
Lancaster Skies
Thomas Mayfield
Douglas, un piloto solitario y atormentado, tendrá que superar su pasado para liderar al equipo de bombarderos Lancaster en la batalla aérea de Berlín, en 1944.
After a diamond heist goes fatally wrong, four criminals hide out in a disused building. As they wait for their boss to appear, they try to work out who is to blame.
The Drift
After the catastrophic Dark Wave damaged every faster-than-light crystal, leaving thousands of ships stranded and drifting, a small salvage vessel arrives at a spaceship graveyard. But the crew soon discover that not everything on this Drift is dead, and as the objective changes from salvage to survival, it emerges that one crew member has a secret agenda…
Kit Taylor
A shamed ex-freighter captain takes one last shot at redemption, only to find he is a puppet for a grander scheme.