Charles Waldron

Charles Waldron

Nacimiento : 1874-12-23, Waterford, New York, USA

Muerte : 1946-03-04


Charles Waldron


El sueño eterno
General Sternwood
El detective Philip Marlowe investiga qué ha ocurrido con un cadáver que ha sido rescatado en el muelle Lido. La familia que le ha contratado para resolver el caso tiene una hija muy atractiva de la que Marlowe se enamora sin remisión.
El castillo de Dragonwyck
Farmer (uncredited)
Año 1844. Miranda, la frágil e inocente hija de unos granjeros, es invitada a pasar una temporada en el castillo de Dragonwyck, donde vive un primo lejano de su madre, Nicholas Van Ryn, su esposa enferma y su hija. Miranda se enamora de Van Ryn, quien, al poco de enviudar, se casa con ella, pero entonces empiezan a salir a la luz turbios secretos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Blonde Alibi
Ship's Officer (Uncredited)
Soon after a young woman breaks off her engagement to a doctor, the doctor is found murdered. Suspicion falls on his ex-fiancé and a pilot with a checkered past.
Rapsodia en azul
Doctor (uncredited)
George Geshwin nació en Brooklyn en 1898. Sus padres compraron un piano para que recibiera lecciones a su hijo Ira, pero la llegada del instrumento a casa cambia totalmente los pensamientos de George, el más pequeño, que se siente atraído por el instrumento y por la música. A los dieciocho años es admitido por el célebre profesor Frank y tiene su primera oportunidad en un teatro de variedades de barrio, pero allí sus composiciones no son apreciadas...
Mademoiselle Fifi
The Curé of Cleresville
1870. En la Francia ocupada durante la Guerra Franco-prusiana, una joven lavandera comparte un coche con varias personas de rango superior. Pero cuando uno de los oficiales prusianos requisa el carruaje, las distintas categorías sociales entran en juego dejando a un lado los valores tales como la integridad moral y la ética. La lavandera, llamada Mademoiselle Fifi por uno de los más brutales oficiales, les hará frente para intentar detenerles en sus arrogantes y despóticos actos contra el humillado pueblo francés.
The Adventures of Mark Twain
Dr. Quintard (uncredited)
A dramatised life of Samuel Langhorn Clemens, or Mark Twain.
La canción de Bernadette
Bishop of Tarbes (uncredited)
Historia de Bernadette Soubirous (Jennifer Jones) y el misterio de la aparición de la Virgen en Lourdes (Francia) en 1858. Cuando a Bernadette, una niña asmática, se le aparece la Señora vestida de blanco, cambia sustancialmente la vida del pueblo de Massadiel, donde surge un manantial cuyas aguas curan a los peregrinos enfermos. Estos hechos serán exhaustivamente investigados por la Iglesia, los médicos y toda suerte de expertos.
Niebla en el pasado
Mr. Lloyd
Un militar británico que padece amnesia (Colman) se fuga de un hospital psiquiátrico y conoce a Paula (Garson), una mujer con la que emprende una nueva vida: se casa y prueba fortuna como escritor. Después de varios años de feliz convivencia, un día, viaja a Liverpool para intentar vender una de sus obras; allí sufre un accidente de tráfico, que le permite recuperar los recuerdos del pasado, pero se olvida completamente de su esposa.
The Gay Sisters
Mr. Van Rennseler
The eldest (Barbara Stanwyck) of three sisters protects their Fifth Avenue mansion from a developer (George Brent) she once married.
Thru Different Eyes
Doctor Whittier
A celebrated district attorney reflects on the way circumstantial evidence impacted a famous murder case.
Rise and Shine
The college president, the head cheerleader and a gambling gangster try to keep a flunking football star in the game
Three Sons o' Guns
Henry Gresham
Three reckless brothers dodge the draft then sign up and become men.
The Nurse's Secret
Dr. Stewart
An apparent suicide by a rich woman leads her nurse and a policeman to an insurance scam.
El diablo burlado
Un magnate se encubre para buscar agitadores en una tienda por departamentos, pero se involucra en sus vidas.
The Case of the Black Parrot
Paul Vantine
Sandy Vantine and her uncle, Paul Vantine, return from Europe with an antique cabinet purchased during their trip. Jim Moore, a reporter who had met Sandy and fallen for her during the voyage, suspects something odd about the cabinet. His suspicions are confirmed when people who have touched the cabinet mysteriously die. Jim and Sandy set out to solve the mystery before anyone else can become a victim.
El hijo de Montecristo
Kurt Mirbach
La Gran Duquesa se dirige a París para conseguir ayuda de Napoleón. El General Gurko Lanen está intentando hacerse con el control de su país y envía a las tropas tras la Duquesa para evitar que llegue hasta él. Gurko fuerza a La Duquesa a un matrimonio de conveniencia. Ya en el altar, Edmund Dantes reaparece lanzándose sobre Gurko, al no estar de acuerdo con dicho matrimonio.
Street of Memories
Richard Havens
Joe Mason suffers from amnesia and is often in trouble. Catherine Foster befriends him and they marry. After a fight remembers that he is the son of a rich businessman from Chicago, but he can't remember anything recent.
Doctor Hughes
A courageous doctor braves a fierce blizzard in the Canadian wilderness to save a remote community from a deadly epidemic. He has come North to visit and ends up stealing a wife from her husband. When the epidemic hits, he and the wife begin their arduous journey.
El extraño del tercer piso
District Attorney
El testimonio de un periodista sirve para llevar a un joven a la silla eléctrica. El reportero, torturado por las dudas acerca de su culpabilidad, cae en una telaraña de falsas pruebas que le señalan, ahora a él, como presunto autor de un nuevo crimen...
Rutas infernales
Dr. William Thorpe
El Dr. Braun, cirujano vienés, y su hija Leni llegan a un pequeño pueblo de Dakota del Norte como refugiados escapando de Hitler. Cuando los vientos del Dust Bowl amenazan el pueblo, John Phillips lidera a sus habitantes en su viaje a Oregon en busca de pastos más verdes. Philips se enamora de Leni, pero ella ya está comprometida con el hombre que los ayudó en su huida del Tercer Reich. Leni tendrá que optar por uno de los dos.
Edison, el hombre
First Commissioner
Mediante flashback, un Edison de 82 años narra su vida desde su llegada a Nueva York con 22 años, cuando ya empezó a hacer sus pinitos en el mundo de la invención.
Dr. Kildare's Strange Case
Dr. 'Egghead' Squires, Messinger Inst.
Kildare tries brain surgery, advised by Dr. Gillespie, and faces a rival for nurse Lamont.
And One Was Beautiful
Stephen Harridge
A teenager falls hard for an irresponsible playboy.
Women Without Names
Curtis Lawson
Joyce and Fred MacNeil's honeymoon comes to an abrupt and unsatisfying halt when Fred is accused of murder. Railroaded into prison through the efforts of politically ambitious assistant DA Marlin, Fred awaits his doom on Death Row, while Joyce works overtime on the outside to clear her husband's name
Recuerdo de una noche
Judge in New York
Justo antes de Navidad, la joven Lee Leander (Barbara Stanwyck) es arrestada por el robo de una joya y es procesada por el fiscal John Sargent (Fred McMurray) pero el juicio se pospone hasta después de Navidad. Sargent acaba sintiendo pena por ella y decide llevarsela con él a casa de su madre. Después de pasar unos dias juntos, ámbos se enamoran, pero les surge un nuevo problema, como solventar el asunto de la justicia.
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Father O'Reilly
Thou Shalt Not Kill (1939)
The Monroe Doctrine
President James Monroe
The story of President Monroe's response to attempts by Spain to interfere in South America.
La jungla en armas
The Padre
Filipinas 1906. Trás la derrota de los españoles, el ejército norteamericano se ha asentado en Filipinas. El destacamento de la población de Mysang debe hacer frente a las huestes rebeldes del caudillo musulmán Alipang. Este envía "juramentados" para asesinar a los oficiales. El médico, teniente Canavan, se enfrentará a los "juramentados", a una epidemia de colera, a las insidias y traiciones de Datu, un jefecillo que finge ser aliado, y al ataque de los moros insurrectos.
On Borrowed Time
Reverend Murdock
Young Pud is orphaned and left in the care of his aged grandparents. The boy and his grandfather are inseparable. Gramps is concerned for Pud's future and wary of a scheming relative who seeks custody of the child. One day Mr. Brink, an agent of Death, arrives to take Gramps "to the land where the woodbine twineth." Through a bit of trickery, Gramps confines Mr. Brink, and thus Death, to the branches of a large apple tree, giving Gramps extra time to resolve issues about Pud's future.
Thad Goodwin - 1938
Peter Goodwin es el patriarca de una familia que odia a los Dillon desde que ambos clanes se enfrentaron en la Guerra Civil; pero surge un pequeño problema cuando su sobrina Sally (Loretta Young) se enamora de Jack, el hijo de los Dillon (Richard Greene). Además, para echar más leña al fuego en este romance imposible, Jack ayuda a Sally a formarse como jinete y participar en el derby de Kentucky.
Maria Antonieta
Swedish Ambassador (uncredited)
Siglo XVIII. La princesa de Austria María Antonieta (Shearer) se casa con el delfín de Francia, Luis XVI (Morley), un hombre tan retraído que su relación con la joven es puramente formal. Antonieta se dejará fascinar por las fiestas de París y derrochará el dinero a manos llenas, aunque esta situación no durará mucho. Un drama de época que obtuvo 4 nominaciones a los Oscar: Actriz principal (Norma Shearer), actor secundario (Robert Morley), banda sonora y dirección artística.
They're Always Caught
Mayor Fletcher
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short shows the role the crime laboratory plays in the solving of cases, and how even the smallest detail can become a major clue.
Cadetes del mar
Cmdr. Carter
Tres jóvenes que ingresan por distintos motivos en la Academia Naval comparten su afición por el fútbol americano, lo que ayuda a cimentar su amistad.
Madame X
President of Court
An alcoholic woman was charged and tried for murder and a young defense attorney, unaware that she is his mother, takes the assignment to defend her in court.
My Dear Miss Aldrich
Mr. Warfield
A la muerte del propietario de un periódico de Nueva York, hereda el negocio su pariente más próximo, Martha Aldrich, una profesora de Nebraska. Aunque desconoce el negocio, decide intentar tomar las riendas.
It's All Yours
Alexander Duncan
Jimmy Barnes arrives from Europe to be educated by his multi-millionaire uncle, Edward J. Barnes and in five years the extravagant escapes of Jimmy, now a lawyer, are the talk of San Francisco. Linda Gray is a mouse-like secretary to the elder Barnes who has fallen in love with Jimmy, but he favors actress Constance "Connie" Marlowe. Mr. Barnes dies and leaves everything to Linda but he has urged his partner, Alexander Duncan, to plan things so that Jimmy and Linda will get married. Coached by Duncan, Linda accepts the inheritance and announces that she is departing for New York on a wild spending spree. He tells Jimmy that the will can be broken but only after many months and he suggests that Jimmy follow Linda and curb her spending or there won't be any money left. In New York, Linda hires Jimmy as her private secretary. Connie also arrives in New York, as does the ingenious Baron Rene de Montigny with the intention of marrying the wealthy Miss Gray.
Escape by Night
Pop Adams
Runyonesque crooks on the lam hide out on blind man's pastoral farm and decide to go straight.
El secreto del candelabro
Dr. Malchor, a Conspirator
Un agente secreto polaco y una agente secreta rusa se infiltran en la Nobleza mientras llevan a cabo sus planes. Pero tras conocerse, se acabarán enamorando.
A Doctor's Diary
Dr. Ellery Stanwood (as Charles D. Waldron)
A Doctor's Diary is told through the eyes of Dr. Dan Norris (John Trent), resident physician in a private hospital. In his search for a cure for spinal meningitis, Norris recklessly runs roughshod over the feelings of his colleagues. The doctor's older, wiser supervisor, Dr. Clem Driscoll (George Bancroft), tries to curb Norris' impatience, pointing out that nothing takes place overnight. Angrily, Norris accuses Driscoll of malpractice and is forced to resign from the clinic -- just when a meningitis epidemic breaks out.
Career Woman
Milt Clark
A young woman graduates from a New York City law school, returns to her small hometown, and finds her first case is defending a childhood friend accused of murder. Director Lewis Seiler's 1936 courtroom drama stars Claire Trevor, Isabel Jewell, Michael Whalen, Gene Lockhart, Eric Linden, Charles Middleton, Edward Brophy, Kathleen Lockhart, Guinn Williams, El Brendel, Sterling Holloway, Ray Brown, Howard Hickman, Frank McGlynn Sr., Charles Waldron Sr., Spencer Charters and Eily Malyon.
El jardín de Alá
Abbe of Monastery (uncredited)
Domini es una mujer joven y atractiva que empieza una nueva vida en Argelia tras la muerte de su padre. Allí conoce a Boris, con el que se casa sin saber que éste esconde un oscuro secreto; su huida de un monasterio después de ordenar los votos como sacerdote. Este pasado inconfesable atormenta a Boris..
Dr. Weaver
Half-Indian girl brought up in a wealthy household is loved by the son of the house against his family's wishes and loves another Indian employed by the household.
The Great Impersonation
Sir Ivan Brunn
The second of the three film versions of the E. Phillips Oppenheim espionage thriller set largely in an old dark house where a tremulous wife wonders if her husband is really his double, a dastardly German spy.
Crimen y castigo
University president
Considerado un estudiante prometedor de la mente criminal, la carrera como criminólogo de Roderick Raskolnikov (Peter Lorre) se ve puesta en peligro por la implacable pobreza de su familia. Con su madre, hermana y novia Sonya (Marian Marsh) muriéndose de hambre poco a poco, vende el reloj de su padre a la maliciosa dueña de una casa de empeños (la Sra. Patrick Campbell). Después de volver para robarla y asesinarla, Raskolnikov, seguro de que puede escapar a la detención, se ofrece voluntario para ayudar al inspector de Policía Porfiry (Edward Arnold) a resolver el crimen.
Mary Burns, Fugitive
District Attorney
A young woman who owns a coffee shop falls for a handsome young customer, unaware that he is a gangster.
Wanderer of the Wasteland
Mr. Virey
Adam Larey becomes a fugitive from justice when he escapes after being blamed for a crime he did not commit. He wanders into the desert wastelands and joins an outlaw gang who prey on gold prospectors. Years later, he meets his wife and her gold-prospecting father as they have come there seeking their fortune, and not knowing the danger of the treacherous desert wastes, the poisoned-water holes and the outlaw bands of marauders who roam the desert in search of the gold found by others. He comes to their aid and, eventually, manges to clear his name of the false charge against him.
Everyman's Price
Bruce Steele
The story of Ethel Armstrong and her father Henry looking forward to her marriage to the ambitious attorney Bruce Steele. Bruce is elected district attorney and goes after a group of food profiteers. Ethel breaks the engagement when her father falls under suspicion as one of the food hoarders.
The Thief
Andrew Vantyne
Silent film comedy drama..
David Hardy
A lost film. Esmeralda, a simple farm girl is in love with country boy David, but her mother yearns for a high society city life. Ore is discovered on their farm and the money rolls in. The family is packed up and moved to the big city where Esmeralda is forced into an engagement with a wealthy Count. Suddenly the ore is depleted and a fresh supply is discovered on David's farm. Much to the delight of Esmeralda, her impending marriage to the Count is off and her mother happily consents to a marriage between Esmeralda and David.
Big Noise Hank
Julius Jones
Hank Rouser, "Big Noise Hank," as a daring stranger had called him, was mad clear through. Julius Jones had faithfully promised to return that $500 after thirty days, and now it was long past due, and not even a line from Mr. Jones. So after a little friendly persuasion, in which Hank's six-shooter was brought into prominence, the bar was effectively cleared of its patrons, despite the protests of the barkeeper, and the bully sat down to dispatch a few terse sentences to his tardy friend, upon the receipt of which, Julius, with the aid of Caleb, his old family servant, quickly packed his traveling bag and started on a little journey, which he wrote to H. Rouser, would surely keep him away several months. (Moving Picture World)