Sébastien Drouin


Cold Meat
Digital Colorist
David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outside. How will he survive?
Cold Meat
Visual Effects Supervisor
David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outside. How will he survive?
Cold Meat
Executive Producer
David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outside. How will he survive?
Cold Meat
David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outside. How will he survive?
Cold Meat
David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outside. How will he survive?
Cold Meat
Original Concept
David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outside. How will he survive?
Cold Meat
David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outside. How will he survive?
El león duerme esta noche
Visual Effects Supervisor
Esta película cuenta la historia de Jean, un actor que vive en el pasado y que se instala de forma clandestina en una casa abandonada en la que vivió su antiguo gran amor llamado Juliette. Al mismo tiempo, una banda de niños locales, aprendices de cineastas, descubren el hogar, la decoración perfecta de su próxima película de terror.
Paris Under Watch
Visual Effects Supervisor
Unos días antes de la elección presidencial, un atentado terrorista tiene lugar en la estación Austerlitz de París con el saldo de varias personas muertas. Un hacker, violando el acceso a un servidor anónimo, extrae un vídeo captado por una cámara de vigilancia. En él se ve a un hombre que deja un paquete explosivo y a dos personas aparentemente cómplices. El hacker navega con la ayuda de su PC entre cámaras de videovigilancia públicas o privadas y cámaras web para llevar adelante su investigación sobre el atentado y los terroristas.
Babylon A.D.
Sequence Supervisor
Tras la caída de las instituciones mundiales más importantes, la humanidad vive en un estado de anarquía total. El aventurero y mercenario Hugo Cornelius Toorop recibe la misión de escoltar a una bella joven desde un remoto convento de Rusia hasta Nueva York. Cuanto más se acerca a su destino, más grande es su sospecha de que lo que debe proteger no es solo una simple muchacha.
Alejandro Magno
Visual Effects Supervisor
Fue muchas cosas para muchas personas: un apuesto rey guerrero lleno de la ambición, el coraje y la arrogancia de la juventud, encabezando a su pequeño ejército contra las gigantescas fuerzas persas… un hijo que buscaba desesperadamente la aprobación de su severo padre, endurecido por las batallas, y que se debatía entre su lealtad a éste y su amor por su madre… un conquistador despiadado que nunca perdió una batalla y empujó a sus soldados a los confines del mundo conocido… un visionario cuyos sueños, hazañas y destino dejaron huella a lo largo de la historia, ayudando a dar forma a nuestro mundo actual. Fue todo eso y más. Fue Alejandro Magno.
Dust City
A robot stranger walks into a saloon in a rough and desolate Wild West desert town and orders a drink. A menacing robot gunslinger then enters the saloon and challenges the stranger to a gunfight at high noon. But all does not go well for the challenger.