Aage Hollander


Lost Transport
Director of Photography
En la primavera de 1945, un tren que deporta a cientos de prisioneros judíos queda varado cerca de una pequeña aldea alemana ocupada por el Ejército Rojo. Condenados el uno al otro y en un contexto de profunda desconfianza, desesperación y venganza, surge una inesperada amistad entre la francotiradora rusa Vera, la pueblerina Winnie y la judía-holandesa Simone.
De Zitting
A popular prime minister candidate and a well-known thriller book writer face each other in court after she accuses him of sexual abuse just before the election.
Commandos: The Mission
Director of Photography
Six Dutch Commandos, commanded by John de Koning and stationed in Mali, are sent to Nigeria under American orders to free the son of a wealthy Nigerian oil family from Boko Haram rebels. When the team finds out that the man is not a hostage but actually working with the terrorists - and unexpectedly find themselves responsible for a group of teenage schoolgirls - the mission gets completely out of hand. Will John be able to keep his team together and to accomplish their mission?
So What Is Love
Director of Photography
Cato is given the opportunity to become a partner in a commercial office where there is a need for change. Cato seems to be the right person to teach the grumpy lawyers a bit of morale.
Coco has no idea what to do with her life until she discovers her mother is terminally ill. She wholeheartedly embraces this new purpose in life and moves in with her mother to take care of her, ignoring their distant relationship, as well as her mother's desire to die alone.
Director of Photography
Hassan and Mourad travel to Syria to search for their missing brother Yasin. As they try to follow Yasin’s trail through Jordan and Syria, Hassan and Mourad are involuntarily involved in the Syrian conflict. Will the brothers, despite the confrontation with the atrocities of the war, be brought closer together and the disintegrated family be reunited, or has the war wounded irreparable wounds?
Director of Photography
Cuenta la historia de Nena una chica de dieciséis años de edad, que se enfrenta al el intento de suicidio de su padre discapacitado. Al mismo tiempo ella se enamora perdidamente por primera vez en su vida de Carlo, cuyo padre se esta marginado a sí mismo. Lejos de los ojos indiscretas de los adultos - que luchan con los matrimonios fallidos, el florecimiento del amor y la decadencia física - empujan los límites de su amistad, el amor y la sexualidad. Pero mientras descubre su propia pasión por la vida, Nena se da cuenta de que la existencia de su padre se está convirtiendo cada vez más insoportable.
Friends Henderson and Morris are climbing a mountain, connected by a rope. They take an easy passage, but a loss of oversight leads to Henderson's fall. Morris cannot prevent falling too. Seconds later he finds himself hanging above an abyss, realizing the balance is unstable.
Stilte na de storm
Director of Photography
A woman answers the phone at night. She learns something terrible has happened to her boyfriend David in Phuket. Her world collapses. Stilte na de storm visualises that single brief moment between the nocturnal phone call and the confirmation of the dreaded message. In a stream of consciousness, emotions, memories and reality sweep through her like a storm, before she realises she has lost David. Only silence remains.