Danielle Lomas


Cruzando el límite
Epk Camera Operator
Max Lewinsky un detective de la policía de Londres, pierde la pista del peligroso criminal Jacob Sternwood al que sigue el rastro desde hace tiempo. Tres años después, no ha conseguido superador su fracaso. Sin embargo, cuando el hijo de Sternwood es detenido tras un atraco que ha salido mal, Lewinsky sabe que su presa volverá para rescatarlo.
True Love
Associate Producer
Resigned to a life of sadness and regret at his hideous treatment of his wife many years ago, Trevor, an aging ex-con, spends his lonely life walking his dog and staying out of trouble. One morning he stumbles upon Melissa, a woman desperate, afraid, and operating on a knife's edge of panic. She's killed her abusive husband and is frantically trying to bury him. Sizing up the situation, Trevor recognizes the pain in her eyes and sees a way to save Melissa, and to redeem himself in the process. But the price of freedom and redemption will be higher than either of them could have ever imagined...
The Dark Lurking
Still Photographer
The eight remaining survivors of a secret research facility barricade themselves away from a horde of ancient and deadly creatures
Dr. Tyson
Deanna, a young, pretty and upwardly mobile nurse is about to face the most difficult challenge of her life...Deciding whether five men should live or die. In a moment which would change her life forever, Deanna is brutally raped, but the pain she suffered is nothing compared to that which her five suspects are about to endure. One by one, Deanna avenges her rape. Do the men deserve the punishment she inflicts upon them, or the death they will soon desire? Only Deanna will decide who will survive and who gets Torched.