Frode Winther

Frode Winther


Frode Winther


La travesía
Segunda Guerra Mundial, diciembre de 1942, cuatro niños huyendo. Sarah y Daniel son judíos a punto de ser deportados, pero se esconden en el sótano de Otto y Gerda, hasta que los descubren y sus padres son arrestados. Con la misión de llegar a la lejana Suecia neutral emprenden para ello un viaje muy largo lleno de peligros.
A teenager's millionaire father goes bankrupt, and rumors about the girl's family finances make the school day a painful struggle.
Fountain of Youth
Olav Astrup is a failed entrepreneur in his mid-twenties who has recently been refused contact with his newborn child. Without family or any form of social network, he turns to an eccentric gestalt therapist for guidance, and through their unconventional therapy sessions we get a glimpse into his innermost thoughts and feelings.
Rebekka travels back to a hotel by the Norwegian fjords seeking revenge on the man who ruined her sister's life. Under false identity, she seeks out her deceased sister's violator and embeds herself into his idyllic family to destroy his life.
Kjell Alrich Schumann
Nokas es la historia de un robo que tuvo lugar en el servicio central bancario de la ciudad de Stavenger el 5 de Abril de 2004. La película sigue el desarrollo del atraco desde el inicio de ese día hasta el tiroteo que acabo con la vida del oficial Klungland. La historia está narrada centrándose en los detalles de la rutina cotidiana de la estación de policía, de la central del banco, y de los incautos transeúntes de la plaza de la catedral que pedían permiso a los atracadores, armados hasta los dientes, para poder cruzar con los carritos de los niños. Dirigida por el director de Insomnia, película en la que se basó Christopher Nolan para su largometraje Insomnio.
Royalteen: Princess Margrethe
The King
As last year's prom ended with major drama for princess Margrethe, she now has to carry the secret of what happened to her closely so as not to bring shame on the Norwegian royal family. When she hears news of the Danish royal family planning a visit, Margarethe sees this as an opportunity to finally meet prince Alexander that she's been chatting with for months. As family drama starts piling up for the Norwegian royal family, Margarethe has to find her footing not only as a strong and powerful princess, but also as a young woman in her quest for love.