Leon Ames

Leon Ames

Nacimiento : 1902-01-20, Portland, Indiana, USA

Muerte : 1993-10-12


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Leon Ames (January 20, 1902 – October 12, 1993) was an American film and television actor. He is best remembered for playing fatherly figures in such films as Meet Me in St. Louis (1944), as Judy Garland's father, and in Little Women (1949). Description above from the Wikipedia article Leon Ames licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Leon Ames


Peggy Sue se casó
Barney Alvorg
Peggy Sue (Kathleen Turner) es una mujer de mediana edad que está deprimida por la reciente separación de su marido (Nicolas Cage). En la fiesta del veinticinco aniversario de su graduación escolar se reúne con sus viejos compañeros de estudios que cuentan cómo les ha ido la vida. Cuando recibe el premio de reina de la fiesta, Peggy sufre un desmayo y misteriosamente despierta en el mismo lugar pero 25 años antes. Sirviéndose de la experiencia adquirida con el tiempo, intentará cambiar los errores cometidos.
Jake Speed
Pop Winston
Jake Speed (Wayne Crawford) is the lead character in some of the biggest page-turners of the 1940s. A chiseled, heroic action figure, Speed saves lives on paper, but when a young girl is kidnapped and her sister (Karen Kopins) begs the real-life Speed for help, he must find a way to be as gallant as the book hero whose creation he's inspired. Accompanied by the victim's sibling, Speed flies to Africa to see if he's up to the task.
Testamento final
Henry Abhart
Melodrama centrado en los problemas que tiene que afrontar una familia norteamericana tras una guerra nuclear, en la que los niños son los primeros que sufren los devastadores efectos de la radiación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Just You and Me, Kid
Manduke the Magnificent
George Burns stars as a former vaudevillian who befriends a young runaway, played by 14-year old Brooke Shields, who is being chased by drug dealers.
The Best Place to Be
William Callahan
A widow's life is thrown into turmoil by her hippie daughter, her rebellious teenage son, and an ill-starred love affair she is having with a much younger man -- and then a former suitor comes back into the picture.
Ben Jones, Forest Commissioner
Una vieja leyenda de los indios se convierte en realidad: el mal (Kush-Ta-Ka) toma cuerpo en un gigantesco oso pardo, un animal dotado de inteligencia que hace imposible su caza por los medios habituales. Poco a poco y a pesar de numerosas personas que declaran haberle herido con arma de fuego, la alimaña dotada de instinto asesino va atacando a numerosos excursionistas, leñadores y varios cazadores que intentan demostrar la inocencia y falsedad de la leyenda india.
Sherlock Holmes en Nueva York
Daniel Furman
Holmes tiene que acudir a toda prisa a la ciudad de Nueva York después de descubrir que su antiguo némesis, Moriarty, ha secuestrado al hijo de su antiguo amor, la actriz Irene Adler.
Timber Tramps
A tough, hard-drinking Alaska logging foreman likes fighting only slightly less than working.
The Meal
A rich Florida woman (Dina Merrill) invites big shots to a banquet, then watches with a friend (Carl Betz) as they destroy one another.
Érase una vez en Hollywood
(archive footage) (uncredited)
La Metro Goldwyn Mayer celebró su 50º aniversario haciendo una recopilación de sus mejores clásicos musicales y entrevistando a sus protagonistas.
Brother of the Wind
A man raises four wolf pups, hoping to release them back into the wild.
The Men Who Made the Movies: Vincente Minnelli
Self (archive footage)
Pacto con el diablo
General Sam Pembroke
Un paciente ingresado en un manicomio decide escapar y embauca a Billy, un inocente empleado del centro, para que lo acompañe prometiéndole dinero y prosperidad. En su huida, conocen a Jimmie Jean, una camarera que está decidida a cambiar de vida y se va con ellos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Old Man
A poor old mountain man returns to the wild Oregon countryside to find a grizzly bear he named Toklat. He recalls his old days with the bear, from rescuing him as a cub to teaching him how to hunt. He finally finds Toklat and faces the true reason he is after him: the bear is wanted for killing a rancher's livestock, and the mountain man badly needs the bounty money.
Vuelve a mi lado
Burt Clews
Daisy Gamble es una mujer un tanto peculiar: es capaz de predecir cosas tan triviales como llamadas telefónicas o hacer resucitar flores marchitas. Pero tiene un vicio que desagrada a su novio Warren: es una fumadora empedernida. Para dejar de fumar, acude a la consulta de un médico que decide hipnotizarla. Como consecuencia de la hipnosis, Daisy adopta diversas personalidades que corresponden a diferentes épocas. El médico se sentirá fascinado por la mujer inglesa del siglo XIX que habla a través de ella.
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox
Tora! Tora! Tora! es la señal japonesa para atacar. La película reproduce de manera meticulosa el ataque a Pearl Harbor y todos los hechos que le precedieron. Las primeras escenas nos muestran las diferencias entre ambas posturas: por una parte los imperialistas japoneses deciden realizar un ataque por etapas, por otro lado los altos mandos del ejército americano ignoran esta posibilidad. A pesar de que algunos mensajes interceptados a los japoneses advertían de este peligro, éstos nunca llegaron a las manos de la alta comandancia del ejército americano. Los avisos de los radares son ignorados, incluso la caza de un submarino japonés en Pearl Harbor antes del ataque no se reporta.
El tío del mono
Judge Holmsby
Secuela de "Zafarrancho en la Universidad". A Merlin Jones y al chimpancé Stanley se les encomienda una nueva tarea: salvar el equipo de fútbol de la universidad. Pero no resultará nada fácil...
Zafarrancho en la universidad
Judge Holmsby / Lex Fortas
Merlin Jones, un precoz e inteligente chico de instituto, experimenta con la hipnosis y acaba creando una máquina para leer la mente. Sin embargo, sus experimentos le meterán en un montón de problemas con la ley.
El sabio en apuros
Rufus Daggett
El invento del flubber no ha proporcionado al profesor Ned Brainard las riquezas que pensaba. El Pentágono ha declarado el invento top secret y el IRS acosa al profesor con enormes impuestos por el descubrimiento. Además, su mujer Betty está celosa por las atenciones que recibe Brainard de una antigua novia de universidad. Mientras tanto, el científico está creando el flubbergas, que entre otras cosas puede cambiar la atmósfera o hacer ganar partidos de fútbol...
Un sabio en las nubes
President Rufus Daggett
El científico Ned Brainard (Fred MacMurray) es tan conocido por su capacidad inventiva como por sus mayúsculos despistes, que le han llevado a anular dos celebraciones de boda por incomparecencia. Sin embargo, Ned no pierde el tiempo y ha logrado elaborar una sustancia antigravedad llamada flubber, que sirve de combustible para los automóviles. Con este preparado, los coches pueden transitar por el espacio aéreo. Al conocer la noticia del descubrimiento, uno de sus alumnos, Alonzo Hawk, no duda en sustraer el coche con el que el profesor ha hecho el experimento
Desde la terraza
Samuel Eaton
Alfred Eaton (Paul Newman), un joven ambicioso que quiere conseguir las cosas por sí mismo sin deberle nada a su padre, se casa con una joven (Woodward) de una buena familia de Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). Poco a poco, Alfred empieza a prosperar, llegando incluso a trabajar en Wall Street, pero su matrimonio no funciona como esperaba.
Vidas borrascosas
Leslie Harrington
Sexo, frustraciones y violencia se ocultan bajo la tranquila apariencia de una pequeña ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra, cuya clase alta no está dispuesta a reconocer la irregular conducta de sus miembros.
Engagement Party
Elliott Winston
Fresh from "business college" a young man learns a little about relationships and a lot about "S & H Green Stamps."
Sabre Jet
Lt. Col. Eckert
The story of jet pilots flying over Korea by day, from their Itazuke Air Base in Japan, and of their wives, on station with them, who have dinner ready when they return. Jane Carter (Coleen Gray), a reporter for a large newspaper syndicate arrives... she's also the estranged wife of the assistant squadron commander, Colonel Gil Manton (Robert Stack.) At first, she goes at her assignment of getting a story on the pilots wives with the same ruthlessness and persistence that broke up her marriage - but a mirror isn't needed to peek around the corner to where this one is headed.
Amor a media noche
Chet Stuart
Un celoso compositor pide el divorcio de su esposa al sospechar que ella está siéndole infiel con otro hombre cuando en realidad se trata de un equívoco. Pero ambos siguen enamorados y, aunque ninguno se niega a dar su brazo a torcer, comienzan un juego de celos buscando nuevas parejas.
Operación matrimonio
George Winfield
Marjorie y William son una pareja de prometidos que viven en una pequeña ciudad de Indiana. William acaba de regresar de la Primera Guerra Mundial y la pareja ha retomado su relación. Mientras consiguen ahorrar para poder casarse, los jóvenes deberán batallar con distintos problemas.
Cara de ángel
Fred Barrett
Frank Jessup es un enfermero de urgencias que acude a una mansión para atender a la señora Tremayne que, según parece, ha intentado suicidarse. Sin embargo él sospecha que en realidad alguien ha intentado asesinarla. Allí conoce también a Diane, la hijastra de la señora Tremayne, una joven delicada, sensual y un tanto inestable, ante la que cae rendido inmediatamente.
Amigos bajo el sol
Chester Graham, Sr.
Un niño rico y consentido, hijo del dueño del ferrocarril que pasa por Santa Fe, durante una parada del tren en el que viaja se despista y se queda solo. Camina sin rumbo hasta que se encuentra con un vaquero que está a punto de capturar a un precioso caballo negro. (FILMAFFINITY)
A la luz de la luna
George Winfield
Musical que adapta una serie de narraciones costumbristas de Booth Tarkington en las que se narran las incidencias cotidianas de una familia residente en una pequeña localidad de Indiana a principios de siglo.
Watch the Birdie
Grantland D. Farns
A photographer falls for a rich girl and gets mixed up with crooks.
Dial 1119
A killer holds the customers at a bar hostage.
Años felices
Sr. Samuel H. Stover
A finales del siglo pasado, una familia tiene dificultades para hacerse cargo de la educación de un hijo problemático y difícil, por lo que deciden mandarlo a una escuela tan rígida que al chico le costará muchísimo adaptarse al severo régimen de conducta imperante.
Sam Proctor
El doctor Ferguson, un famoso neurocirujano, está de vacaciones con su esposa en un país de América del Sur. Raoul Farrago, el dictador que lo gobierna, los retiene para que el médico lo opere. Los enemigos de la dictadura secuestran a la esposa de Ferguson para que éste se vea obligarlo a cometer un error. Debut de Richard Brooks como director.
The Skipper Surprised His Wife
Dr. Philip Abbott
A captain tries to keep home as tight as his ship.
The Big Hangover
Carl Bellcap
A young law school graduate is hired by a prestigious firm, but he neglects to inform them he is allergic to even a single whiff of alcohol.
Maj. C.E. Breverly
Una atractiva y joven aventurera convence a un explorador para que la ayude a encontrar a su hermana, que ha desaparecido en territorio apache. A la expedición se une también el Capitán Lorrison que está enamorado de ella.
Fuego en la nieve
The Chaplain
En diciembre de 1944, para detener la gran ofensiva alemana sobre Bélgica y Luxemburgo, un grupo de soldados norteamericanos de infantería combaten en la "Batalla de las Ardenas".
Scene of the Crime
Capt. A.C. Forster
A cop investigates the shooting of another policeman... that may have been involved in crooked activities.
¡Hagan juego!
Dr. Palmer
Melodrama sobre la adicción al juego en el cual, el propietario de un casino con problemas de conciencia intenta arreglar las cosas con su mujer e hijo. Cuando éste último comienza a tener malas compañías y entra en prisión, su padre le hace recapacitar para que no pierda la vida como él en negocios sucios y deudas de juego.
Father March
Mientras su padre está en la guerra, cuatro jóvenes hermanas de caracteres muy diferentes realizan un aprendizaje, a veces doloroso, a veces fascinante, de la vida y del amor. A medida que van creciendo, abandonan, una a una, el hogar familiar para casarse y crear su propia familia. En casa sólo se queda Jo, que quiere ser escritora, y para conseguirlo se traslada a Nueva York, donde, gracias a su tenacidad y esfuerzo logra publicar su primera obra. Además, a pesar de estar convencida de que para ella el tiempo de la felicidad ya ha pasado, en Nueva York encontrará también el amor.
Así son ellas
Lucien T. Pringle
Best friends Judy and Carol compete for the affection of an older man during their high school dance. As Carol tries to rekindle Judy's relationship with Carol's bumbling brother, Oogie, Judy suspects that her father is having an affair with a beautiful dance instructor. The two girls team up to expose Judy's father -- who is only taking innocent dance lessons.
The Velvet Touch
Gordon Dunning
After accidentally killing her lecherous producer, a famous actress tries to hide her guilt.
En una isla contigo
Commander Harrison
Un equipo de cine llega a Hawai para rodar un musical romántico. Entre los actores hay un teniente de aviación que está enamorado de la actriz principal, Rosalind Reynolds (ESTHER WILLIAMS). Ella ya está prometida, pero hará todo lo posible para conseguir su amor.
Alias a Gentleman
Matt Enley
Aging ex-con tries to stop his daughter from getting involved with shady characters.
Merton of the Movies
Lawrence Rupert
In 1915, Kansas theatre usher Merton Gill is a rabid silent-movie fan. When he brings Mammoth Studios free publicity by imitating star Lawrence Rupert's heroics, they bring him to Hollywood to generate another headline; he thinks he'll get a movie contract. Disillusioned, he haunts the casting offices, where he meets and is consoled by Phyllis Montague, bit player and stunt-woman. When Merton finally gets his "break," though, it's not quite what he envisioned.
The Amazing Mr. Nordill
Everett Nordill aka Everton
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short takes a look at the gentlemanly life and masterful counterfeiting exploits of Everett Nordill, one of the cleverest counterfeiters who ever baffled the agents of the U.S. Treasury department.
La ruleta de la muerte
Mitchell Talbin
A bordo del S.S. Fortune en una velada de apuestas para actos de caridad, las mesas están calientes, la música de Jazz aún más caliente, y antes de que te des cuenta, el director de orquesta está fiambre. ¡Están tocando vuestra canción, Nick y Nora Charles!. William Powell y Myrna Loy regresan como el matrimonio de detectives que son, sacando de la cama a los sospechosos a las 4 de la madrugada para interrogarlos mientras tratan de entender la jerga musical bebop del jazz de los años 40.
Undercover Maisie
Amor/Willis Farnes
Maisie Revere, a showgirl stranded in Los Angeles, decides to join the local police department on the persuasion of Lieutenant Paul Scott who wants to use her as an undercover agent to expose a conman.
La Dama del lago
Derace Kingsby
Una editora literaria (Audrey Totter) encarga al detective Phillip Marlowe (Robert Montgomery) encontrar a la misteriosa mujer de su jefe (Leon Ames), que supuestamente ha huido con un amante (Richard Simmons) y tal vez ha provocado una muerte.
The Show-Off
Frank Harlin
Chaos is brought to a family when daughter marries a brash young man met on a blind date.
The Cockeyed Miracle
Ralph Humphrey
A 60-ish Maine shipbuilder (Frank Morgan) and his 30-ish father (Keenan Wynn) provide for their family from the hereafter.
El cartero siempre llama dos veces
Kyle Sackett
Durante la Gran Depresión, Frank Chambers, un hombre sin rumbo, comienza a trabajar en un bar de carretera, regentado por un hombre mayor y por Cora, su joven, bella e infeliz esposa.
No Leave, No Love
Colonel Elliott
A soldier returns with his pal from fighting in the Pacific during World War II only to discover his fiancee has married someone else. However, he falls in love with a woman at the hotel at which he is staying.
No eran imprescindibles
Major James Morton
Durante la campaña del Pacífico, una heroica compañía americana lucha contra el avance de las fuerzas japonesas en Filipinas, perdiendo cada vez más terreno. Dos oficiales de lanchas torpederas, en contra de la opinión de sus superiores, intentarán frenar el avance del enemigo utilizando las viejas embarcaciones contra los barcos nipones.
Yolanda y el ladrón
Mr. Candle
A un imaginario país sudamericano llega un estafador en busca de alguna oportunidad. Allí seduce a una ingenua heredera haciéndose pasar por su ángel de la guarda. Lo que no esperaba era que sus sentimientos hacia ella cambiasen tan rápidamente. (FILMAFFINITY)
Fin de semana
Henry Burton
Un famoso corresponsal de guerra se introduce en la habitación de una estrella de cine; un soldado se enamora de una joven taquígrafa a la caza de un hombre rico; un estafador quiere hacer negocio con un jeque millonario; un periodista busca una exclusiva; un director de orquesta pierde a su cantante principal... Nada más normal un fin de semana en el más prestigioso de los hoteles de Nueva York, el Waldorf Astoria.
Levando anclas
Admiral's Aide
Gene Kelly y Frank Sinatra son dos marineros de personalidades opuestas: uno (Sinatra) es tímido y un tanto ingenuo, mientras que el otro (Kelly) es un hombre de mundo. Ambos vivirán mil peripecias en la ciudad de Los Ángeles
El cachorro de Lassie
Laddie es el cachorro de la intrépida perra Lassie, y sigue a su madre en una acción aérea durante la II Guerra Mundial. Pero el avión es derribado durante la misión y cae en la Noruega ocupada.
Fall Guy
Floyd Parkson
Part of the Crime Does Not Pay short series.
Between Two Women
A young doctor proves his worth at a metropolitan hospital.
The Great Morgan
K. F.
Frank Morgan is hired to put together a movie using odds and ends from the MGM vaults. He does so by splicing together a string of completely unrelated short subjects and musical numbers, interspersed with a repeated loop of a scene from some melodrama. (Contains in their entirety the shorts, "Musical Masterpieces," "Our Old Car," and "Badminton," as well as clips from other projects)
El regreso de aquel hombre
Edgar Draque
Las personas fuera de la ley vienen y van en las vidas de Nick y Nora. Ahora es el momento de conocerlos como parientes. Los elegantes detectives dejan al pequeño Nick Jr. en la escuela, cogen a Asta y se van a Sycamore Springs, lugar de la infancia de Nick.
Cita en San Luis
Mr. Alonzo Smith
Año 1903. El matrimonio Smith, afincado en San Luis, tiene cuatro preciosas hijas. Una de ellas, Esther, de diecisiete años, se enamora de un vecino que acaba de instalarse en la ciudad. Sin embargo; la familia, y especialmente Esther, tienen un enorme disgusto cuando su padre les anuncia que deben trasladarse a vivir a Nueva York por motivos de trabajo.
Treinta segundos sobre Tokio
Lieut. Jurika
Minucioso relato de la misión que, en represalia por el ataque de Pearl Harbor, realizó una cuadrilla de bombarderos del ejército norteamericano sobre Tokio. Tras el bombardeo, los soldados tuvieron que huir a pie hacia China.
El comandante de hierro
Robert 'Bob' Stewart
Biografia del irlandés Frank Cavanaugh, uno de los entrenadores más importantes de fútbol americano en Estados Unidos.
Crime Doctor
William Wheeler
Robert is found beside the highway with a head injury and amnesia. His amnesia motivates him to become a Physician and the country's leading criminal psychologist.
George Washington Slept Here
Leon Ames (uncredited)
New Yorkers Bill and Connie Fuller have to move from their apartment. Without Bill's knowledge, Connie purchases a delapidated old farmhouse in Pennsylvania, where George Washington was supposed to have actually slept during the American Revolution.
Ellery Queen and the Murder Ring
John Stack
Ralph Bellamy made his fourth and final appearance as literary sleuth Ellery Queen in Columbia's Ellery Queen and the Murder Ring. On this occasion, Ellery and his police-inspector father are summoned to a private hospital by its owner, philanthropist Mrs. Stack. There've been some very weird goings-on at the hospital as of late, and Mrs. Stack wants to get to the bottom of things.
No Greater Sin
Dr. Edward Cavanaugh
The dangers of the dread venereal disease syphilis are depicted in this earnest drama from the 1940s. The story centers upon an intrepid health commissioner who is out to get rid of the tawdry hookers responsible for spreading the disease.
East Side Kids
Pat O'Day
After living all his chilhood in the street, a young boy notices rapidly that crime doesn't pay and that´s why he decides to become a policeman. One day, one of his best friends go in prison for a murder he didn't commit. Immediately the policeman tries his best to release him and prove his innocence.
Fugitive at Large
George Storm is a reputable construction engineer but his life changes the moment a bandit trio holds up the company payroll car. And that is because the daring holdup is successful because the gang leader, Tom Farrow, is an exact-double for Storm.
The Marshal Of Mesa City
Sheriff Jud Cronin
A retired lawman gets back into action to fight political corruption.
Legion of Lost Flyers
A group of pilots, because of unsavory or unearned reputations, establish an outpost squadron of their own, led by "Loop" Gillian, running charter-flights and hauling supplies in the frozen wastelands of Alaska. The operation does not go without misadventures, foul-ups, and a bit of treachery tossed in.
Pack Up Your Troubles
Three American soldiers help a young girl deliver a secret message across enemy lines.
Calling All Marines
Gang members Blackie Cross and Snooker try to pick up Judy Fox and her friend Pat as they welcome home Judy's brother, Marine Sergeant Marvin Fox.
Thunder Afloat
Recruiting Officer (uncredited)
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
Code of the Streets
'Chick' Foster
Frankie Thomas plays Bob Lewis, leader of a gang consisting of Sailor (Harris Berger), Murph (Hally Chester), Monk (Charles Duncan), Trouble (Billy Benedict) and Yap (David Gorcey). The son of disgraced police officer Lt. Lewis (Harry Carey), Bob vows to clear his dad's name, and also to prove that accused murderer Tommy Shay (Paul Fix) is innocent.
Mr. Moto in Danger Island
Commissioner Madero
In Puerto Rico to investigate a glut of contraband diamonds that are flooding the world's jewel market, Mr. Moto and his sidekick, a wrestler, find themselves involved in murders by thrown daggers, the frame-up of an overstressed Army colonel, and a pirate gang led by an unknown boss who has inside knowledge of the ensuing investigation.
Panama Patrol
Maj. Phillip Waring
A U.S. agent attempts to track down a spy ring working to destroy the Panama Canal.
I Was a Convict
In this crime drama a wealthy business tycoon serves a sentence for tax fraud. While there he becomes good friends with his cellmates and after they are all released, the magnate appoints them both as executives in his company.
Risky Business
Hinge Jackson
Radio commentator Dan Clifford takes desperate chances to save the life of a young girl who has been kidnapped.
Blackwell's Island
Ballinger (uncredited)
A reporter gets himself sent to prison to expose a mobster.
Secrets of a Nurse
Joe Largo
This Universal programmer was based on a Collier's Magazine story by journalist Quentin Reynolds. This story in turn was ostensibly based on a true incident, in which a gangster "returned from the dead" to save an innocent young man from the electric chair. The nurse of the film's title is Katharine McDonald, who falls in love with her prizefighter-patient Lee Burke as he recovers from a beating received in a fixed prizefight. Katharine must fend off the advances of criminal attorney John Dodge, another patient who also loves her and becomes jealous of Lee. But when Lee is framed for the murder of his disgruntled manager, Slice, by a henchman of the fight-fix leader, Joe Largo, Dodge takes on his defense and works with Katherine to discover the real killer. Convicted and sentenced to death, Burke is about to walk the "last mile", as Katharine encourages mortally wounded Largo to a deathbed confession.
Napoleon III - Emperor of France
Ferdinand de Lesseps fue un joven aristócrata e ingeniero francés que proyectó la construcción del Canal de Suez (inaugurado en 1869), pero tuvo que afrontar numerosos problemas para llevar a cabo su proyecto.
Cipher Bureau
Maj. Philip Waring
The younger brother of an officer in a secret government code-breaking unit gets involved with a gang of spies and a beautiful double agent.
Mysterious Mr. Moto
Paul Brissac
The Japanese detective rounds up a league of assassins for Scotland Yard.
Come On, Leathernecks!
Otto Wagner / Baroni
The father of a star football player at Annapolis wants his son to follow the family pattern and join the Marines.
Island in the Sky
Marty Butler
A secretary (Gloria Stuart) solves a murder for her boyfriend (Michael Whalen) in the district attorney's office.
La octava mujer de Barba Azul
Ex-Chauffeur (uncredited)
Michael Brandon (Gary Cooper) es un millonario malcriado y mujeriego que ha tenido siete esposas, todas atraídas por su fortuna. En una tienda de la Riviera conoce a Nicole de Loiselle (Claudette Colbert), pero en un principio ella le rechaza. El caso es que Nicole, hija de una familia de nobles franceses venidos a menos, decide, a instancias de su padre, aceptar finalmente la proposición de matrimonio de Brandon, pero deja claro que lo hace sólo por su dinero. Estrenada en Marzo de 1938.
Walking Down Broadway
Frank Gatty
Five closely knit showgirls sign a pact to reunite one year after the closing of their Broadway production, but the lives of all five take many different turns, often for the worse.
International Settlement
Monte Silver
In Shanghai amidst Sino-Japanese warfare an adventurer (Sanders) collecting money from gun suppliers falls in loves with a French singer (Del Rio).
The Spy Ring
Frank Denton
Two American-army officers are working on a new type of machine-gun for anti-aircraft warfare, when one of them is murdered. The other vows to get the spies that are after the invention and avenge his friend's death.
45 Fathers
An orphan girl becomes adopted by a group of old men and is placed in the home of one of them. She sings and dances and helps out where she can.
Murder in Greenwich Village
Rodney Hunter
A society girl is suspected of murdering an artist whose brother is a notorious racketeer. In her pursuit of an alibi, she inadvertently implicates a struggling advertisement photographer. Now they must keep up the appearance of being engaged as a bumbling detective snoops around, and their initial distaste for each other blossoms into romance.
Charlie Chan on Broadway
Buzz Moran
Returning from European exile where she avoided testifying against her criminal associates, a former singer with a tell-all diary is murdered to insure her silence.
Dangerously Yours
A detective poses as a jewel thief and joins a bunch of other crooks sailing from Europe to New York in search a famous gem. He falls in love with one of the crooks.
Soak the Poor
Special Investigator Stanton
This entry in MGM's "Crime Does Not Pay" series deals with racketeers shaking down small grocers and horning in on the relief tickets, forcing prices up with the consumers paying the freight.
Song of Revolt
Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle
This MGM Tabloid Musical short tells the story of how France's national anthem, "La Marseillaise", came to be written during the French Revolution.
Pilot X
Carl Goering
Aircraft are being shot down by a large black plane with a big "X" painted on the wing. The chief suspects are invited for the weekend to an old dark mansion.
Get That Man
Don Clayton / McDonald
Life gets complicated for a taxi driver when it's discovered that he's the spitting image of the murdered heir to a fortune.
Rescue Squad
Lester Vaughn (as Leon Waycoff)
An independently wealthy collector of objets d'art tries to influence an artist's model away from marrying a notorious scoundrel and to help an Asian importer raise money for a son's surgery by buying a sacred statuette of Buddha, the sale of which the importer believes will curse him; therefore, the importer secretly plans to poison the collector after receiving the cash and keep the statuette in his possession. The titled "rescue squad" appears only briefly in the picture to help firemen rescue two principal characters from a stuck elevator in a building set afire by accident. There are no arsonists in this film.
La indómita
Ralph Watson
Una actriz, de la que está enamorado su agente, acaba casándose con un millonario.
Strangers All
Frank Walker
Domestic drama about an elderly woman and her four squabbling adult children.
Mutiny Ahead
A wealthy playboy winds up getting himself involved with mobsters and a search for buried treasure.
Now I'll Tell
Golden es un jugador que ha prometido a su esposa retirarse cuando gane doscientos mil dólares. Manipula un combate de boxeo y el gangster Mossiter se enfurece con él y ha de entregarle su fortuna. Empeña las joyas de su mujer y se hace un seguro de vida.
I'll Tell the World
Spud Marshall
Lee Tracy once again plays a Winchellesque newspaper reporter in Universal's I'll Tell the World. More interested in his sex life than his career, news hawk Brown nonetheless agrees to cover the activities of a European archduke on behalf of his wire service.
Parece que fue ayer
Lee (Uncredited)
Película inspirada en la novela de Stefan Zweig “Carta de una desconocida”. La protagonista es una mujer que es seducida en dos ocasiones por el mismo hombre, sin que éste la reconozca la segunda vez.
Ship of Wanted Men
John Holden
A shipful of fugitives from justice pulls up on a Pacific Island where there are no extradition laws. The island is a magnet for the scum of the earth, as well as a few honest guys who were framed. Into this den of iniquity swims socialite Dorothy Sebastian, who jumped off a yacht after apparently murdering her lecherous host. To remain on the Island, Sebastian is told that she must pay $5,000 to head honcho Fred Kohler -- and if she hasn't got the money, it is implied, there are other methods of collection.
The Man Who Dared
Yosef Novak
An "imaginative biography" of Anton Cermak, mayor of Chicago who was killed in the line of fire during an assassination attempt on President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt in Miami on February 15, 1933.
Alimony Madness
John Thurman
A man's wife is put on trial for the murder of his first wife.
Louie Strauss
Papa Strauss, a widower, is being shifted around from one married-son's home to the other, and is unwelcome at all because his daughter-in-laws' object to his smelly pipe smoking. Finally the family tucks him 'out of sight and out of mind' into a nursing home, with very little 'honor thy father' thought given to it. However, unmarried daughter, Lena, who loves her father dearly, has a bright fiancée, who makes a lot of money off of a patent, and they make a home for him.
Parachute Jumper
Pilot with Alabama (uncredited)
An Air Force washout and his buddy room with a pretty young lady. Desperate for jobs during the Depression, they finally land employment with the mob.
Uptown New York
Max Silver (as Leon Waycoff)
Jack Oakie plays Eddie Doyle, a gumball machine salesman who marries Pat Smith (Shirley Grey) knowing full well that the girl is on the rebound from a failed romance with aspiring Jewish doctor Max Silver (Leon Ames). But when Pat is nearly killed in an effort to protect her husband's gumball machines from hoodlums and is in need of a lifesaving operation, Eddie calls on Dr. Max
That's My Boy
Al Williams
Featuring members of the 1931 National Champion football team from the University of Southern California Trojans, with team members Russell Saunders and Oscar "Dutch" Hendrian also cast in roles other than just team members.
A Successful Calamity
Barney Davis
Henry Wilton is an elderly millionaire saddled with his selfish young second wife Emmy 'Sweetie' Wilton and a pair of spoiled grown children, Peggy and Eddie. To test his family's mettle, Henry pretends to have gone broke. Just as he suspected they would, his children rally to their father's side and change their ways: Peggy forsakes the fortune hunter George Struthers for the nice young man she's really in love with, the polo coach Larry Rivers, while Eddie applies for a demanding job and performs admirably. Only Sweetie seems to desert Henry.
Trece mujeres
Trece mujeres que fueron compañeras de escuela piden a un swami que les haga sus horóscopos. Las noticias que reciben no son buenas para ninguna de ellas…
The Famous Ferguson Case
Judd Brooks
A foreword warns against the peril of yellow journalism, and the story illustrates it by following events in the upstate New York town of Cornwall after prominant financier George Ferguson is killed. Two types of New York City journalists descend on Cornwall, one interested in facts, the other in getting sensational "news". Mrs. Ferguson is known to have been friendly with a local banker. The Fergusons quarrel the evening he is killed (by "burglers", his wife tells the police later), and she is arrested, spurred on by the "bad" journalists, who also manage to badger the banker's wife into the hospital. Meanwhile, young Bruce Foster runs the Cornwall Courier, and shows the big city reporters how to dig out real news while they attempt to subvert justice for their own ends.
On her first night as a dockside dancer, Mary Foster loses her job when she tries to fend of the advances of first mate Groder. On the street and being pursued by a Policeman who thinks she is a prostitute, Mary seeks shelter on an old freighter. She is soon discovered by second mate Tommy and they quickly fall in love, but with first mate Groder lurking around will their lives work out in the end?
El doble asesinato de la calle Morgue
Pierre Dupin
A finales del siglo XIX, un sádico doctor de París se dedica a secuestrar a mujeres jóvenes para realizar experimentos que puedan ayudarle a confirmar sus teorías sobre la evolución del mono al hombre. Desgraciadamente, las víctimas no sobreviven a los estudios del científico, y éste se ve obligado a capturar a nuevas desafortunadas para continuar con su trabajo. Mientras, la joven pareja formada por Camille y el joven médico Pierre vive ajena a los planes del doctor, hasta que ella se convierte en el próximo objetivo del científico.
Quick Millions
El conductor de camiones Bugs Raymond organiza a las asociaciones de camioneros y se hace con dinero a cambio de protección. Una vez enriquecido, decide casarse con la dama de la alta sociedad Dorothy Stone. Ella le rechaza, en favor de otro hombre, así que él planea secuestrarla el día de su boda.