Jean-Christophe Rosé


L'Odyssée des Jeux olympiques
Animals at War, Wild Heroes of World War II
Fifty million people died in the Second World War, the biggest massacre in the history of humanity. But the animal kingdom also paid a heavy toll, despite no official numbers being compiled for the victims. This included combat animals, animals that backed up humans, those that entertained or consoled them, some that fed people, and other animals that were symbols. On all fronts and on all continents, at all points of the compass, beasts accompanied mankind in this global conflict. This full archive documentary - partly colorized - shows how dogs, horses, elephants and pigeons became WW2 soldiers’ best friends in battle.
Johnny Hallyday, la France Rock'n Roll
Les Champions d'Hitler
Luz del amanecer: el Desembarco de Normandía
Historia oculta del desembarco de Normandía. 20.000 aviones, 7.000 buques, 130.000 hombres efectúan el mayor despliegue de la armada en la historia.
Luz del amanecer: el Desembarco de Normandía
Historia oculta del desembarco de Normandía. 20.000 aviones, 7.000 buques, 130.000 hombres efectúan el mayor despliegue de la armada en la historia.
The Tour - The Legend of the Race
Jean-Christophe Rosé directs this documentary tracing the history of the world's most famous cycle race. Celebrating the event's centenary year, the film highlights the tour's enduring relationship with the public by looking back at the legendary riders whose names have become synonymous with the race, including Fausto Coppi, Louison Bobet, Jacques Anquetil, Raymond Poulidor, Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault, Miguel Indurain, Bradley Wiggins and Lance Armstrong.
Mussolini/Hitler, la ópera de los asesinos
Benito Mussolini y Adolf Hitler fueron dos dictadores de apariencia muy distinta, aunque guiados ambos por el mismo fanatismo ideológico de corte fascista. Las respectivas trayectorias de ambos, que en un principio compartieron muchos aspectos, se fueron separando en el curso del tiempo, y su relación adquirió ribetes conflictivos y dramáticos. Mediante imágenes de archivo, el documental retrata esta singular relación entre los dos dictadores. Combinando los sucesos históricos y la vida privada, refleja su equívoca alianza subrayando el punto de vista de Mussolini, el menos poderoso de los dos tiranos. A través de la relación entre ambos se desgranan aspectos reveladores aunque no muy conocidos de la II Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Marcel Cerdan, une légende française
Marcel Cerdan, une légende française
Voyage dans les ghettos du Gotha
Maradona, the Golden Kid
Documental sobre la vida del futbolista argentino Diego Armando Maradona.
Maradona, the Golden Kid
Documental sobre la vida del futbolista argentino Diego Armando Maradona.
Gods of Brazil: Pelé & Garrincha
Documentary telling the story of legendary Brazilian footballers Pelé and Garrincha, whose emergence following Brazil's defeat at home in the 1950 World Cup Final heralded the dawn of a golden age of football for the country. But while one man became known as the world's greatest footballer, the other died a broken alcoholic at the age of 49.
The Tour Operators
The Tour de France is said to be the most extreme sports on earth. Every year in July, top cyclists from the world gather in France, carrying the dignity of their own countries, to compete on speed and endurance. This documentary focuses on the 2000 TdF from an insider point of view of Team Confidis, its victories and defeats. It also covers the legendary rise of Lance Armstrong.
Kings of The Ring - History of Heavyweight Boxing 1919-1990
The BBC produced “Kings of The Ring – History of Heavyweight Boxing 1919-1990” celebrates boxing’s marquee division. Comprehensive and nonjudgmental, it begins with Jess Willard’s victory over Jack Johnson in Cuba and runs through the Mike Tyson era.
Caryl Chessman – L’écriture contre la mort