Hosokawa Tadatoshi
A Choice between Loyalty or Duty of the Samurai! Can the heartlessness of society crush the honor of an individual? In the spring of the 18th year of Kanei, Hosokawa Tadatoshi, feudal lord of the Higo area, died. Although Tadatoshi forbade his vassals to follow him in death before he died, they still committed seppuku one after the other. The new feudal lord, Mitsunao, Tadatoshi's son, also gave the order forbidding seppuku. Abe Yaichiemon obeyed his former lord's last wish but is now being called a coward by his comrades and finally decided to follow Tadatoshi in death in order to save his family's honor. Mitsunao, upset by Yaichiemon actions, punished the Abe family unfairly. Objected to this, the Abe family shut themselves up in their manor as the lords troops moved in. This is the true story of what happened within the Hosokawa clan in early Edo era.
Set in the 1990s, this film uses black humour to cast a sharp, satirical eye at the problems facing modern Japanese families. Hiroshi accidentally hits a young woman with his car and flees in panic. He confesses to his wife, Yoko, who persuades him to keep quiet as his arrest would mean the end for their already troubled family. Their daughter is having an affair with a married man, their son is being bullied and refusing to go to school and their grandfather is becoming more difficult. Yoko urges the family to move the car into the living room in order to destroy the evidence by taking it apart. Hiroshi finally decides to do the honest thing but a series of bizarre incidents then ensues...
Keisuke Takashima
A hospital accidentally gives a man Count Dracula's blood while trying to save his life. A year later, he's back from the dead, trying to right the wrongs of his life while trying to resist the urge to become a vampire.
Former policeman Matsushita Hiroshi is a professional marksman shootist. When his keen eye catches his target in the dry urban darkness, the hard, breathless action begins.
The sixth popular suspense series based on the original work by Akimitsu Takagi. Kyosuke Kozu was invited by former actress Shinobu Yuki, who had previously appeared on a magazine, to announce the production of the drama. The producer is Kako's husband, Fujita. When the press conference was about to end, the leading actress Hitomi was shot dead. She is suspected of being abandoned by Hitomi, her nephew Mizukami, but there is no evidence. Subsequent investigation reveals that Hitomi has been dating Urushida for three months. A few days later, Kako showed Kyosuke three threatening letters stating "Your life will be end in 10 days"...
Versión sintetizada en largometraje de la serie "Saru no Gundam" (1974), basada en el film "El planeta de los simios".
Lawyer Yamamoto
In the desert of Egypt, Kurata, the CEO of the Japanese corporation Tokokaihatsu, is killed by a sniper. After the news reaches Japan, the CEO's lawyer, Yamamoto, receives a visit from two men that attempt to steal the deceased CEO's will. This is witnessed by two detectives, Tsuzuki and Ōnuki, but they fail to catch the perps. Yamamoto hands the detectives a set of keys before he stops breathing. Tsuzuki and Ōnuki now have to investigate Kurata's murder...
Vice Director
A drama depicting the conflict between a man that ran to an old lover suffering from advanced leukemia, his wife and child that were left behind, and the friendship that develops between his wife and his former lover.
Set in Mexico. The love story of an architect and a fashion designer. Both from Japan
Japanese comedy film.
Ryozo Dohara
A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.
Two high school girls get mixed up in murder while investigating the disappearance of a classmate.
A woman works as a prostitute and attendant to make a living at a bathhouse. She is athletic and is an avid runner. She has met and adopted a white dog and the two have become inseparable. It is the biggest tragedy and calamity when the dog is found dead, killed, murdered. The woman swears to find justice by finding the murderer and making things right.
Fukutaro Shirakawa
A car going at 25 mph plunges into the sea at Shinko Harbour, Toyama prefecture. Inside is the local business magnate Fukutaro Shirakawa, who perishes. Riding alongside him and surviving unhurt is his second wife, Kumako. It soon comes to light that Kumako’s husband was insured for 300 million yen and she is arrested on suspicion of murdering her husband for the insurance money. The newspapers denounce her as an evil woman, while the public is in no doubt about Kumako’s crime. Ritsuko Sahara is chosen as her defence attorney but the pair clash over almost everything...
Shizuo Kinugasa
Can a woman love two men at the same time? Set against the backdrop of Kyoto's rich history, this story depicts a woman's difficult choice for love. Ayako, played by Yukiyo Toake, is an international conference coordinator. Torn between her childhood sweetheart (played by Kenji Sawada) and her English professor (played by Noboru Nakaya), Ayako will seek answers to love, marriage, and choice.
Fumimaro Konoe
Story of three people, a barber, a Christian and a graduate of the Tokyo Military Academy during the 2nd World War.
In the past, a woman was raped by her brother-in-law. Keeping this dark secret, she lives a seemingly happy life with her husband and son, but the son, shocked to find out his real father is the brother-in-law, sets out to do something. The downfall of a mother and her child starts there...
九鬼刑事課長 (Investigative Chief)
A martial arts master/detective investigates a series of murders and helps a deaf bathhouse attendant, Hisako.
The president of the Japanese National Railways is found dead during a period in which train service is plagued by numerous layoffs, strikes and shutdowns. The government says that the president was murdered; the police claim it was a suicide. A quizzical reporter follows the case for years, but the basic question remains unanswered: was the victim killed by members of the burgeoning Communist movement in Japan, or was the death stage-managed by the authorities in hopes of discrediting the Communists?
Yuko is in love with an old poet who happens to be also a married man. She waits patiently for him and only him, yet she is constantly being lust by others.
After the war-time government orders the disbanding of the Big-Six baseball league, the teams of Waseda and Keio universities play one final game before they are drafted into the armed forces and face the hardships of military service.
Yoshitaka Kujo
Un escuadrón del ejercito japones es transportado por un fenómeno atmosférico hacia el pasado, a una época antigua donde los samurais dominaban Japón. Tendrán ahora que adaptarse y luchar por sus vidas en una tierra en la que la lucha entre clanes era salvaje y cruel.
Kazuya Furugaki from New Art Association
Obayashi’s take on the famous Kosuke Kindaichi series, made popular partly thanks to the numerous movie-adaptions by Kon Ichikawa, the most known being The Inugami Family. Kosuke Kindaichi is the most famous detective in Japan. Kindaichi gets a new case to figure out who has beheaded a valuable statue and made off with its head.
Hidesuke Tsubaki
Famous detective Kindaichi solves a series of mysterious murders in a wealthy family. An excellent blend of intrigue and betrayal, set against the backdrop of wealth, this film is loaded with twists and turns and surprises at every corner.
Film distributed by ATG.
The three-film saga comes to a conclusion as three leaders of the underworld battle it out to determine who will become Don of Japan.
Jūzō Mamiya
Basada en el personaje de Spider-Man, realizada por Toei a finales de los 70 y adecuada al público nipón. Se cambiaron los orígenes de Peter Parker (aquí era motorista) y se introdujeron elementos típicos de la época como los montruos gigantes "mechas" y demás elementos estilo Power Rangers. Tuvo un gran éxito en Japón.
Kawatarô Uekusa
In 1930, the chance meeting of a novelist and one of his fans opens the door to a series of mysterious events culminating in the death of a wealthy industrialist who may have been leading a double life.
Reiko, una joven modelo, es proyectada hacia el estrellato del golf japonés por parte del editor de una revista de golf y moda que pretende aprovechar su imagen para promocionar su última gama de ropa deportiva. Su victoria en su primer campeonato profesional le brinda la oportunidad de tener un programa en la televisión. Sin embargo, su vida se verá afectada por el acoso de una envidiosa vecina. Diez años después de ser despedido por la productora Nikkatsu a raíz de la película "Branded to Kill" (1967), Seijun Suzuki volvió a la dirección con este filme en el que no abandona su estilo bizarro y extravagante.
Sadanobu Matsudaira
Utamaro was an artist who lived in Edo (which was later to become modern-day Tokyo) in the late 18th century. This film, which has a complex and wide-ranging storyline, recreates the world of that time, as it appeared in Utamaro's paintings.
Drama and intrigue about defense contracts and corruption.
Eiichiro Fujikura
Hiroshi Nanjo is an active and tactful youth devoting more of his energies to his part time job than to studying for a college entrance exam. On the other hand, Bunpei Noro is an awkward fellow who once failed in a college entrance exam and is now studying hard for a second try. ‘Light and Shade of Youth’ depicts the friendship between these two young men of opposite characters, interlacing a cute waitress along the way.
Takehiko Tanigawa
The Taisho era was a time of turbulence in Japan. From new marks of modernity to full-blown riots, a sense of revolution filled the air. The Dam Dam Group is a small anarchist organization lead by Daijiro, a silver tongued "Benshi", a performer who provides narratives for silent films, playing multiple roles. In other words, he was a master at the art of deception, a handy talent when it came to 'doing jobs' for his group. His revolutionary ideals attracted many to his squadron, but among them was a young girl who was oblivious to his group's activities. Her name was Shino.
Banzô Takemura
Una jovencita llamada Yuki Kashima, nació en la cárcel en una fría noche como instrumento de una venganza, ya que su padre, fue brutalmente asesinado al ser confundido con un asesino del gobierno Meiji, suerte que también compartió su pequeño hermano. Su madre logró vengarse de uno de los asesinos, pero por ese asesinato fue condenada a cadena perpetua y para continuar su venganza, se dedicó a acostarse con todos los presos y carceleros que pudo, hasta conseguir quedar embarazada para que su hijo (que resultó ser hija) terminase la venganza por ella. Saya murió al dar a luz a la pequeña Yuki, que fue educada y brutalmente entrenada por el monje Dokai.
Romantic drama based on the manga published in Young Comic.
Based on the comic by Kazuo Koike
Adaptation of the Shôji Yuki novel.
The girl students of rival junior high schools stage duels and show a curious interest in sexual pastimes.
Hanheita Takeichi
The story of Ryoma Sakamoto, considered to be the architect behind the downfall of the Tokugawa shogunate. He was considered an outlaw by his own clan, hunted by his government, and was despised by supporters of the Shogun as well as the Loyalists for desiring the opening of Japan to the West in order to learn its technology, in the hopes of one day defeating the West with a modern army and navy.
Un ronin busca desesperadamente una salida a los problemas financieros; se alía con el clan Tosa bajo el despiadado líder Takechi, quien rápidamente se aprovecha.
Yasuhiko Shima
Shikibu Heinai (segment "Chawan no naka")
Filme basado en cuatro historias del escritor Lafcadio Hearn. "Pelo negro": un samurái no soporta a su mujer y la abandona por una princesa. Años después vuelve a casa para realizar un terrible descubrimiento. "La mujer en la nieve": dos leñadores se refugian de una tormenta de nieve en lo que parece ser un cobertizo abandonado. "Hoichi": el fantasma de un samurái le pide a un músico ciego que toque una balada en la tumba de su señor. "En la taza de té": un samurái se asusta ante la visión de un hombre reflejado en su taza de té.
Keikichi Nunami
During the war a university professor meets a girl and marries her. Very soon however, it is apparent that their needs are not matched. He would much rather be translating Shakespeare than attending to her, and she has a secret in her past - one that results in her sleeping with a great number of men.
Una noche, mientras estaba en el observatorio de la Torre Marina, el vendedor de cosméticos Ichiro Iki entabló una conversación con una joven desconocida, Akiko. Invita a Ichiro a un hotel donde hacen el amor, pero parte sin siquiera intercambiar nombres. Una semana más tarde, tienen un segundo encuentro casual en el observatorio y regresan a su hotel, donde Akiko le ruega a Ichiro que le dé a su hermana Kyoko el infierno absoluto. Akiko se resiente de su hermana por dar una conferencia sobre castidad, mientras que se dedica a la actividad promiscua ...
Ichiro Honda
Leaving his wife in Osaka, Honda leads a double life in Tokyo – after spending the day as an elite businessman, he flirts around in the evenings. He even rents a secret apartment where he keeps record of his girl hunts in his diary, the ‘Hunter’s Diary’. One day, he finds an article in the newspaper – a murder of a young woman in his diary. A few days later, another woman from his diary is murdered. He soon finds himself in a labyrinth of fear, as women named in his diary are killed one after another...
Haruhiko Itatsu
Considered one of the finest late Naruses and a model of film biography, A Wanderer’s Notebook features remarkable performances by Hideko Takamine – Phillip Lopate calls it “probably her greatest performance” – and Kinuyo Tanaka as mother and daughter living from hand to mouth in Twenties Tokyo. Based on the life and career of Fumiko Hayashi, the novelist whose work Naruse adapted to the screen several times, A Wanderer’s Notebook traces her bitter struggle for literary recognition in the first half of the twentieth century – her affairs with feckless men, the jobs she took to survive (peddler, waitress, bar maid), and her arduous, often humiliating attempts to get published in a male-dominated culture.
Fujii Sakyo
A story of an orphan boy who wanted the love of parents so badly, another orphan sincerely pitied him to the point he gives his secret birthright as an illegitimate son to a Shogun as a "gift of hope" to the sad boy. As the orphan boy grew up, his loving heart became bitter and he saw the opportunity to take advantage of this birthright with the help of a man who wanted to use this orphan's desire to be loved, for seizing power in the shogunate by using the imposter. Many obstacles to hurdle along the way of deception, however, will they succeed or will he be exposed?
A promising dancer asks her professor to write a libretto for a Nō play. He then introduces her to a student of classical literature, but also a classical theatre student in the hope that the latter will marry Senya..
Gang of robbers quarrel about the loot, but when one of them gets killed, his younger brother seeks them out to ice them one by one.
Patrolman Rokoru Shimizu
Set in 1926 when Japanese tradition was much stronger, this drama looks at the inner workings of a small family, especially the relationship between a sister and brother.
Rika acaba de enviudar y está buscando trabajo. Su agencia de empleo la envía a una casa de geishas en la que necesitan a alguien que se ocupe de la limpieza y de la cocina. Conoce a Tsutayako, la patrona, quien acepta contratarla, pero se entera que la casa de geishas está retrasándose en el pago de sus facturas y que podría ponerse a la venta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Three short tales from stories by Ichiyo Higuchi. In one, a young woman is degraded by her family after an arranged marriage. Another deals with the troubles heaped upon a young servant by her family and the wealthy people who employ her. The final story tells of a prostitute and her hopes of finding a new, respectable life.