Adrian Centoni

Nacimiento : 2021-07-24, Mesa, Arizona


Experimenter: La historia de Stanley Milgram
Harvard Student
En 1961, Stanley Milgram llevó a cabo una serie de experimentos sobre la obediencia en la Universidad de Yale. La investigación, planteada a raíz del juicio a Adolf Eichmann, pretendía dilucidar la relación de las personas con la autoridad. La violencia del experimento hizo que Milgram fuera tildado de sádico y de monstruo.
The River. My Brother, Me
With his brother struggling to adapt in the wake of tragedy, a young man revisits the crux of his family's ruin in search of something left behind.
Neither Shadow of Turning
Trapped in snowy isolation, husband and wife descend into torment as their lives are threatened by illness.
Neither Shadow of Turning
Trapped in snowy isolation, husband and wife descend into torment as their lives are threatened by illness.
We'll Be Happy Over There
The mark of a violent death lingers at a lakeside cabin where a new couple has taken residence.