Philippe Saïd

Philippe Saïd


Philippe Saïd


The Namessime
Xavie, an idealistic filmmaker, takes a motley film crew and two experienced actors in a country house, to shoot a film without a script, following chance, as A. Einstein understood it: "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous".
Membre du conseil
Habiendo finalizado su colaboración en la Estatua de la Libertad, el célebre ingeniero Gustave Eiffel (Romain Duris) está en la cima del mundo. Ahora, el gobierno francés le está presionando para diseñar algo espectacular para la Exposición Universal de París de 1889, pero Eiffel no está interesado. De repente, todo cambia cuando en su camino se cruza una misteriosa mujer de su pasado (Emma Mackey) y el fuego de su pasión prohibida se reaviva, inspirándole a cambiar la imagen de París para siempre.
Les Damnés de la Commune
Membre du Comité central (voice)
Le Pain du diable
Inspecteur Marescaux
Charlotte Corday
Set in July 1793 during the outbreak of the French Revolution and the unleashing of the Reign of Terror, a young girl from Caen named Charlotte Corday plots to assassinate Jacobin newspaper editor Jean-Paul Marat.
La pequeña Lola
Pierre y Géraldine, una pareja que desea adoptar a un bebé, emprende un viaje a Camboya, un país castigado por la historia. Una vez allí, comienza una aventura agotadora: ronda de visitas a orfanatos, enfrentamiento con las autoridades francesas y camboyanas, amenazas de traficantes y, además, el recelo del grupo de aspirantes a padres adoptivos que el azar ha reunido allí. A raíz de esta peregrinación, la pareja se desgarra, se reconstruye y se transforma para siempre.
Pierre Nord
París, 1942. En la Continental Films, productora alemana que realiza películas en la Francia ocupada, dos hombres se enfrentan al mismo dilema que la mayoría de los franceses: ¿es posible seguir trabajando como si no hubiese cambiado nada o hay que negarse a colaborar y abandonar el país? Uno de ellos oculta su apoyo a la Resistencia trabajando como ayudante de dirección, y el otro es un guionista anticolaboracionista.
My Father Saved My Life
The liberated
Novelist and filmmaker Jose Giovanni turned to the remarkable true story of how his father helped him escape a date with the guillotine for this drama, which is based closely on events from his own life. During World War II, Manu (Vincent Lecoeur, as a character Giovanni modeled after himself) fought with the French Resistance, but near the end of the war he fell into a life of crime, and in 1947, 22-year-old Manu was arrested for his part in a bungled robbery that left a man dead. While Manu did not pull the fatal trigger, he refuses to say who did, since it would mean implicating his uncle, one of the few members of his family who has stood by him; Manu's brother is dead, and he turned his back on his father Joe (Bruno Cremer) years ago. Manu is sentenced to death, and while he protests his innocence, his attempts to escape from prison do little to convince anyone that he's telling the truth.
A Mediterranean scrubland. The relentless noise of crickets. In the distance a highway and the procession of lorries travelling through the countryside at top speed. Among the green oaks and thorn bushes the construction of a leisure Centre is nearing completion. On the other side, from the building workers' prefabs can be heard the happy chaos of children shouting, families getting together and Ramadan celebrations. Moving incessantly between the two, are Fabienne, daughter of the manageress of the Centre, and Latifa, daughter of one of the workers. Fabienne and Latifa are friends, they tell each other everything, or almost... When you are 16 there are secrets that you don't share, even with your best friend. Then, there are questions which one would love to be able to answer and mysteries one would love to understand... The Centre's opening day approaches. It is the day of Fabienne's 16th birthday. But why do her mother Anne and her uncle Tom seem to be so fearful of that day?
In the Country of Juliets
Station master
Three young female prisoners become friends while stranded in a provincial train station.