Titos Vandis
Nacimiento : 1917-11-07, Thessaloniki, Greece
Muerte : 2003-02-23
Santa Claus
On the brink of the new Millennium, on Christmas Eve, a young couple invites Santa Claus over for dinner. What are the couple's intentions?
The few survivors of a deserted city, sometime in the near future, are left with no water or food but somehow manage to survive. In a hospital, a lonely scientist, Foteini, is helping a patient with amnesia to recover. She also meets an actor named Aias (Ajax) – who often visits his sick sister – and becomes romantically involved with him. Foteini is swept away by love; Aias, however, is unprepared for such strong emotions. Their separation brings Foteini to the house of the amnesiac, and he takes care of her, up to the moment that she discovers a photo of hers among his things. In the meantime, Aias brings his sister back home from the hospital. While it is getting darker, with clouds gathering in the sky, Foteini and Aias wander the city and meet in the rain.
Uncle Kakakis
Un camaleónico periodista de investigación recibe como herencia una mansión semiderruida en Louisiana. Una vez allí, se verá envuelto en el asesinato de la atractiva abogada que gestionaba el legado.
The years of the storm are Greek historical - dramatic - adventurous film of 1984, directed and directed by Giorgos Tzimas . Starring Michalis Stamatakis Katerina Koutroupida and Menelaos Daflos. Two fighters, cut up in the mountains, after the defeat of the Democratic Army in 1949, are trying to return to their homes.
Sal Bonafetti
Un hospital reúne a varios sujetos estrambóticos: un joven y brillante aspirante a médico que no soporta ver la sangre, un doctor que pretende a la enfermera jefe para conseguir la llave del armario de las drogas, un mafioso que se oculta en el hospital disfrazado de mujer...
Lt. Ginelli
Tom and Dick Smothers play Bones Howard and Ryan Fitzgerald, a TV cameraman and intrepid reporter, respectively, involved in the race to find the buried treasure of Al Capone on Alcatraz Island at the former prison where he was imprisoned.
Nixos Naxos ("Success Wanters")
La película consta de tres cortometrajes que parodian las películas de desarrollo personal, las telenovelas y las historias policiacas.
Edgar J. Winters
Danny Youngblood is a famed Hollywood director with a reputation for modeling sexy starlets into superstar actresses, and then turning his discoveries into his wives, one after another. However, Danny meets his match when he zeroes in on his latest starlet/conquest, Margot Murray, who decides to turn the tables on him.
The relationship among a divorced man, his incurably ill teenage son, and his long-estranged father is explored when the youngster joins his dad for one final summer vacation and they end up at the grandfather's vineyard where he reconciles the two older men.
A series of freak accidents on the Los Angeles freeway traps a cast-load of familiar TV faces in an astounding traffic tie-up, with the entire system caught in a gridlock that John Beck, as a traffic expert, endeavors to unsnarl.
The true story of Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan, a gripping battle to overcome impossible obstacles and the struggle to communicate. As a young girl, Helen Keller is stricken with scarlet fever. The illness leaves her blind, mute, and deaf. Sealed off from the world, Helen cannot communicate with anyone, nor anyone with her. Often frustrated and desperate, Helen flies into uncontrollable rages and tantrums that terrify her hopeless family. The gifted teacher Annie Sullivan is summoned by the family to help the girl understand the world from which she is isolated, freeing Helen Keller from her internal prison forever. Television remake of the 1962 film which also starred Patty Duke in the role of Helen Keller.
Panos Theodopoulos
Dos personas aparentemente incompatibles son unidas a través de un ordenador: una ruidosa "rockera" y un hombre tradicional.
Una mujer que ha sobrevivido a un naufragio y los pilotos de un helicóptero guardacostas que la han rescatado, se verán atrapados en una misteriosa zona del Caribe denominada 'Triángulo de las Bermudas'.
A couple whose son had been institutionalized for three years after being diagnosed as mentally retarded are shocked to discover that the diagnosis was wrong, and that their son is, in fact, deaf.
Vezouvios Karatabanos
Thanasis, a family breadwinner who has been working for 17 years at the Ministry of Measure and Station without any promotion, is trying to cover his expenses by doing a second job. When he learns that he can not be promoted because he does not own a high school diploma, he decides to go back to school.
A government courier is caught in a deadly cover-up after discovering that his murdered sister was not only the mistress of a U.S. president, but also a Soviet spy.
Greek Bishop Markos
Cuando Dios se le aparece a un subgerente de una tienda de comestibles como un anciano afable, el Todopoderoso lo selecciona como su mensajero para el mundo moderno.
Narra la historia de un par de estafadores que intentan ayudar a unos jóvenes con problemas.
Vince Leone
Secret courier Matt Considine accepts the mission to escort chief witness Dvorak and his wife from San Francisco to a trial in New York. They have to cover 3,000 dangerous miles, because the drug mob wants to kill them at any price.
Claude DuCloche
A millionaire hires a pair of private investigators, who specialize in recovering lost and stolen objects, to find his daughter, who has apparently been smuggled out of the country.
A bail bondsman falls in love with one of his "customers" — a gypsy girl, who's been accused of attempted murder.
Sátira con elementos de falso documental que retrata la vida de un habitante de una pequeña ciudad de California. (FILMAFFINITY)
LAPD Officer Newman has not gotten the reputation of a straight arrow by avoiding conflict when fighting for right. In this police drama, his honesty is put to the test when he and his partner discover an international drug ring involving some of the department's highest ranking officers.
Joseph Nappa
Noble nightclub owner Samson does his best to keep his neighborhood clean of crime and drugs. When vicious mobster Johnny Nappa tries to muscle in on Samson's territory, Samson takes a brave stand against Nappa and his flunkies.
Gypsy truckers -- a tough veteran driver and his young college-educated partner -- come to the aid of embattled citrus growers in this pilot for the 1974-75 series, "Movin' On," about these free-spirited, civic-minded teamsters.
Mr. Parelli
In the midst of the Depression, a crotchety doctor, whose practice is in the Brooklyn slums, takes an interest in a local teenager, whose hostility and erratic behavior the doctor believes is due to more than just his environment.
Christie Love (Teresa Graves) es una oficial de policía que aprovecha su belleza y su aspecto rudo para poder infiltrarse en una organización criminal con el fin de desmantelar una red dedicada al narcotráfico. Es una película para TV destinada a despertar el interés de los inversores y del público. Sirvió como presentación de los personajes de la serie homónima. En esta película se originó la frase repetida por la protagonista en la serie y homenajeada e imitada por años: "you're under arrest, Sugah!".
Uncle John
Regan es una niña de doce años víctima de fenómenos paranormales como la levitación o la manifestación de una fuerza sobrehumana. Su madre, aterrorizada, tras someter a su hija a múltiples análisis médicos que no ofrecen ningún resultado, acude a un sacerdote con estudios de psiquiatría. Éste está convencido de que el mal no es físico sino espiritual, es decir, que la niña es víctima de una posesión diabólica. Por eso, con la ayuda de otro sacerdote decide practicar un exorcismo.
A scientist who has been preserved in suspended animation wakes up to find himself in a primitive society in the future.
Dr. Fernandez
After falling for Alicia, greedy and powerful Mexican landowner Carlos has her fiancé thrown in prison on a bogus charge. To trick Carlos into releasing her man, Alicia teams up with her Aunt Delfina and tries to convince Carlos that he's a ghost.
A lo largo de varias historias, Allen aborda de una forma desenfadada y absolutamente descarada y cómica alguno de los tabús y las facetas más bochornosas e intocables de la sexualidad humana. Así, los afrodisíacos resultaron ser la clave de un bufón de la corte para llegar al corazón de la Reina, pero pronto se da cuenta de que conseguir la llave de su cinturón de castidad podría serle más útil. En otra historia, un buen médico se enamora de una oveja descarriada desencadenando una serie de acontecimientos sobrenaturales y divertidísimos que harán que todo alrededor se vuelva confuso. En un absurdo programa televisivo llamado "¿Cuál es mi perversión?", Jack Barry presenta 20 preguntas sobre el fetichismo. Los sexólogos ven sus teorías fracasadas cuando un científico loco crea un pecho indeseable y monstruoso. El mundo del absurdo llega a su punto más alto cuando Tony Randall, Burt Reynolds y Allen aparecen en el papel de esperma pensando en el futuro incierto que les espera.
A rich, jet-setting playboy has a secret life: he's also a professional Mafia hitman. When he decides it's time to retire from that life, he finds that his former employers don't like the idea that someone who knows so much about them won't be under their control anymore, and decide to send their own hitmen to eliminate him.
Elizabeth Lipp y su amante Walter Harper, se alían para realizar uno de los robos más sonados. Llevarse la maravillosa daga del museo de Topkapi, en Estambul, una gran riqueza de precio incalculable. Para el plan, cuentan con la ayuda del atolondrado Arthur y otros compinches que idearán un plan para deslizarse por el museo sin ser vistos. El único camino es entrar a través de la cúpula del edificio.
A highly respected surgeon and University Professor becomes infatuated with a pretty young acrobat he meets accidentally in the park one evening. He quits his practice, dumping all his patients and dedicates his life to offering her a new home, money and his passionate love, also trying to sponsor her stage career in any possible way. She takes all he gives but it’s never enough for her and she doesn’t really have to give back much because the old man is head over heels in love with her.
Father Anaxagoras
Steve Blair (Robert Preston) es un estafador cuyo compañero Paul (Tony Randall) es un escritor alcohólico que está haciendo una serie de dibujos animados. Steve se propone producir una película bíblica basada en el Génesis. El apoyo financiero lo proporciona un gángster (Walter Matthau), que no se queda satisfecho cuando ve el resultado final. Entonces Steve y Paul se esconden en una isla griega. Allí, Steve tiene otra brillante idea para cometer una estafa que podría funcionar, dando por supuesto que el mafioso aparecerá tarde o temprano. (FILMAFFINITY)
Father Loues
En 1896 vuelven a celebrarse de nuevo los Juegos Olímpicos. Un joven pastor, Spiridon Loues, decide correr el maratón de 26 millas. Una vez en Atenas, se encuentra con Christina Gratsos, una joven de su ciudad, que trabaja como sirvienta personal de Elena Costa, la actriz más glamourosa de Grecia. A pesar de que llega con retraso, sus progresos como del atleta impresionan al entrenador del equipo estadounidense. La actriz anuncia a la prensa que se casará con el vencedor, que confía que será su amante, el teniente Vinardos.
Inspector Bekas
A journalist helps, famed policeman Becca, to solve the murder of a theater actress.
This films tells four different stories, all connected by the banks of a river.
Exitosa comedia con tintes dramáticos dirigida por Jules Dassin y protagonizada por su mujer, la cautivadora Melina Mercouri, que narra las relaciones entre una prostituta griega y un escritor americano que intenta alejarla del oficio.
A children's film about the adventures of a young boy, Lampros, who returns to school after an absence of many days due to an accident. Lampros has a loyal and true friend in his dog, whom he calls Lykos (Wolf), with whom he spends endless hours of games and carefree abandon.
This immensely successful remake of the 1929 foustanella classic was directed by Dinos Dimopoulos and quickly established its stars (Dimitris Papamichael and the beautiful Aliki Vouyouklaki) as the Greek cinema's top box-office draws. The story itself rigidly follows the conventions of its subgenre, although because Greek filmmakers were still churning out foustanellas for decades afterward, it hardly seems more dated than the original. Once again, it tells the tale of Mitros (Titos Vandis), a wealthy herd owner with a foster daughter named Astero (Vouyouklaki) whom he marries off to another herd owner, despite the fact that she and his son Thimios (Papamichael) are desperately in love. The other herd owner dies and Astero loses her mind a bit (although she doesn't wig out quite as spectacularly as Aliki Theodoridou in the silent original), but Mitros finally comes to the right decision and allows the children to marry.
Some months before the outbreak of the Greek Civil War three outlaws struggle for survival in the mountains. Directed by Nikos Koundouros.
A girl, Vassula, learns shortly before marrying her lover, Richard, that the alleged father is actually her uncle. The latter, when the natural daughter died, presented the event as the death of his adoptive daughter. The mother of the girl is still alive and will accompany her to church with her true father.