Atholl Fleming


En el ejército de su majestad la reina
Viéndose acusado de un asesinato que no cometió, Jimmy, un ladrón de poca monta, huye a Inglaterra. Allí se enrola en el ejército y se enamora de Sally, la bella hija de su sargento. Cuando el regimiento es enviado a China para luchar contra unos bandidos, tendrá que demostrar su valentía para poder conquistarla.
Bulldog Jack
Bulldog Drummond
While filling in for injured supersleuth Bulldog Drummond (Atholl Fleming), world-class cricket player Jack Pennington (Jack Hulbert) attempts to foil a criminal mastermind's (Ralph Richardson) impending heist that's targeting a valuable jewel necklace held within the British Museum. This comedic 1930s mystery features daring rescues, intense fistfights and an exciting edge-of-your seat finale aboard a runaway train.
Little Friend
A girl becomes an unwilling witness in her parents' scandalous divorce case.
Tin Gods
A British drama film directed by F.W. Kraemer
Men Like These
A British submarine on patrol is accidentally rammed by a merchant ship, that tears a big hole in in sub which sinks trapping the crew.