Sound Designer
While scouting locations for a university project, Eva crosses paths with Mia; later, they meet again at a house party, and an intense friendship soon forms between the introverted student filmmaker and the inscrutable but magnetic performer. As the pair becomes ever more entwined, so does the supernatural begin to entangle with the everyday, revealing the cracks between memory and make-believe, reality and fantasy. All the while, Eva seeks to better understand her friend – and her own self – leading her deeper into the surreal rabbit hole that is Mia’s life.
When the first wave of punk broke Australian shores in the 1970’s it was met with a fierce embrace that still reverberates. Adopted and adapted with fearsome intensity by disenfranchised, pre-globalisation Australian kids against the isolation and cultural vacuity of mainstream Australia, punk was a DIY counterculture - a profound, lived, visceral critique of late 20th century capitalism. Australian punk chose values and agendas that for many have become lifelong.
Sound Designer
A group of schoolboys engage in tomfoolery, but it’s not long before playful behaviour turns primal.
Sound Designer
Cuando Jarah pierde a su esposo, su hijo, su tierra y su inocencia, se embarca en un viaje brutal de retribución y venganza que se transforma en redención y reconciliación.
Sound Designer
A man living in solitary seeks emotional refuge in the organising and documenting of family moments using low-grade impersonators. When his fake sister becomes inspired to follow his method, their relationship struggles between the forged and genuine.
Sound Designer
Milena travels to a remote opal mining community to see her estranged, ill father. Lost and alone, she falls into his bewildering world, where men escape society and share ideals of freedom. Soon, he doesn’t want her to leave. Stuck in time, father and daughter try to mend their fractured bond, but their connection is fragile, like the strange, colourful gems he digs up from the earth.
Sound Designer
In a nameless small Chinese city, a regular mother tries to find her missing daughter, in this gentle night.
Sound Designer
The devastating Chilean earthquake of 2010 damaged over 370,000 homes. The city of Talca was near its epicentre, leaving many historic neighbourhoods in ruins. CASA ANTÚNEZ is an intimate portrait of one beloved home in Talca, and how its destruction reveals a divided family. When the mother sells the adobe ruins to her architect son José Luis, his brothers and cousins are sceptical about his intentions. Over three years, we witness their psychological process of losing a childhood home as they confront the future of its land. CASA ANTÚNEZ is a poetic homage to the very notion of ‘home’ after a disaster.
Sound Designer
A true story of shipwreck, murder and ruin.
Sound Editor
Hannah walks through the city, observing people and objects, searching for something, looking at delicious pastries. She is on her way to an appointment with a tarot reader and inside and house space unfolds like the walls of a dream, only to reveal a pair of rummaging thieves. Alone, Hannah is entering a mystery and the clues are sparse and uncertain. She floats like a jellyfish, but perhaps there is no such thing.
Sound Editor
Good Grief is a short stop motion animated documentary that explores the lessons we learn from dealing with grief and loss. Five real people share their true stories of losing something precious and what it has taught them about living.
Sound Designer
During the 1940s, Nevil Shute had a steady job as an engineer in the British military but in his spare time, he wrote novels that were being well-received. Once the war was over, Shute choose to move to Australia and focus on writing, soon becoming an internationally acclaimed novelist. His novel On The Beach, particularly hit a chord with the international community, depicting the impact of global nuclear destruction. This documentary studies Shute's career and the adaptation of his most famous novel into a feature film in Melbourne, as his predictions of a post-Hiroshima world seem to be foreboding in their accuracy.
Sound Designer
The Telegram Man explores the impact of World War II on a close-knit Australian farming community.
Sound Editor
Filmed during and after his time on the High Court of Australia, this documentary about Justice Michael Kirby explores the personal, moral and spiritual convictions of one of our most compassionate and incisive legal minds. Michael Kirby reveals himself in this film through a long-form interview in a way he has never done before. It was only at the age of 61 he publicly revealed for the first time that he had been in a homosexual relationship since 1969 with partner Johan van Vloten. This film represents the first time Johan has spoken publicly about their life together.
Dialogue Editor
Octubre 1975. Indonesia se prepara para invadir Timor Este. Entonces llega la noticia, han desaparecido cinco jóvenes periodistas australianos; se teme por su vida. Cuatro semanas después un veterano periodista, Roger East, llega a la zona para investigar y tratar de localizar a sus compatriotas: llega presionado por un hombre que busca la verdad, o más bien que busca que el mundo no mire hacia otro lado y se olvide de Timor Este, (como, efectivamente, sucedió). Es el joven Ramos-Horta, el mismo que, años después, se convertirá en el segundo presidente del Timor Este independiente.
Dialogue Editor
Cuatro personas están realizando una investigación acerca del tigre de Tasmania cuando se convertirán en las víctimas de los descendientes de una tribu caníbal...
Dialogue Editor
Lo que pretendía ser un viaje de aventura, se convierte en una pesadilla cuando una pareja se ve obligada a resguardarse de una tormenta en una aislada granja de unos pantanos australianos. Allí serán atacados por unos desconocidos.
ADR Editor
Una chef adicta al trabajo debe ceder parte del control de su restaurante a un despreocupado compañero de trabajo cuando se convierte en la tutora de su sobrina tras la muerte de sus padres.
Dialogue Editor
Una chef adicta al trabajo debe ceder parte del control de su restaurante a un despreocupado compañero de trabajo cuando se convierte en la tutora de su sobrina tras la muerte de sus padres.
Sound Designer
Are eligible Indigenous bachelors an endangered demographic in the 21st century? That’s the question cheekily posed by Tracey Rigney’s debut documentary short, which invites First Nations individuals to confide what they desire, what holds them back, and their hopes and worries about whether they’ll ever find The One. Endangered first screened at the Melbourne International Film Festival in 2005.
ADR Recordist
Obsesionado con la búsqueda de una idea matemática original, el brillante estudiante John Forbes Nash llega a Princeton para realizar sus estudios de postgrado. Es un muchacho extraño y solitario, al que sólo comprende su compañero de cuarto. Por fin, Nash esboza una revolucionaria teoría y consigue una plaza de profesor en el MIT. Alicia Lardé, una de sus alumnas, lo deja fascinado al mostrarle que las leyes del amor están por encima de las de las matemáticas. Gracias a su prodigiosa habilidad para descifrar códigos es reclutado por Parcher William, del departamento de Defensa, para ayudar a los Estados Unidos en la Guerra Fría contra la Unión Soviética.
Sound Editor
Un japonés joven y rico (Rikiya Kurokawa) viaja a Australia, para comprar un Citroën DS (apodado "La Diosa" porque la pronunciación de sus iniciales en francés suena como "déesse", diosa) que ha encontrado por Internet. Una vez allí, las cosas no salen como había planeado y acaba haciendo un viaje por carretera con una joven ciega (Rose Byrne).
Supervising Sound Editor
Teenager Jamie moves with his mother, sister and grandfather to an island off the South Australian coast where mum has a job running a marine research station. To his discomfort, Jamie discovers he`s a "selkie" - half human, half seal - that explains the webbing on his hands and also why he changes completely into a seal as soon as he hits water.
Sound Editor
Alice, Judy and Sally are three Australian roommates who are unlucky in love. Over the course of a year, they endure numerous personal ups and downs. Meanwhile, Ewan, Joel and Neil are friends and coworkers with similar problems, and gradually their lives intersect with the trio of women to varying degrees. Will any of these young people finally find a satisfying relationship?
Dialogue Editor
Larceny, adultery, sabotage and treachery. Yes, just your typical Christmas with the Dredge family! Twelve-year-old Joey Dredge is in trouble again. Expelled for jumping off the school roof, he's haunted by his father's death and hates his mother's new boyfriend and his bullying son. Compounding his misery is the knowledge he has to spend Christmas with them at the family beach house. Things look grim until the unexpected arrival of great-grandfather Albert, fresh from a stint in prison. Forced to share the back shed with this swearing, farting and devious octogenarian, Joey's life changes. Between barbecuing the family dog, performing a self-burial and causing his intended step-father to consume a startling amount of hash, Joey learns a few life lessons from Albert, who despite his many vices may give Joey the strength to accept the past and embrace the future.
Sound Editor
Aussie boys of Asian descent candidly discuss their status as a "minority within a minority".
Dialogue Editor
All Wally Mellish, an ex-convict in 1960s Australia, wants to do is live a quiet life with his girlfriend Beryl. Unfortunately when two police officers come around to disturb this, a misunderstanding quickly becomes out of control, resulting Wally, Beryl and her child being trapped in their house, surrounded by armed police under the impression that Wally is holding everyone hostage. Events quickly spiral into a media circus as, through the siege, Wally - inadvertently - manages to become a symbol for the anti-war movement.
ADR Editor
En Verona Beach se suceden los enfrentamientos entre las dos familias más poderosas (los Montesco y los Capuleto), cuyo objetivo es conseguir el dominio de la ciudad. Fulgencio Capuleto organiza una fiesta a la que asiste, gracias a la mediación de su amigo Mercuccio, Romeo Montesco. Lo que los Capuleto pretenden es que su joven hija Julieta se comprometa con el arrogante Dave Paris, el hijo del gobernador. Pero, cuando Romeo y Julieta se miran, surgirá entre ellos desde el primer momento la chispa del amor. Adaptación moderna del clásico de Shakespeare.
Dialogue Editor
En Verona Beach se suceden los enfrentamientos entre las dos familias más poderosas (los Montesco y los Capuleto), cuyo objetivo es conseguir el dominio de la ciudad. Fulgencio Capuleto organiza una fiesta a la que asiste, gracias a la mediación de su amigo Mercuccio, Romeo Montesco. Lo que los Capuleto pretenden es que su joven hija Julieta se comprometa con el arrogante Dave Paris, el hijo del gobernador. Pero, cuando Romeo y Julieta se miran, surgirá entre ellos desde el primer momento la chispa del amor. Adaptación moderna del clásico de Shakespeare.
Muriel es una chica con sobrepeso que vive en un mundo de fantasía, canciones de ABBA y catálogos nupciales. Sueña con un príncipe azul que algún día la liberará de su odiosa familia y de sus burlonas amigas. Cansada de esperar su llegada, decide irse a la ciudad y buscarlo. Uno de los mayores éxitos del cine australiano de los noventa.
Dialogue Editor
Paul consigue introducirse hábilmente en el mundo de los marchantes de arte neoyorquinos Ouisa y Flan Kittredge, haciéndose pasar por el hijo de Sidney Poitier. Pero, antes de que empiece a desentrañarse el engaño de Paul, éste aporta a sus anfitriones mucho más que una simple anécdota para contar en sus fiestas: desencadena una serie de acontecimientos que alterará el curso de sus vidas para siempre.
Dialogue Editor
Comedy about two Australian garbage collectors starring Los Trios Ringbarkus.
Dialogue Editor
Brönte, una tímida neoyorquina, y Georges, un inmigrante francés, acuerdan casarse por conveniencia. De esta forma, él obtendrá su permiso de residencia y ella podrá alquilar un ático con una gran terraza que su propietaria reserva para un matrimonio. Todo se desarrolla de acuerdo con sus planes, hasta que la oficina de inmigración decide investigar lo que sospechan que puede ser un fraude.
Dialogue Editor
Wendy’s bored with everyday life…But Jake’s about to take her from Mills and Boon to Champagne and Roses.
Sound Editor
Documentary using archival footage, newsreels and contemporary interviews with women of the WW2 Australian Women's Land Army.
Dialogue Editor
Un operador de cámara de segunda generación en Australia encuentra las evidencias de que su padre había filmado una prueba nuclear que permitía la exposición a la radiación de los aborígenes, que terminaron muriendo. El cámara comienza a investigar sobre un secreto que si es cierto, implica que su gobierno ha asesinado a personas para que no se sepa nada.
Dialogue Editor
A mild-mannered English conscientious objector moves to what he feels will be the relative calm of Australia after World War I, but gets caught in the middle of violent battles between the rising trade unions and fascist groups.
Dialogue Editor
Parody of historical epics that focuses on real-life Australian explorers William John Wills and Robert O'Hara Burkes, who tragically tried to cross the Australian continent from the south, to the north, a distance of 3,250 km.