Emma Dunn

Emma Dunn

Nacimiento : 1874-02-26, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England, UK

Muerte : 1966-12-14


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Emma Dunn (26 February 1875 – 14 December 1966) was an English character actress on the stage and in motion pictures. Emma Dunn appeared onstage in her early teens, graduating to the London stage for several years and later became a noted Broadway actress. She appeared in the first American production of Ibsen's Peer Gynt (1906) with Richard Mansfield as Peer. She played Peer's mother, Ase, even though she was, in real life, 20 years younger than Mansfield. She appeared in three productions for theatre impresario David Belasco: The Warrens of Virginia (1907), The Easiest Way (1909) and The Governor's Lady (1912). In The Easiest Way, Dunn portrayed Annie, who was black, in blackface. In 1913 Dunn appeared in vaudeville. Dunn made her first film in 1914, a silent film of her 1910 stage success, Mother, directed by Maurice Tourneur. This was Tourneur's first American film. Dunn's second film was 1920's Old Lady 31, reprising the role she played in the 1916 Broadway play of the same name. One more silent film followed in 1924, Pied Piper Malone, before she made her talkie debut in Side Street, co-starring the Moore brothers, Matt, Owen and Tom as her sons. Dunn wrote two books on elocution and speech: Thought Quality in the Voice (1933) and You Can Do It (1947). Emma Dunn was born 26 February 1875, in Birkenhead, England, although she sometimes gave her year of birth as 1883. Dunn married Harry Beresford, an actor who was then known professionally as Harry J. Morgan, in Chicago on 4 October 1897. They divorced on 10 February 1909, in New York City. She was awarded sole custody of their young daughter, Dorothy. On 19 May 1909, Dunn married John W. Stokes (John W. S. Sullivan), an actor, playwright and theatrical manager. They subsequently adopted a second daughter, Helen. The couple divorced sometime between 1923 and Stokes' death in 1931. After suffering a heart attack some months before, Dunn died 14 December 1966, in Los Angeles, California, aged 91.


Emma Dunn


La mujer de blanco
Mrs. Vesey
Un joven pintor se encuentra con extraños personajes en una finca inglesa donde ha sido contratado para dar clases de arte a la bella Laura Fairlie. Entre ellos están Anne Catherick, una joven extraña vestida de blanco a la que encuentra en el bosque y que tiene un parecido sorprendente con Laura; el astuto conde Fosco, que espera obtener una herencia para el noble Sir Percival Glyde, quien planea casarse con Laura; Mr. Fairlie, un hipocondríaco que no soporta que nadie haga el menor ruido y la excéntrica condesa Fosco, que tiene su propio secreto oscuro. El artista también se ve atraído por Marion Halcomb, para quien el conde también tiene sus propios planes.
Vivir con papá
La acción se desarrolla hacia 1880, en el domicilio neoyorquino del señor Clarence Day, un hombre que ha hecho fortuna en los negocios y gobierna su casa y a su familia con la mentalidad y los escrúpulos de un contable. La llegada de la tía Cora, acompañada de una jovencita encantadora, y la declaración del señor Day de que no ha sido bautizado produce una conmoción en la familia.
El canalla redimido
Después de servir en el ejército durante la I Guerra Mundial, el reportero Terry O'Neill vuelve a casa. Descubre que es más difícil encontrar empleo de lo que había pensado.
My Buddy
Mary Ballinger
A priest relates the tale of his friend, a WWI veteran, to the Post-War Planning Committee. Unable to get a job upon his return from the war, he puts off his marriage and works for a bootlegger. He is forced to take a rap for his boss, goes to prison, and forms a gang.
Are These Our Parents?
Ma Henderson
A mother's preference for partying, boozing and running around with an assortment of sleazy characters results in her neglecting her nubile teenage daughter, who subsequently finds herself mixed up with horny teenage boys, scuzzy nightclub owners and murder.
Sucedió mañana
Mrs. Keaver (uncredited)
Larry Stevens trabaja como reportero del Evening News de Nueva York y está a punto de celebrar sus bodas de oro con su esposa Sylvia y toda su familia. Durante la fiesta, cuenta un extraño hecho que le sucedió a fines del siglo XIX, cuando el viejo Benson, el encargado de la hemeroteca del periódico, al que apenas conocía, le entregó un ejemplar del Evening News que vaticinaba con un día de antelación las noticias que iban a producirse
The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Doña Mercedes
A rope bridge over a gorge in the Peruvian Andes snaps, sending five people plunging to their deaths. A priest sets out to find out more about the life of each of the victims.
Mom Smith
Un oficial de la marina que había desertado se alista de nuevo cuando estalla la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Asignado a la unidad de dragaminas, ha de llevar a cabo peligrosas misiones, al tiempo que debe ocultar su identidad verdadera.
Hoosier Holiday
Molly Baker
During World War II three brothers go to enlist in the Air Force, but since they're farmers they're told they're needed at home more than in the service. Determined to join up, they enlist the aid of a pretty young girl whose father is head of the local draft board.
Me casé con una bruja
Wife of Justice of the Peace (uncredited)
Siglo XVII. Cuando Jennifer, acusada de brujería, está a punto de ser quemada en la hoguera, lanza una maldición sobre su acusador: todos sus descendientes serán infelices en sus matrimonios. En 1942, Wallace Wooley, al tiempo que se presenta como candidato a gobernador, está preparando su boda con la presumida de Estelle Masterson. Un rayo golpea el árbol junto al cual fue quemada la bruja y ésta cobra vida. Desde entonces, intentará arruinar la vida de Wallace.
El asunto del día
Mrs. Shelley
Leopold Dilg huye de la cárcel donde cumplía condena por incendio, y se esconde en casa de Nora, una amiga de la infancia. Pero resulta que ésta ha alquilado la casa durante el verano a Michael Lighcap, candidato al Tribunal Supremo. Dilg, que se hace pasar por el jardinero, y Nora logran convencer al magistrado de que Dilg es inocente. Entonces los tres intentan atrapar a los verdaderos delincuentes; pero, al mismo tiempo, los dos descubren que se han enamorado de Nora.
The Mad Martindales
A girl tries to pay the mortgage on a Nob Hill home and gets involved in selling her father's art treasures.
Chicos de Broadway
Mrs. Williams
Un grupo de jóvenes cantantes y bailarines que busca triunfar en Broadway decide participar en un musical con el propósito de recaudar fondos para los niños pobres. El entusiasmo que ponen en todo lo que emprenden les ayuda a lograr sus sueños.
Rise and Shine
Mrs. Murray
The college president, the head cheerleader and a gambling gangster try to keep a flunking football star in the game
El misterio de Fiske Manor
Sister Theresa
El ama de llaves de una actriz jubilada intenta compaginar su trabajo con el cuidado de sus dos hermanas enfermas.
Scattergood Meets Broadway
Mirandy Baines
Scattergood finds out that his neighbor, Elly Drew, is going to sell her home to support her son David, an aspiring playwright, who is in New York City trying to get his play produced. Scattergood decides to loan Elly the money but things are not as David has been telling his Mother...
Dr. Kildare's Wedding Day
Mrs. Martha Kildare
A variety of predicaments arise to distract Dr. Kildare from his wedding to Nurse Mary Lamont.
Scattergood Pulls the Strings
Mirandy Baines
Small-town store owner Scattergood Baines helps a runaway boy find his father, who has escaped after being unjustly imprisoned, and a young chemist who is trying to invent a color television but is being opposed by his girlfriend's father, who wants the girl to marry a pharmacist like himself instead of some crazy inventor.
The Penalty
'Ma' McCormick
In this crime drama, a ruthless gangster's son is soon following in his father's footsteps. When his daddy kills an FBI agent and a cabby, the boy sees it all. Fortunately the courts intervene and send the lad off to live with a family of farmers.
El monstruo y la joven
Aunt Della
Un muchacho va al patíbulo por un crimen que no cometió. Los verdaderos culpables se ocupan de la hermana del difunto y la sumergen en la prostitución. Un científico reclama el cuerpo del difunto para realizar unos experimentos y logra trasplantar su cerebro al cuerpo de un gorila el cual recuerda todo su pasado humano y comienza una venganza contra los villanos.
Scattergood Baines
Mirandy Baines
Young Scattergood Baines arrives in the small New England town of Coldriver. Through some shrewd business maneuvering, he manages to open up a hardware store. Twenty years later he has become a prosperous and respected member of the community, a member of the local school board and the owner of a railroad that transports timber to the local sawmill. Problems begin to arise, however, when a young schoolteacher he has hired turns out to be not quite what he expected, and the mill owners pressure Scattergood to sell them his railroad, with the idea of raising the transportation fees paid to them by the local loggers.
Matrimonio original
La única comedia norteamericana del maestro Hitchcock trata sobre las relaciones de amor-odio de un matrimonio (Carole Lombard y Robert Montgomery) que descubre que, debido a un error administrativo, no están legalmente casados.
El gran dictador
Mrs. Jaeckel
Un humilde barbero judío tiene un parecido asombroso con el dictador de la nación Tomania, que promete sacar adelante y que culpa a los judíos de la situación del país. El dictador ataca al país fronterizo, pero es confundido con el barbero por sus propios guardias, siendo ingresado en un campo de concentración. Simultáneamente, el pobre barbero es confundido con el dictador...
Dr. Kildare Goes Home
Mrs. Martha Kildare
A young doctor gives up big-city success to help his father set up a small-town clinic.
Baila, muchacha, baila
Mrs. Simpson
Judy O'Brien forma parte de un grupo de baile y aspira a dedicarse al ballet clásico. Bubbles, compañera suya deja el grupo para centrarse en la comedia. Cuando el grupo se deshace, Bubbles le ofrece a Judy un ingrato trabajo: ser la telonera de su espectáculo.
One Crowded Night
Ma Matthews
The future of a group of strangely connected lives is determined on one crucial night at a dinky motel in the desert.
You Can't Fool Your Wife
Mother Fields
Longtime school sweethearts discover married life, thanks to a disagreeable live-in mother-in-law and pressing business obligations, is more rocky than idyllic.
Dr. Kildare's Strange Case
Mrs. Martha Kildare
Kildare tries brain surgery, advised by Dr. Gillespie, and faces a rival for nurse Lamont.
Half a Sinner
Granny Gladden
Although young and beautiful, schoolteacher Anne Gladden fears a dull future. She finally decides to take a walk on the wild side, splurging on some fashionable new clothes and setting off to find adventure. Her new confidence inspires her to flirt with complete strangers. When a gangster pays unwanted attention to her, she ditches him and flees in his car, unaware that there's a corpse in the trunk. Determined to recover his stolen vehicle and its incriminating cargo the thug begins a desperate search. The oblivious Anne, comes to the aid of a handsome young man stranded alongside the road. Romance blooms, but after the shocking discovery of a body in the trunk, the duo decide they have to return the car. The bickering lovebirds head back to the city, trailed by both the angry gangster and the cops, who suspect the young couple of murder.
Little Orvie
Mrs. Welty
Family film, based on a Booth Tarkington tale, about a young boy who takes extreme measures to keep the stray dog he befriends.
High School
Mrs. O'Neill
A teenager who's been raised and home-schooled at her father's Texas ranch must adjust to her new surroundings and being with other students when she's sent to a San Antonio high-school.
The Llano Kid
Doña Teresa
Lora Travers is the only person who can identify hold-up artist The Llano Kid and she persuades him to come in on a scheme with her and her husband. They have been searching for the long-lost son of a rich Mexican widow and they get the Kid to claim it is him. All goes according to plan until greed and jealousy raise their heads.
The Secret of Dr. Kildare
Mrs. Martha Kildare
Intern Kildare heals a millionaire's daughter and tricks Dr. Gillespie into taking a vacation.
Hero for a Day
Emmy "Moms" Higgins
When a night watchman is mistaken for a wealthy college alumnus, his family and friends help him go along with the pretense.
Muero cada amanecer
Mrs. Ross
Aunque inocente, el reportero Frank Ross es declarado culpable de asesinato y es enviado a la cárcel. Mientras sus amigos del periódico tratan de averiguar quien lo engañó, Frank se va endureciendo por la vida en prisión y su optimismo se convierte en amargura.
Calling Dr. Kildare
Mrs. Martha Kildare
Un médico cura a un gangster y se enamora de su hermana.
El hijo de Frankenstein
De vuelta al ancestral castillo 25 años después de la muerte del monstruo, el hijo del doctor Frankenstein conoce a Ygor, un pastor loco que esconde a la terrible criatura. Buscando limpiar el nombre de la familia, revive al monstruo y lo intenta rehabilitar.
El duque de West Point
Jack's Mother
Un arrogante estudiante de Cambridge emigra a Estados Unidos y se enrola en West Point.
El vaquero y la dama
Ma Hawkins
Gary Cooper interpreta a un cowboy rudo e implacable pero con buenos sentimientos. Aunque no tiene nada que ver con su forma de ser, acaba enamorándose de una joven adinerada de alto copete, interpretada por Merle Oberon. Con su manera decidida de actuar, el cowboy, que tiene un temperamento bastante tradicional, está decidido a calmar la ligereza de la chica. Ella no soporta que nadie le diga lo que tiene que hacer. El cowboy piensa que este tipo de chicas son como los caballos salvajes, que para adiestrarlos hay que darles un margen de confianza, a la vez que atarles corto.
Thanks for the Memory
Mrs. Platt
Un escritor en paro se ocupa de las labores domésticas, mientras su esposa va a trabajar para su ex novio, y editor del marido, quien todavía está enamorado de ella.
Young Dr. Kildare
Mrs. Martha Kildare
A medical school graduate takes an internship at a big city hospital, only to be subjected to a rigorous (and sometimes embarrassing) testing of his knowledge by the hospital's top dog, Dr. Leonard Gillespie.
Three Loves Has Nancy
Mrs. Briggs
A small-town country homebody goes to New York to find her missing fiancé and gets romantically involved with two sophisticated men.
Cowboy from Brooklyn
Ma Hardy
A singing cowboy turns out to be a tenderfoot.
Horizontes de gloria
Mrs. Briggs
Geoffrey Bramer, un niño mimado, se une con un par de delincuentes de poca monta para hacerse pasar por un aristócrata y robar joyas en tiendas exclusivas. Cuando la policía detiene a Geoffrey, es enviado a un reformatorio, donde los jóvenes son entrenados para ser marineros. Allí se hace amigo de Terry O'Mulvaney, chico modélico del lugar, pero pronto comienza a meterse en problemas.
Madame X
Rose, Fleuriot's Houskeeper
An alcoholic woman was charged and tried for murder and a young defense attorney, unaware that she is his mother, takes the assignment to defend her in court.
Varsity Show
Mrs. Smith
Winfield College students rebel against a stodgy professor who won't permit "swing" music be played in their varsity show. They appeal to a big Broadway alumnus and have him direct their show. What they don't know is that this "star's" last three shows were flops.
Emma Peterson
A poor family receives unwanted houseguests when they're visited by gangsters looking for a place to hide out.
El secreto del candelabro
Anna - Olga's Housekeeper
Un agente secreto polaco y una agente secreta rusa se infiltran en la Nobleza mientras llevan a cabo sus planes. Pero tras conocerse, se acabarán enamorando.
Waikiki Wedding
Tony Marvin is a laid back but incredibly successful promoter and fair-haired boy for J. P. Todhunter's pineapple company located in beautiful Hawaii. He gets the company to sponsor a contest in which the winner gets a Hawaiian vacation and is obligated to write articles on the islands which, when published, will constitute a publicity coup for the company. Unfortunately, Georgia Smith, the winner, feels lonely and isolated in the Islands and wants to return to the States. With help from buddy Shad Buggle Tony tries to romantically divert Georgia without letting her know his true motivation.
Circus Girl
A jealous trapeze star decides he must eliminate his romantic rival.
Preludio de amor
Mrs. Hamilton
Una cantante australiana de ópera se casa con un rico norteamericano para poder residir legalmente en los Estados Unidos.
Second Wife
Mrs. Brown
Kenneth discovers that his son by his first wife is ill in a remote Swiss village, and is forced to leave Wife Number Two alone during childbirth.
The Harvester
Granny Moreland
In a small town in Indiana in the 1890s, the domineering and ambitious Mrs. Biddle arranges a marriage between her spoiled daughter Thelma and the town's prize catch, harvester David Langston, who is wedded to the soil. David is friends with orphan Ruth Jameson and, although she is in love with him, he eventually gives in to the machinations of Mrs. Biddle and consents to marry Thelma. Meanwhile, technological advances come to town, including its first gasoline buggy, galvanic battery, and metal bathtub fitted with running water. When Mrs. Biddle tries to convince David to give up the farming life and join her husband in real estate, Mr. Biddle, hen-pecked and dissatisfied with city life, warns David against selling his farm.
El secreto de vivir
Mrs. Meredith (uncredited)
Un ingenuo joven de provincias (Gary Cooper) va a Nueva York para hacerse cargo de una herencia de veinte millones de dólares. Allí se enamora de una chica encantadora (Jean Arthur), sin saber que es la periodista que lo ridiculiza en sus artículos.
Another Face
Sheila's Mother (uncredited)
The surgeon who did the job was dead. Only the nurse knew what this gangster looked like in his new face. He learned about women from her!
Seven Keys to Baldpate
Mrs. Quimby
A writer, looking for some peace and quiet in order to finish a novel, takes a room at the Baldpate Inn. However, peace and quiet are the last things he gets, as there are some very strange goings-on at the establishment.
This Is the Life
Mrs. Davis
A popular child star, exploited and overworked by her greedy guardians, decides enough is enough--and takes it on the lam.
Little Big Shot
Orphanage Matron
A con man and his partner inherit a dead gangster's precocious daughter.
The Keeper of the Bees
Margaret Campbell
A severely traumatized World War I veteran, believing that he's living on borrowed time, comes upon a peaceful little village and meets an old man called Bee Master and his protégé, Little Scout, who try to convince him that he has more to live for than he thinks he does.
Ladies Crave Excitement
Mrs. Phelan
Bored rich girl hooks up with news photographer, gets caught up in his adventures.
La llave de cristal
'Mom' Madvig
Cuando Paul Madvig, un político de éxito que lucha contra sus rivales para apoderarse de la ciudad, se ve implicado en un asesinato, Ed Beaumont, su amigo y mano derecha, debe decidir de qué lado está.
George White's 1935 Scandals
Aunt Jane
A Brodway producer discovers new talent in a small Georgia town and brings them to New York for his new show.
Mrs. Poole
A naive farmer encounters a beautiful burlesque dancer on the streets of New York and agrees to pose as her husband during her mother's visit.
Dr. Monica
Mrs. Monahan
A prominent New York doctor, unable to have a child, discovers her philandering husband has impregnated her best friend.
The Quitter
Cordelia Tilford
When her husband, who founded the town's crusading local newspaper, doesn't come back from the French battlefields of World War I, a woman struggles to raise her two sons and keep the newspaper going. Matters are complicated by the fact that, several years later, one of the sons wants to turn the paper from its position as a hard-fighting champion of the working-class into an upscale society paper catering to the rich and powerful. Matters are complicated even further by rumors that their father was in fact NOT killed in France during the war but took another man's identity and is still living there.
Dark Hazard
Mrs. Mayhew
Jim is a compulsive gambler. He meets Marge at a boarding house and they get married. His gambling causes problems. When he runs into old flame Valerie Marge leaves him. After a few years he returns, but she is now in love with old flame Pres. Jim buys racing dog Dark Hazard and makes a fortune which he loses on roulette.
A Man of Sentiment
Mrs. John Russell Sr.
A man and woman fall in love at first sight, but everyone in their universe tries to keep them apart except one old fool with a sentimental heart.
It's Great to Be Alive
Mrs. Wilton
An aviator who crash landed on an island in the South Pacific returns home to find that he is the last fertile man left on Earth after an epidemic of masculitus.
Private Jones
Mrs. Jones
After America enters World War I, young William "Bill" Jones tries to avoid military service by telling the draft board that he is the sole supporter of his family and is employed by businessman Roger Winthrop, his sister Helen's boss.
Grand Slam
A Russian waiter in New York City becomes a national celebrity after he develops a "system" for winning at contract bridge.
Duro de pelar
Mrs. Hawks (uncredited)
James Cagney interpreta a un agente de prensa que se convierte en promotor de un maratón de baile.
Grata compañía
Mrs. Roberts
A New York gossip columnist feuds with a singer and enjoys the power of the press.
Letty Lynton
Mrs. Darrow
El mundano y rico Letty Lynton vuelve a Nueva York, después de abandonar a su amante Emile Renaul en Sudamérica, cuando ella tiene un romance con Jerry Darrow. Lynton la espera en Nueva York, pero ella lo envenena. Cuando los detectives la arrestan, Jerry prepara una coartada.
It's Tough to Be Famous
'Moms' McClenahan
Scotty, an unwilling Navy war hero is cast into the limelight. He wants to get married and be an engineer, but is forced to fulfil the expectations of the public, his employer and his PR agent, which he hates. Although he and his long time girlfriend Janet love each other, they are pressured to marry before they are ready. The strain takes its toll on both of them.
The Cohens and Kellys in Hollywood
Mrs. Sarah Cohen
The Cohens and the Kellys invade a Hollywood studio after Kitty becomes the darling of the studio.
Alcohol prohibido
Mrs. Chilcote
Los males del alcohol antes y durante la prohibición se hacen evidentes cuando vemos sus efectos en la familia Chilcote.
Hell's House
Emma Clark
A teenager lands in a brutal reform school for refusing to squeal on his bootlegger boss.
Frau Miller
Tras la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), Paul Renard, un joven francés, vive obsesionado por el recuerdo de Walter Holderlin, un soldado alemán al que mató. Después de leer y firmar la última carta de Walter, va a Alemania para hablar con su familia y pedirle perdón. Sin embargo, cuando la localiza y va a hablar con ellos, algo inesperado sucede.
Ilusión juvenil
Mrs. Evans (uncredited)
Un rico productor teatral atrae a una joven chica desesperada a su apartamento. La inocente chica no se da cuenta que el lujurioso productor está planeando hacer algo más que tomar una copa con ella.
The Guilty Generation
Nina Palmero
The children of feuding gangsters fall in love and fight to escape their parents' notoriety.
Morals for Women
Mrs. Hutson
A desperate woman turns to prostitution but is saved by true love.
Bad Company
A psychotic and sadistic mob boss is infatuated with the young wife of his newlywed attorney, and he plots to get him out of the way so he can have her to himself.
This Modern Age
Margaret Blake
A Harvard football star disobeys his upper class parents and runs off with his true love.
Too Young to Marry
Mrs. Bumpstead
In this comedy drama set in a small town, a milque-toast gets a backbone and stands up to his overbearing wife. Only one of his daughters is on his side. The family is amazed and shocked by his sudden change. At first they rebel, but when he defies his wife and allows his good daughter to marry the grocery boy she loves, they finally come to respect him.
The Bad Sister
Mrs. Madison
Marianne falls in love with con man Valentine who uses their relation to get her father's endorsement on a money-raising scheme. He runs off with the money and Marianne, later dumping her. Her sister Laura loves Dr. Lindley although she knows he loves Marianne. Marianne returns and marries a wealthy young man, and Lindley turns his love toward Laura.
The Prodigal
Mrs. Farraday
An aspiring singer, who has fallen on hard times and is now living as a hobo, returns to his wealthy southern family.
Miss Bennett
A spoiled young rich girl is sent to prison for accidentally running down a pedestrian. There she learns about a life and people she had never even imagined existed before.
Todo un hombre
Señora Doña Marguerita Ibarra
Después de matar a un jugador en defensa propia, un bandido apodado "Llano Kid", viendo que ponen precio a su cabeza, se refugia en casa de una familia mexicana.
Side Street
Nora O'Farrell
Three New York Irish brothers cross paths as policeman, doctor and bootlegger.
Pied Piper Malone
Mother Malone
Pied Piper Malone (1924)