Leslie Finlay


Out of Darkness
Executive Producer
In the Old Stone Age, a disparate gang of early humans band together in search of a new land. But when they suspect a malevolent, mystical, being is hunting them down, the clan are forced to confront a danger they never envisaged.
Cowboy Poets
Since 1985, poets, songwriters and musicians have gathered at the Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Nevada.
My Name is Anik
Executive Producer
Bircan has decided to learn Kurdish, her once-forbidden mothertongue, with all the words her grandmother has forgotten and all the stories that have remained unspoken.
The Wolf Suit
How much can you trust your childhood memories? Director Sam Firth investigates, sweeping her parents into the experiment and on a journey into the past.
Freedom Fields
Executive Producer
In post-revolution Libya, a group of women are brought together by one dream: to play football for their nation. But as the country descends into civil war and the utopian hopes of the “Arab Spring” begin to fade, can they realise their dream? And is there even a country left to play for? Freedom Fields is a film about hope and sacrifice in a land where dreams seem a luxury. Through the eyes of these accidental activists we see the reality of a country in transition, where the personal stories of love, struggle and aspirations collide with History.
Wild Rose
Delegated Producer
Rose-Lynn Harlan (Jessie Buckley), tiene 23 años, talento, carisma y un sueño: salir de Glasgow y triunfar como cantante de country. Acaba de salir de la cárcel y tiene dos hijos pequeños a los que mantener. Marion (Julie Walters), su madre, quiere que acepte su realidad y se responsabilice de sí misma de una vez por todas; pero cuando un encuentro casual acerca a Rose-Lynn a sus sueños se enfrenta a una difícil decisión: su familia o el estrellato.
Executive Producer
Manolo and his donkey Gorrión plan a journey to the West.
Executive Producer
Corre el año 1971, y la tensión social en Irlanda del Norte está escalando hacia una situación casi de guerra civil. Tras un motín y un enfrentamiento muy violento entre vecinos de un barrio y el ejército, un joven soldado británico con poca experiencia, Gary, se extravía en las peligrosas calles de Belfast, donde el conflicto del IRA está en plena ebullición, y donde patrullan unidades paramilitares y bandas radicales callejeras.