Petr Kapeller

Nacimiento : 1974-07-04,


Ventisca de almas
Foley Recordist
La historia de amor de Arturs, de dieciséis años, se ve interrumpida por la Primera Guerra Mundial. Después de perder a su madre y su hogar, encuentra cierto consuelo al unirse al ejército, porque esta es la primera vez que se permiten batallones nacionales en el Imperio Ruso. Pero la guerra no se parece en nada a lo que Arturs imaginó: no hay gloria, no hay justicia. Es brutal y doloroso. Arturs está ahora completamente solo mientras la guerra acaba con la vida de su padre y su hermano. Además, no se avanza en la pronta resolución prometida de la guerra y el regreso oportuno a casa. Con la idea de que solo él se preocupa por regresar a casa y que su tierra natal es solo un patio de recreo para otras naciones, Arturs encuentra la fuerza para la batalla final y finalmente regresa a casa para comenzar todo desde cero, al igual que su país recién nacido.
Sound Recordist
Trabantem tam a zase zpátky
Sound Mixer
The Good Death
Janette is terminally ill and wants to die in a dignified way but this is not permitted under British law. She refuses to wait for death in unbearable pain so she opts for a physician-assisted suicide in Switzerland. Before departing on the final journey she has to explain her intention to the family members and close friends.
Central Bus Station
Sound Recordist
The architects' plans for Central Bus Station to swallow visitors has turned into an endless maze of corridors. Once a gift to the citizens of Tel Aviv now serves to the immigrants. Yonathan has been a guide there for 17 years and is able to show the other side of the station's significance to those who walk with him. Yonathan knows that the purpose of going down to the building is to find not only himself, but also a society that harbours its values, protects its original traditions and wants to defend its home.
Summer with the gentleman
Sound Mixer
The Price of Happiness
Sound Recordist
Happiness is often found unexpectedly, so what? A lesbian couple raise their two children in perfect harmony when a man from the past intervenes. Violent psychopath demands the custody of his daughter, while his ex-wife suffers his terror. Two teenagers simply run away and a devout man does not have the strength to protect his love.
Smiles of Sad Men
Sound Editor
A writer gets into a rehab where he meets a lot of successful men who destroyed their lives with alcohol.
Špunti na vodě
Sound Mixer
A family comedy about what happens when dads want to water without their precious halves.
Yo, Olga Hepnarová
Sound Designer
"Mi veredicto es: Yo, Olga Hepnarová, víctima de vuestra bestialidad, os condeno a pena de muerte". Esas fueron las famosas palabras de la asesina en masa, Olga Hepnarová, de 22 años de edad, quien en 1973 condujo un camión contra un grupo de personas inocentes en Praga.
Stále spolu
Sound Editor
Sound Editor
Explosive conversational comedy based on the successful theater plays, which takes place one evening in a remote local pub, during the match of Ice Hockey World Championship. What can happen and can be told, when the kidnapped bride is getting drunk together with the best woman of her husband and experienced barmaid and the only one, who is able to stop and save everything, is not coming.
Trabantem až na konec světa
Všetky moje deti
Sound Designer
Otázky pana Lásky
Makeup & Hair
Historia real del ascenso y caída de Zyga, un joven polaco que quiere hacerse cargo de su vida tras la caída del comunismo. Pero, en este tiempo de caos y anarquía moral, se convertirá en un gangster.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Historia real del ascenso y caída de Zyga, un joven polaco que quiere hacerse cargo de su vida tras la caída del comunismo. Pero, en este tiempo de caos y anarquía moral, se convertirá en un gangster.
Sound Director
Four directors capture simple, yet quintessential experiences of a single individual in different periods of his life - childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age.
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