Sound Mixer
Guerra de Vietnam, 1966. Australia y Nueva Zelanda envían tropas para apoyar a los Estados Unidos y a los vietnamitas del sur en su lucha contra el norte comunista. Los soldados son hombres muy jóvenes, reclutas y voluntarios que nunca han estado involucrados en un combate. El 18 de agosto, los miembros de la compañía Delta deberán afrontar el verdadero horror de una despiadada batalla entre los árboles de una plantación de caucho llamada Long Tân. Son apenas cien. El enemigo es una ola humana que está lista para destruirlos.
This two-hour special dives into the minds of child killers, and tells the intense, personal stories of young murderers and their victims, with exclusive access to the families involved.
Sound Mixer
The story of one man not only battling the bottle, but the city that won’t let him put it down.
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Writer and Director Warwick Thornton has assembled a collection of the most poignant, sad, funny and absurd ghost stories from around Australia. He will bring them to life with the help of some of Australia's most iconic actors as the storytellers.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Lo que comienza como una aventura veraniega para adolescentes despreocupados adquiere pronto tintes apocalípticos al estallar una imprevisible guerra contra Australia. Ellie (Caitlin Stastey) y sus amigos del instituto deciden pasar una semana de acampada en un valle paradisíaco que los aísla completamente de la realidad. Pero una noche aparecen en el cielo aviones de guerra que vuelan a poca altura. A partir de ese momento, tendran que aprender a sobrevivir y a luchar contra fuerzas militares hostiles. Stuart Beattie, guionista de las entregas de "Piratas del Caribe" y "Collateral", debuta en la dirección adaptando una novela que causó furor en Australia en los 90
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Historia de la vida real de Oliver Woodward. Es 1916 y Woodward debe dejar su joven y nuevo amor para ir al barro y la carnicería del frente occidental, muy por debajo de las líneas alemanas. Woodward y su pelotón de excavadores australianos lucha por defender la filtración enemiga con un sistema de túneles laberínticos lleno de explosivos para cambiar el curso de la guerra.
Sound Mixer
La película tiene lugar en lo que, aparentemente, parece un tranquilo barrio residencial, aunque en realidad es un lugar lleno de oscuros secretos. Por una parte, se busca a una joven desparecida. Y, por otra, dos adolescentes, Mark y James planean el asesinato de otro, Gary, que les hace la vida imposible. Sin embargo, mientras buscan la forma de acabar con su maltratador, encuentran el cadáver de una turista canadiense en un bosque. Así, pronto se ven involucrados en una complicada situación que no habían previsto.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Durante la inauguración de un nuevo colegio, los estudiantes guardan en una cápsula del tiempo varios objetos. Lucinda, una de las niñas, guarda un papel en el que ha escrito extraños números. Cincuenta años después, la cápsula del tiempo es desenterrada, el hijo de un profesor de astronomía viudo, recibe la misteriosa nota de Lucinda. John descubrirá enseguida que esos números esconden predicciones escalofriantes, algunas de las cuales ya han sucedido mientras que otras aún no.
Sound Mixer
A long haul truckie who finds that the reality of his existence is far removed from his youthful dreams of owning and driving his own prime mover.
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Mumble, un joven pingüino emperador, vive en la Antártida. Como otros animales de su especie, él necesita saber cantar para atraer a una pareja, pero tiene una voz horrible. En su lugar, Mumble debe expresarse, y atraer a las hembras a través de su increíble talento para bailar claqué.
Sound Mixer
Jack Barrett is the type of guy no one calls Jack. He works for a group of businessmen known as "The Gentlemen" who operate within the fertile realm of the Sydney Underworld. Standover tactics, prostitution, illegal gambling, creative importation - you name it, "The Gentlemen" are into it. And Barrett enforces it for them. Old school muscle for hire. Now 53 years old, he's tired of having to throw away perfectly good suits because you can't dry-clean the blood off. He needs to get out of Sydney. Out of the game. Which is, of course, easier said than done.
Sound Mixer
Cuatro matrimonios se ven atrapados en una diabólica red de amor, engaño, sexo y muerte, a la que no todos sobreviven. El detective Leon Zat se mueve por un oscuro laberinto de relaciones humanas en su investigación para resolver el misterio de la desaparición de una mujer casada con un importante hombre de negocios.
Sound Mixer
City Loop tells the story of six young people who work in a pizzeria, as they struggle to comes to terms with boredom, fear of responsibility and pizzas to go
Sound Mixer
For the first time in 15 years, all four siblings in a family show up to care for their dying mother, who is only given a couple of weeks to live. One comes from America with her two children. A divorced sister also comes with her child and sneaks off regularly to meet a mystery man who may be her ex-husband. The third & youngest daughter is an unmarried nurse aware of her ticking biological clock. The only son chases after his grumpy father who seems to not care a whit about his wife's circumstances. The four are also faced my their mother's dreams to accomplish a few things before she dies - to visit a beach she had visited in the past, to see her youngest married, and to visit Paris. She also wants to be embalmed and be honored with a 21 gun salute. Thus the whole group has to set off in the quest to fulfill their mother's wishes.
Sound Mixer
Secret Men's Business explores the relationships and issues of 4 school-friends reunited after the death of a beloved school teacher. During a weekend of sun, surf, girls, wives and late night reminiscing, the friends begin to deal with certain truths which have been ignored for some time. As relationships and issues are explored, the friends face their own personal challenges amidst a contempt bourne out of familiarity.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Fear of an unidentified livestock predator unites an Australian couple, an outcast, and an abandoned woman.
Sound Mixer
Every September Sydney's inner-suburban Leichhardt Council re-elects it mayor. Incumbent Larry Hand was popular with the citizenry but they don't vote for mayor - the 12 councillors do - and after three years of Larry, at least four councillors were after his job. When film-makers Bob Connolly and Robin Anderson settled in at Leichhardt Council in early 1994 the knives were already being sharpened. A battle royal was in the making, and so it came to pass. By the end of September Larry had fought the fight of his life, with Connolly and Anderson documenting every bit of it on film. Ambition, courage, envy, hatred, loyalty, betrayal, disaster, triumph... in other words, a classic study in politics.
Sound Mixer
After the atomic obliteration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, over 36,000 Australian men and women, part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF), marched onto Japanese soil. They were assigned the toughest and most dangerous area of Japan: Hiroshima Prefecture, which included the atom-bombed city. The Forgotten Force tells for the first time the story of Australia's role in Japan. Rare archival and private footage, photographs and eyewitness accounts from both sides vividly recreate the atmosphere of post-war Japan - the horror of Hiroshima and its aftermath; the struggle to build a new "democratic" society while under the heel of military rule; the growth from suspicion and fear to friendship and trust between foes.
Sound Mixer
An ex-convict pays for his wife's marijuana by keeping the green at a lawn-bowling club