Johannes Stjärne Nilsson

Johannes Stjärne Nilsson


Johannes Stjärne Nilsson


The Bear
A succesful woman at the top of her career is fed up with being a human being, buys herself a bear suit and emigrates to the wilderness.
The Bear
A succesful woman at the top of her career is fed up with being a human being, buys herself a bear suit and emigrates to the wilderness.
Man Without Direction
When his car breaks in the middle of nowhere, Dante finds his way to an hotel with no exit.
Man Without Direction
When his car breaks in the middle of nowhere, Dante finds his way to an hotel with no exit.
A woman wakes up from rain on her pillow. When she gets out of bed the rain follows her. She carries the rain with her through the day.
A woman wakes up from rain on her pillow. When she gets out of bed the rain follows her. She carries the rain with her through the day.
Possibly Breezy
A man listening to the weather report decides to check if the information is correct.
Possibly Breezy
A man listening to the weather report decides to check if the information is correct.
Possibly Breezy
Director of Photography
A man listening to the weather report decides to check if the information is correct.
Possibly Breezy
A man listening to the weather report decides to check if the information is correct.
Possibly Breezy
A man listening to the weather report decides to check if the information is correct.
Música para una Navidad y seis percusionistas
Seis percusionistas con atuendos navideños llegan a una residencia de ancianos. En secreto, sin que nadie los vea, llevan a cabo un concierto con los objetos navideños que decoran el lugar.
Música para una Navidad y seis percusionistas
Seis percusionistas con atuendos navideños llegan a una residencia de ancianos. En secreto, sin que nadie los vea, llevan a cabo un concierto con los objetos navideños que decoran el lugar.
Sound of Noise
El agente de policía Amadeus Warnebring nació en el seno de una célebre familia de músicos, pero –ironías del destino– detesta la música. Un día, un extravagante grupo de músicos dirigido por la hermosa y traviesa Sanna decide tocar una obra musical apocalíptica empleando la ciudad como instrumento y sembrando el caos y el pánico entre la población. Warnebring se entrega inmediatamente en cuerpo y alma a la caza de estos terroristas musicales.
Sound of Noise
El agente de policía Amadeus Warnebring nació en el seno de una célebre familia de músicos, pero –ironías del destino– detesta la música. Un día, un extravagante grupo de músicos dirigido por la hermosa y traviesa Sanna decide tocar una obra musical apocalíptica empleando la ciudad como instrumento y sembrando el caos y el pánico entre la población. Warnebring se entrega inmediatamente en cuerpo y alma a la caza de estos terroristas musicales.
Sound of Noise
El agente de policía Amadeus Warnebring nació en el seno de una célebre familia de músicos, pero –ironías del destino– detesta la música. Un día, un extravagante grupo de músicos dirigido por la hermosa y traviesa Sanna decide tocar una obra musical apocalíptica empleando la ciudad como instrumento y sembrando el caos y el pánico entre la población. Warnebring se entrega inmediatamente en cuerpo y alma a la caza de estos terroristas musicales.
Sound of Noise
El agente de policía Amadeus Warnebring nació en el seno de una célebre familia de músicos, pero –ironías del destino– detesta la música. Un día, un extravagante grupo de músicos dirigido por la hermosa y traviesa Sanna decide tocar una obra musical apocalíptica empleando la ciudad como instrumento y sembrando el caos y el pánico entre la población. Warnebring se entrega inmediatamente en cuerpo y alma a la caza de estos terroristas musicales.
Woman and Gramophone
A woman, a gramophone and the strange melodies of life.
Woman and Gramophone
A woman, a gramophone and the strange melodies of life.
Way of the Flounder
In the Nort Sea a flounder is hiding in the seaweed. The flounder feeds on mussels and small shrimps. Many dangers lurk on the bottom of the sea but the flounder is clever. One day the flounder is caught in a net and pulled up on a trawler. It dies on the deck. The fish is now entering a new phase of its existence. The flounder travels on, though life has come to an end.
Way of the Flounder
In the Nort Sea a flounder is hiding in the seaweed. The flounder feeds on mussels and small shrimps. Many dangers lurk on the bottom of the sea but the flounder is clever. One day the flounder is caught in a net and pulled up on a trawler. It dies on the deck. The fish is now entering a new phase of its existence. The flounder travels on, though life has come to an end.
You Were There With Your Friend Frank
Annelie asks for a Jörgen in a magazine from 1980. She met him at a Gyllene Tider concert in Karlshamn. Now, 22 years later... Did Annelie get any answer to her request?
Fika - the Swedish Break
A documentary about "fika", the Swedish break.
Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers
Director of Photography
A gang in a Volvo have staked out a flat; when its occupants leave to walk their dog, the six break into the place.
Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers
A gang in a Volvo have staked out a flat; when its occupants leave to walk their dog, the six break into the place.
A collection of six acclaimed short movies which have been screened at film festivals around the world.