Robert Jasper


Swissway to Heaven
Switzerland is a true paradise for multi-pitch climbing, as well as the country where Cedric Lachat was born and raised. Through his unique sense of humor and unbridled enthusiasm, experience the beauty and awe of five iconic peaks and mountain ranges: the Eiger, Gastlosen, Wendenstöcke, Lauterbrunnen, and Rätikon. In addition to footage of hard climbing (8a and up), the first ascensionists talk about the changes in gear and climbing over time, from traditional mountaineering to modern sport climbing.
Generation Dry
It is a fact that our winters are less and less cold. Therefore it is harder and harder to get the conditions for ice-climbing. Fortunately, man adapts to his environment and makes progress: this is how dry-tooling was born. This movie will make you discover this discipline: its history, its evolution and the current practice. You will also see how much excitement dry tooling can bring. Dry-tooling now allows to free-climb some routes which were impossible to climb without aid in the past.
Die sechs großen Nordwände der Alpen
Six big north faces of the Alps. The film consists of six films: "Die Wand der Wände" (Eger by Robert Jasper, Roger Schäli), "Das letzte Wort hat der Berg" (Matterhorn by Michael Lerjen, Jorge Ackermann), "Selig, wer in Träumen stirbt" (Grandes Jorasses by Felix Berg, Robert Steiner), "Licht und Schatten" (Piz badile by Hansjörg Auer), "Grenzen der Felskletterei" (Drei Zinnen by Alexander Huber) and "Der zerfallene Berg" (Petit Dru by Steve House, Andy Parkin).
Ademas de ser uno de los lugares más hermosos del planetas, Los alpes representan, esta vez, un reto personal que los llevará en un viaje extraordinario. Disfruta de las imágenes más hermosas e impactantes que hayas imaginado y de los hombres capaces de todo por conquistar la cumbre más alta. Un documental de la serie IMAX, musicalizado magistralmente por el guitarrista Brian May y Queen.