The dawn is strange, with a harbinger of change. The next morning, Maria receives a mysterious visitor that leaves José disturbed and will lead her to re-signify her own destiny.
Art Direction
Leticia is lost in time. Her nightly, melancholic routine reveals her wild, dark and bloody state of mind. When she meets Gabriela at a party and brings her to her house, strange things begin to take place in her old manor. One of the two will never leave that apartment. This is a film about tensions, memories and social dominations.
Production Intern
La llegada a un pueblo costero brasileño de un investigador que registra los vientos alisios y un sorprendente descubrimiento arrastran a Shirley y a Jason a un viaje que los obliga a afrontar el duelo entre la vida y la muerte, la memoria y el olvido, el viento y el mar. (FILMAFFINITY)