Roderick Lam Chung-Kei


Tactical Unit - Partners
Rumor has it that “Black Moly”, the Indian head of a gang has returned. His former subordinate Velu is released from prison, he refuses to follow the same path as before. But he is misconstrued by his buddy, Sonu that Velu betrays him. Sonu accepts the task for killing PTU’s Team Head. Sam and May from PTU and Velu can’t easily leave themselves out of account.
Tactical Unit - No Way Out
Sam's team member
After a late-night triad dispute leads to the death of an innocent civilian, PTU officers take action by investigating triad activities in the area.
Tactical Unit - The Code
PC Suen
Tensions flare between PTU officers and the Complaints Against Police Officers unit when a security camera captures a triad member being brutalized by PTU officers.
Don't Open Your Eyes
The Killer
Homicide detective Seven and his new love Fiona are haunted by a group of venomous ghosts. He enlists the help of Bing, the police force's unofficial expert on the supernatural. A full-blown war ensues between the living and the dead.
New Police Story
Sam's Subordinate
Todo el equipo del inspector Wing, de la policía de Hong Kong, ha sido asesinado por la banda de Joe. Wing se convierte en un borracho hundido que se siente culpable por la muerte de sus amigos. Pero un oficial novato sacará a Wing del pozo y ambos empezarán la aventura para vengarse de Joe y de su banda de "Los Cinco".
Mike's Team Member
El PTU es una unidad especial militarizada de la policía de Hong Kong. Tras una persecución con una banda de ladrones, en la que uno de sus colegas cae en combate, el resto de la unidad retorna a sus hogares. En el transcurso de la noche uno de sus jefes, tras un curioso envite con un joven líder pandillero local, caerá victima de una trampa por la que será apaleado. De resultas de este incidente, él mismo perderá su pistola. Como queda poco más de un mes para su retiro, y esto le perjudicaría gravemente, convendrá con sus compañeros ocultar el incidente unas horas, mientras buscan el arma en posesión de los secuaces del jefecillo... La película derivó en dos nuevos capítulos, "Tactical Unit: The Code" y "Tactical Unit: Comrades in Arms", dirigidos por Wing-cheong Law en 2008 y 2009 respectivamente.
A Gambler's Story
Chu's man
Suki is a very devoted gambler. Whenever he goes to Macau, he buys a return ticket in advance, just in case he loses all his money. After breaking up with his girlfriend Cher, who couldn't bear his gambling anymore, Suki meets a girl called Princess Fragrance at a karaoke bar. They later meet again in Macau, both in the hands of a loan shark Brother Face, who threatens to kill them if they don't pay off their debts…
Fulltime Killer
Cop (uncredited)
Durante años, O ha vivido totalmente aislado en el mundo de los asesinos a sueldo. Su rígida e intensa disciplina le han llevado a perder todo tipo de contacto con la gente y más aún después de la muerte de su amada Nancy Pero su vida cambia el día que conoce a la inocente Chin, contratada para limpiar su piso. Sin embargo pronto el extravagante y salvaje Tok, entrará en la vida de Chin con la misión de descubrir la identidad de O para poder acabar con él y usurpar su puesto como número uno de los asesinos a sueldo.
Born Wild
Underground Boxer
Upon discovering that his estranged twin brother Lok has died, Joe's investigation of Lok's troubled past sends him to the world of underground boxing, where he suspects the opponent killed Lok during a bout. Sorely Joe finds himself unleashing his own animalistic instincts as he comes face to face with his brother's possible killer.
Wu Yen
Imperial soldier
Lost in the woods, the Emperor Qi (Anita Mui) stumbles across local chief Wu Yen, his predestined bride, only to accidentally free a promiscuous fox fairy who promptly falls in love with both of them, changing between man and woman to clumsily woo each, setting the scene for a constantly shifting triangle with the emperor torn between both the fox fairy and Wu Yen and the fox fairy after whichever one will agree to marry her/him first.
El tiempo no espera
Hong Kong, en la actualidad. Un joven espabilado se convierte en guardaespaldas para conseguir dinero rápido. Pronto se hace amigo del que una vez fuera un mercenario desilusionado y que está decidido a comenzar una nueva vida junto a la mujer con la que se acaba de casar. A pesar de que los hombres casualmente trabajan juntos para desbaratar los planes de un intento de asesinato, su amistad no durará mucho tiempo, pues de una manera gradual y bajo circunstancias incontrolables, sin darse cuenta se verán empujados hacia partes opuestas de una confrontación mortal.
Bullets Over Summer
Plainclothes policemen Brian and Mike use an elderly woman's apartment for surveillance, hoping to catch a fugitive gangster. They develop a warm relationship with their hostess, whom they call "granny." Meanwhile, each man develops a romantic relationship: Brian with a strange wandering teenage girl, and Mike with a pregnant woman at the dry cleaning shop. When the gangster returns to his flat, Brian and Mike are forced into an explosive confrontation.
Option Zero
Ah Chiu / Jim
With the retreat of the British government from Hong Kong, the S.B. Team, an elite secret police force, is also on its way out. However, this team of highly trained cops have one final mission together and they are in for the fight of their lives!
Black Mask
Kau's Thug
Tras dejar un experimento donde se entrenaban supersoldados, Tsui se convierte en bibliotecario, pero un día decide tomarse la justicia por su mano. La razón es que están teniendo lugar una serie de sangrientos asesinatos con toda impunidad, por lo que Tsui decide tomar cartas en el asunto escondiendo su identidad detrás de una máscara.
Ghost House, A True Story
A group of 7 friends seek shelter from a heavy rain in an old abandoned house.