Emily Tucker

Emily Tucker


Emily Tucker graduated from the 3 year BA (ACTING) course at Drama Centre London in 2010. Grammar school educated, she grew up in the leafy town of Tunbridge Wells in South-East England where her passion for acting began when she 15 years old. Starting with roles such as Shakespeare’s Juliet, she then expanded her horizons to film and beyond. With Dutch and Italian parents her penchant for accents and languages has seen her playing characters of varying nationalities, the latest being Polish girl Helya in A Warsaw Melody in which she sang in Polish, and Bulgarian girl Nina in feature film The Seasoning House.


Emily Tucker


Bright Eyes
Bright Eyes
A secret agent as she poses as the wife of an eccentric rocket scientist.
The Convent
A principios del siglo XVII, la joven Perséfone es falsamente acusada y llevada a juicio. Su destino hacia la pena de muerte parece sentenciado, pero en el último momento interviene la Reverenda Madre, líder de un pequeño retiro religioso, un Priorato aislado, donde sus hermanas dedican sus vidas al Señor y buscan la expiación por su pasado. Pero al llegar, Perséfone comienza a tener aterradoras visiones y pronto se da cuenta de que no es la salvación lo que le espera, sino una batalla por su misma alma.
Missed Conceptions
In 1990's London, a lesbian couple struggle to conceive a child of their own.
The Seasoning House
Jóvenes muchachas de los balcanes son obligadas a prostituirse con los militares. Una huérfana sordomuda es esclavizada para cuidarlas. Se mueve entre las paredes, planeando su huida. Maquinando su ingeniosa y brutal venganza. (FILMAFFINITY)