Jiří Hlupý

Nacimiento : 1932-04-23,


Cizinec a krásná paní
Set Designer
Wild Flowers
Production Design
Seven seemingly unconnected fairy tales - glued together only by folklore, mood, color and light - make up this Czech collection of visual poetry. The original piece of literature, written by Karel Jaromír Erben in 1853, contained twelve tales.
Lies & Whispers
Production Design
Dr. Lauren is staying in Prague for a conference and falls in love with Czech writer Jiri Kolmar.
Amor inmortal
Production Design
Año 1827. Una fervorosa multitud llena las calles de Viena para rendir su último homenaje a un genio: Ludwig Van Beethoven. En su testamento el músico ha decidido legar todo lo que poseía a una mujer desconocida, su amor inmortal. Nadie sabe quién es. La única pista para descubrir su identidad es una carta.
Tichá bolest
Production Design
A young man has led his whole life with his grandfather. When he was in school, he was the only one who was refused to join the Youth Brigade, since his father was sentenced to death for spying. When it is time for him to do the compulsory military service, he has to do it in a platoon for "unreliable" persons.
Byli jsme to my?
Production Design
Nothing Really Happened
Production Design
An overprotective mother plagues her daughter out of guilt over unintentionally scarring her daughter's cheek.
Experiment Eva
Production Design
In the mid-eighties, screenwriter and director Jaroslav Balík tried to give voice to the problems of an ambitious young woman who decides to get back to work after a few years spent on maternity leave. NFA.CZ
Sluníčko na houpačce
Set Designer
Rytmus 1934
Production Design
Já jsem Stěna smrti
Production Design
Leť, ptáku leť!
Production Design
Podivný výlet
Production Design
Šestapadesát neomluvených hodin
Production Design
Good Day, Town
Production Design
The town is waking up. The bus driver Josef Král is saying goodbye to his wife Vera who is in a state of advanced pregnancy. At the rolling mill, the master craftsman Mares is preparing for retirement, which is now only two days away. Elderly Simon who grows and sells vegetables at the market has problems with his wife. Their little home has to give way to a new development but the wife Simonka refuses to move out. The chairman of the workers' council has troubles with the miner Adam, who has started drinking. He doesn't know that Adam is getting divorced and fears he may lose his young son to his wife.
Marecek, Pass Me the Pen!
Production Design
This comedy is about one average family. The father works as master in the factory and his son is studying on high school. One day father must start to visit the evening school. It's the same school as his son visiting. The lives both students are connecting together. The son must teach the math and physics his own father. The father getting to know, that the life of the students is not simple as he supposed.
Mys Dobré naděje
Production Design
Anna, sestra Jany
Production Design
Great Sorrow
Production Design
Jana is forced to live in a foster home and always dreams about family reunion.
Operation Bororo
Production Design
A man and a woman from a different planet come to the Earth to get a cure for a disease that is apparently threatening to eradicate their civilisation.
Zpívající film
Production Design
Dvě věci pro život
Production Design
After returning home from the army, Vasek (Ladislav Potmesil) has married Bozka (Eva Trejtnarová) and the couple now live at her parents' house. Vasek is unhappy both with his work and with sharing the house with Bozka's parents. He and his friend Ruda (Oldrich Vlach) decide to take a temporary job in Ostrava for a year. Bozka is against this, but Vasek gets his way. Mining is hard work but Vasek gradually adapts to it. He gets homesick from time to time and wants to go back, but his pride always wins out. Once he really does travel back to see Bozka, but he doesn't find her at home.
Three of Us and Dog from Petipas
Production Design
The summer holidays are approaching and the children are bragging about all the exciting places they are going to visit during the long-awaited two months of summer. Only Tonda is not looking forward to staying in Prague over the holidays. He brightens up after his father announces that the boy can visit some friends of the family in the village of Petipas.
Velikonoční dovolená
Production Design
Four Murders Are Enough, Darling
Production Design
Two criminal gangs are ruthlessly fighting for a 1-million dollar check that, purely by chance, got into the flat of shy high school teacher George Camel. As the number of victims sharply increases, Camel is mistakenly regarded as a mass murderer and cunningly uses his horrifying reputation to get the respect and heart of his beloved Sabrina, a journalist from a local newspaper. But this game turns out to be risky and in the end, both gangs don't hesitate to seize the check at all costs, including an improvised operation
On the Comet
Production Design
Un cometa pasa muy cerca de la tierra, arrastrando con él una pequeña parte del norte de África y llevándose a un montón de gente. Entre ellos, Angélica, que acaba de escapar del barco de un despiadado traficante de armas, y a sus dos hermanos, que la están buscando. Luego hay un grupo de nativos que planea una rebelión contra los colonos franceses. Todos estos conflictos se vuelven secundarios cuando la gente finalmente se da cuenta de que están condenados a vivir juntos en un planeta alienígena. Sin embargo, este tiempo de paz y felicidad mundial no durará mucho tiempo.... Adaptación de la novela "Hector Servadac", de Julio Verne.
Production Design
Červená kůlna
Production Design
Malé letní blues
Production Design
Jirina, de quince años, está pasando sus vacaciones de verano con su padre en la cabaña familiar. El padre tiene que ir a Praga por negocios y, tras unos momentos de vacilación, decide dejar a Jirina sola en la cabaña. Las vacaciones junto al río son agradables y la pandilla de niños a la que pertenece Jirina las disfruta debidamente. Jirina es cortejada por Roman, pero ella está más interesada en Franta de la orilla opuesta del río. Franta invita a la niña a su cabaña, pero cuando el joven más experimentado quiere besarla, Jirina se escapa. Al mismo tiempo, se entera para su pesar de que Franta todavía está saliendo con su amor de las vacaciones del año pasado, Bláza.
…And the Fifth Horseman Is Fear
Assistant Production Design
A Jewish doctor helps a political fugitive during the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia.
Production Design
Viaje al fin del universo
Special Effects
La tripulación de una nave espacial busca un planeta que esté menos podrido que aquel de donde provienen. Durante su travesía descubren una nave abandonada manejada por cadáveres.
Clown Ferdinand and the Rocket
Special Effects
During undisturbed Clown Ferdinand clears his trailer to an unknown missile approaches the city. All men flee in a hurry, only Ferdinand did not hear the messages and drives carelessly with his old car through the deserted city. When he meets three children, understands the situation and tries to escape, it's already too late. All find themselves inside a rocket and experience an exciting flight into space. Strange machines, robots and weird so many adventures waiting for the inhabitants of the earth. This film reuses sets from Polák's Ikarie XB 1 (1963).