Softcore movie.
Wardrobe Master
En un orfanato cerca de San Francisco, el padre Thomas conversa en el jardín con Cynthia, una antigua alumna, acerca de la llegada de los vientos de Santa Ana, un fenómeno meteorológico que suele venir acompañado de acontecimientos funestos. Tras su paso, Yorga y sus vampiras salen de sus tumbas. Poco después, el conde hace su aparición en una fiesta de disfraces y ataca a una joven. Tras ésto, Yorga rapta a Cynthia, mientras un médico trata inútilmente de convencer a la policía de la existencia de los vampiros.
Betty Morgan (as Jeanne Henderson)
Yes, totally bored with their husbands in bed, horny Hollywood-Hills housewives Linda Devlin and Pat Chandler have become Matinee Wives. For some time now, they’ve been turning "matinee tricks" with the horny hubbies of other frigid suburban housewives by housewife-turned-madam Kay Gavin, a supersexed entrepreneurial vixen who likes to "curl up with a warm vibrator" each morning to jump-start her day. So, of course, when Paul and Tom make plans for some "outside stud," who do you suppose they call? That’s right: the vibrant Madam Kay herself! And who do you suppose she sets them up with? Right again: each other’s wives! But the kicker is: no one knows this, neither the husbands nor the wives, as they’re all chipping under false names and no one has met the other’s spouse before! So all four are swapping partners and no one’s the wiser.
Taller Blond Cult Member
Bizarre, unusual and horrifying, Sex Rituals of the Occult will shock and delight you. Travel with us to this side of hell and learn the sensual secrets kept by the worshippers of Satan. Witness the modern masters of the dark arts as they undertake hideous violations of the flesh and soul.
Conception Room Girl
As an alternative to being drafted, a young man is given the job of fathering 2000 children for a future perfect race.
Blonde Hooker
When a group of gold prospectors decide to take the beautiful women of pleasure of the Fandango Saloon away from a lecherous gang of outlaws, the ornery crooks don’t take it so easily. Shootings and kidnappings ensue, with the gals and good guys battling against the nasty criminals.
Mrs. Banning
Dead Eye Dick is the best private detective in town and he’s on the case of a cheating husband, with the help of his secretary, Quickie.