Film directed by Kenji Misumi
Woody Allen parte de una película japonesa de espías ("Kagi No Kagi") en la que sustituye el guión original y los diálogos por otros completamente diferentes. El resultado es una película que cuenta las aventuras del agente Phil Moskowitz, que participa en una arriesgada misión para conseguir la receta de “la mejor ensalada de huevo del mundo”. Moskowitz, con la ayuda de las hermosas Suki Yaki y Teri Yaki, debe impedir que esa receta única caiga en las manos del malvado Shepherd Wong.
Kitami es solicitada por el director de inteligencia, Suritai, para robar una gran cantidad de dinero de la guerrilla contra el gobierno que financian las bandas de Gegen. Sin embargo, una vez Kitami se infiltra en una nave Gegen disfrazada, descubre que no hay dinero en la caja fuerte, sólo un cifrado en un pedazo de papel.
Klima, Deputy Minister of Industry of the Republic of Alabanda, has come to Japan to purchase materials for the water dam construction. Kitami, who called himself a salesman and met with Klima, acts as his bodyguard. However, Kitami learns that a large number of industrial cylinders unrelated to dam construction have been purchased, and Klima secretly confined her secretary, a former army colonel, and threatened to produce poisonous gas. Klima packed the gas in a cylinder and sent it to Alabanda in an attempt to cause a civil war between the government and the tribes. Around that time, Klima secretly investigated Kitami's identity and learned that he was a secret agent.
Every day a car accident happens in the city. The involved parties are prey to the settlement agents (jidanya), mediators between the parts and the insurance companies to avoid time-consuming legal actions that could come when no settlement is reached (while cheating both parties out of some piece of the settlement pay). Genkichi is a well versed old-timer, that sees how his freshly out of collage son struggles to fit into the business, while at the same time facing one of his lowest rivals in a car crash incident.
On his release from prison a young yakuza, along with his brother, decides to turn his back on criminal life instead of taking over the position of his recently deceased father, boss of the Asahina clan. But their exit proves more difficult than planned when their rival clan steps in to exact revenge.