Orlando Bassi


No Mercy
Executive Producer
Based on real events, four professional bank robbers and ATM machine breakers from Russia go on rampage in Bali. The Balinese police force are in hot pursuit to catch the robbers.
Luchsinger and the Gods
Four Swiss pensioners spend their retirement in Bali for economic reasons. In their luggage they carry memories and unresolved conflicts that have little to do with their new surroundings. And when one of them runs out of money even in cheap exile and the other, who draws a fat pension, faces death, they decide on a bold plan: to exchange their lives.
The Doll 3
Animatronics Designer
After an accident that killed both of Tara's parents, Tara now only has a younger brother named Gian as a member of her family. However, the accident traumatized Gian, so Gian chose to end his life.
Deep Tissue
Upset with his girlfriend, Adam finds himself avoiding her as he explores the nightlife of Bali. Soon he is trying something new as an alluring masseuse makes him forget his troubles. Little does he know, something sinister is afoot.
Frangipani Rising
Nyoman, our hero, is the loneliest person he knows and has given up on the idea of ever finding love. Not even the moonlit escapades with his friends, nor the beauty that surrounds him can seem to lift his spirits. Until one night, pushed by despair, he curses at the moon and blames her for his fate. The next morning, Nyoman discovers his house has been shaken by an earthquake, and something unthinkable has grown in his garden
El emperador de China emite un decreto para reclutar a un varón por cada familia que deberá servir en el ejército imperial para defender al país de los invasores del norte. Hua Mulán, se presenta para evitar que su anciano padre sea llamado a filas. Se hace pasar por un hombre. Mulan deberá apelar a su fuerza interior y sacar a la luz todo su potencial.
Habibie & Ainun 3
Special Effects Makeup Artist
When she was in high school, Ainun was known as a smart girl and became the target of many male students, including Habibie. In college, Ainun became a popular figure. Ahmad is a man who dared to express his love for Ainun.
Dead Squad: Temple of the Undead
A group of young people become lost in the jungle during a river rafting trip and stumble upon a long lost ruin that is home to a host of mysterious monsters.
The Doll 2
Animatronics Designer
Maira y Aldo ven cómo su vida se desmorona a causa de la muerte de su hija. Maira, con la ayuda de su amiga Elsa, intentan usar la muñeca de su hija como medio para intentar comunicarse con ella, pero lo único que consiguen es que su vida de pareja sea perturbada constantemente.
Exodus: Dioses y reyes
Narra la historia de Moisés (Christian Bale), un hombre cuyo coraje desafió a un imperio cuando se rebela contra el todopoderoso faraón Ramsés (Joel Edgerton), liberando a 600.000 esclavos en una épica huida a través de Egipto, llena de peligros y mortíferas plagas, en busca de la Tierra Prometida.
Dead Mine
Special Effects Makeup Artist
La leyenda del oro de Yamashita atrae a un cazador de tesoros y su grupo en la selva de Indonesia. Una vez que se encuentran atrapados en un búnker japonés abandonado de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se enfrentan a la terrible realidad de que la única manera de salir es ir más adentro
Amphibious 3D
Special Effects Supervisor
Marine biologist Skylar Shane hires an expat charter boat captain, Jack Bowman, to help her find prehistoric life form samples in the north Sumatran Sea. During the expedition, they run into some of Jack's 'friends', a gang of smugglers headquartered on a fishing platform in the middle of the sea. Tamal, an orphan sold into servitude on the fishing platform by his uncle, a 'Dukun' (sorcerer and master of black magic) shaman, begs Skylar to take him away. She empathizes with the boy, who reminds her of her lost daughter, Rebecca, and is determined to help him, not knowing what lurks beneath the dark inky water, waiting to surface. Ever since Tamal arrived, mysterious things begin to happen, until one by one the smugglers will be killed by the terrifying creature from the deep. In the middle of an eerie, violent storm, the animus inside Tamal grows stronger, calling for the ancient creature of his nightmares...
Doomsday: El Día del Juicio
Gran Bretaña, 2007. Una plaga mortal, conocida como el virus "Reaper", ha aniquilado a cientos de miles. Desesperado, el gobierno británico evacua tantos supervivientes como puede del área infectada, para posteriormente levantar muros con el fin de prevenir el escape de los infectados. Treinta años después, el virus reaparece. El gobierno decide entonces enviar a un equipo de especialistas de élite, liderado por el Mayor Eden Sinclair, a la zona infectada para obtener una vacuna a cualquier precio. Apartados del resto del mundo, el equipo deberá luchar a través de un paisaje convertido en la peor pesadilla.