Western erótico italiano
A wedding celebration comes close to the end the bridal couple moves back to the bedroom. Meanwhile the guests sit together and describe the events of their own wedding night. Amazing and tingling stories come to light This is a very odd film that only the Europeans could have made in the early 1970s. I suppose in German it would be just a straight throwback to the early nudie films but we do mind what makes this bizarre.
Comedia erótica alemana.
Sex education with astrologer Wolfgang Döbereiner, who wants to prove how much a person's love life is influenced by his date of birth. The film's questionable hypotheses are illustrated by film examples.
Un informe en episodios sobre la infidelidad del ama de casa europea.
With reference to little scientific theses, sexual rituals and preferences around the world are shown.
Michelle De Winter vive la buena vida, cenando solo con los hombres más ricos que tienen la suerte de cruzarse en su camino. Su hija Yvette, a quien Michelle insiste en presentar como su "sobrina", es una modelo de moda. Se está reservando para el hombre adecuado, a pesar de que es parte de la generación de amor libre y vive con un grupo de creativos promiscuos. Mientras Michelle está buscando un nuevo playboy millonario, Yvette se enamora del apuesto Peter Von Hallstein. Ella le pide al Dr. paternal Dr. Fink que la ayude a idear un plan para que Peter le haga propuestas.