Makeup Department Head
The passing of a beloved old neighbor reunites six friends for a hometown holiday treasure hunt, where sparks fly once again between brand strategist Austin and his former best friend Everett.
Makeup Department Head
When a weather forecaster is asked to host her network's annual snow-cast in the wintry town of Leavenworth live with the network's morning show host and a longtime rival of hers, tension brews and romantic sparks fly between them on air.
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Follows Luke and Chrissy, a former country music duo and ex-sweethearts who run into each other years later after Chrissy disappeared on Luke, but now they realize they can only survive the holidays with the other one's help.
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Bri is recently divorced and under house arrest due to her ex-husband's crimes, but when a stalker shows up, seems to have control over his surroundings.
Makeup Department Head
Follows the tumultuous relationship—in and out of court—of Johnny Depp and his ex-wife, Amber Heard.
Makeup Artist
Three siblings attempt to reconcile over their mother's suicide, torn between mourning and greed.
Makeup Department Head
Twin sisters must confront their past when their attempted killer re-enters their lives.
Makeup Department Head
When famous pop star Eden Chase is almost kidnapped by a crazed fan, she enlists the help of handsome, brooding bodyguard Jackson Reed to move into her home and become her security full-time. But when Jackson develops an unhealthy attachment to Eden, she soon realizes the man she’d called her protector–has now become a predator harboring a dark secret from the past–and that she must outwit him or become prey.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Kira Young, a successful novelist, returns to her hometown in order to escape bad press after Tyson, her cheating fiance, is accused of murder. She rekindles a romance in the form of a one-night stand with her high school sweetheart Weston Wade. Soon after, Weston develops an unhealthy obsession with Kira.
Makeup Department Head
Kira Young, a successful novelist, returns to her hometown in order to escape bad press after Tyson, her cheating fiance, is accused of murder. She rekindles a romance in the form of a one-night stand with her high school sweetheart Weston Wade. Soon after, Weston develops an unhealthy obsession with Kira.
Makeup Department Head
Sylvia is an ambitious businesswoman and the owner of a successful jewelry company. However, strange things begin to happen to her when she joins a secret society for female entrepreneurs.
Makeup Department Head
Una pastelera sueña con abrir su propia tienda de postres. Al estar emparejados con otro chef para un gran evento, tienen que aprender unos de otros y, finalmente, unirse para crear un menú verdaderamente inspirado y a tiempo para Navidad.
Key Makeup Artist
When an au pair to one of the most well-known and wealthiest families in town rejects the father's advances, she finds herself blacklisted and in fear for her life.
Makeup Department Head
Mikaela is a successful romance novelist who has had bad luck in love, visits a quaint bed and breakfast for a Christmas writer's retreat near a snowy lake town each year. Upon arriving, she meets dashing writer Levi, who soon convinces Mikaela that she shouldn't be writing about love, if she doesn't allow herself to get out and actually experience it.
Makeup Department Head
Having an alter ego becomes a deadly game when a single mother who works at a hotel during the day and as a high-end escort at night discovers her daughter is missing. Unsure who from her various lives would take her child, she takes matters into her own hands to repair all the damage she and her alter ego have caused before it’s too late
Makeup Department Head
Después de que diagnosticaran a Brenda Lee con cáncer de mama, esta emprende un viaje para encontrar una hija que dio en adopción
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No longer recognizable, Amy returns to her hometown and becomes the wedding planner for her first love with her mind set on getting him back no matter what the cost.
Makeup Department Head
Jenny es una gerente del hospital asignada para escribir un artículo sobre el abuso infantil, después de que un niño llamado Billy sea trasladado en avión al hospital.
Makeup Artist
Después de perder el uso de sus piernas en un accidente automovilístico, Daphne, su fisioterapeuta, ayuda a Tony a caminar de nuevo. Pero el amoroso cuidado de Daphne pronto se transforma en un enfermizo intento de poseer a Tony para siempre.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
La bloguera de belleza Alexa Landry solo tenía un miedo: la cirugía plástica. En última instancia, tuvo que enfrentar este miedo cuando fue secuestrada con sus amigos por el Dr. Cunningham. Un cirujano plástico trastornado que está obsesionado con embellecer a sus víctimas.
Makeup Department Head
Aubrey Anderson, a 21-year-old former cheerleader, tries out for the LA Renegades. She falls in love with player, Wilson. Brooke -- a "Renegade Girl" and Wilson's ex-girlfriend -- is found murdered, and police arrest Wilson. Police incriminate Wilson, Aubrey believes his innocence. Aubrey sets out to find the killer, investigating several suspects: the creepy janitor, the bitter coach, the jealous, competitive cheerleader.
Makeup Department Head
Doctors. Store clerks. Computer nerds. Indian Actors always play the same roles. But what if one Indian man decided he was done with the stereotypes? Sex and Indian food abound when T.J. (a young Indian-American) tries to claw his way out of obscurity in Hollywood. But to land the perfect acting gig, he'll first have to face down male objectification, tokenism and his own outspoken inner monologue.
Makeup Department Head
Una esposa a la fuga y sus damas de honor se quedan atrapadas en una ciudad dirigida por payasos. Todo parece normal hasta que descubren que los payasos tienen sus propias reglas.
Key Makeup Artist
A new transfer student reluctantly tries out for the cheerleading team at the insistence of her overly ambitious mother.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Un autor de libros para niños en apuros y su rebelde hija adolescente se mudan a una casa que han heredado y encuentran muñecas misteriosas en el ático. El padre y la hija pronto se enteran de que las muñecas tienen un pasado siniestro y mortal.
Makeup Artist
La historia sigue a Rebecca Clarkson, sufriendo de ataques demoníacos después de jugar con un tablero Ouija una noche. Las personas temerosas pensarán que está loca o mintiendo, ella documenta sus experiencias en un blog de video en su webcam durante el transcurso de una semana. En una serie de eventos de escalada, apareciendo y desapareciendo figuras, el factor escalofriante crece. Pronto, la actividad sobrenatural se vuelve violenta, y Rebecca es atacada repetidamente por las fuerzas demoníacas hasta que, finalmente, el mal toma posesión de su cuerpo. ¿Rebecca podrá vencer al Diablo y proteger su alma, o morirá y la perderá en el infierno?
Makeup Department Head
Nina es una mujer rusa que decide viajar con su hija hasta Estados Unidos para conocer a Karl, un multimillonario solitario con el cual ha contactado a través de la red. Aparte de tener mucha pasta, Karl resulta ser un psicópata que envía a sus parejas al infierno.
Makeup Artist
Después de un accidente de tráfico en el que su hijo murió, un prestigioso cirujano padece dolores crónicos, pero descubre que el sabor de la sangre humana mitiga su sufrimiento
Makeup Artist
Young Hollywood "Elite", aka The Social Media Influencers, think tonight’s afterparty is the usual Hollywood Hills get together at another private mansion after the club. Little do they know that not everyone is going to make it out alive. What starts off as an intimate get together spirals into a night of survival.
Makeup Artist
The fan-demanded sequel to the 2005 short film Dare. Ben and Johnny, now in their early 30s, fortuitously run into each other at a party in Los Angeles after not seeing each other since high school, where they shared one slightly dangerous, very sexy, boundary-pushing night in a swimming pool. Is their connection still alive, and what do they do about it?
Makeup Department Head
Megan, una joven con un futuro prometedor, está a punto de casarse cuando repentinamente su novio es asesinado en un parque. Destrozada, intenta rehacer su vida y un mes más tarde cambia de trabajo.
Makeup Artist
La ambiciosa Samantha Hodges es una periodista seria, tanto para el periódico escolar como para el anuario, e igual de seria con sus amigos, Nate, Gillian y Rudy, quienes compiten con ella por una beca para la universidad. Los reportajes de Samantha toman un giro investigativo , cuando dos de sus compañeros de clase, y aspirantes a la beca, son asesinados.
Makeup Artist
La paramédica Miranda enfrenta una emergencia propia cuando su hija de 8 años, Angie, es secuestrada por Luke, el padre separado de Miranda.
Makeup Department Head
Stella Armstrong contrata a Blake, una niñera aparentemente perfecta, para ayudar con sus bebés gemelos, solo para descubrir que la joven es la hija que dio en adopción al nacer, un acto del cual Blake quiere vengarse destruyendo la vida y la familia de Stella.
Makeup Department Head
Después de superar una depresión, Abigail comienza de nuevo a da dar clases de ética en la facultad de Derecho. Un día, se enfrenta a uno de sus alumnos, un joven ambicioso con muy pocos escrúpulos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Makeup Effects Designer
C.J., bored out of his mind one night, uses a hookup app to meet Hunter.
Makeup Artist
Una modelo que se encuentra atrapada en un vehículo volcado le pide ayuda a un hombre que no está interesado en salvarla.
Makeup Artist
Simon is a motel owner looking to expand business by marketing his motel as haunted. He invites a reality television crew to spend the night collecting paranormal evidence. The crew gets more than they bargained for, however. The level of paranormal activity is higher than usual, which concerns Ted, the crew's leader and television host. There is no turning back, but will Ted and his team survive?
Makeup Artist
Tercera y última entrega de la saga "Human Centipede". Según su director, "The Human Centipede 3 hará que la segunda parte parezca una película de Disney." En esta ocasión, el ciempiés humano estará formado por 500 personas.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Lincoln es la víctima preferida de los matones de la escuela, hasta que un día se harta de recibir golpes y se defiende de su agresor con tanto ímpetu que acaba en un reformatorio para jóvenes problemáticos, donde su tormento crece aún más. Allí acabará invocando accidentalmente el vengativo espíritu de una chica que se suicidó por culpa del bullying.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Un enorme tornado lleno de tiburones vuelve a asolar los Estados Unidos, pero en esta ocasión la dammificada es la ciudad de Nueva York. Fin y April tendrán que volver a luchar si quieren sobrevivir.
Makeup Artist
Los chicos del campamento para delincuentes primerizos descubren que la leyenda del leñador Paul Bunyan es real, pero es mucho más horrible que lo habían imaginado. Desatan la ira del gigante monstruoso de 15 pies que fue desterrado de la ciudad hace 100 años y pensaban que estaba muerto.
Hair Department Head
ChromeSkull: Laid to Rest 2 sitúa su acción tres meses después del primer Laid to Rest. Tommy, quién sigue luchando por comprender las razones de su encuentro con el asesino enmascarado, ahora ha desaparecido por cortesía de Preston, un misterioso personaje con una siniestra conexión con ChromeSkull. Mientras tanto, nuestro querido asesino de la cámara de vídeo en el hombro, ha puesto sus ojos sobre una nueva víctima, Jess, una joven recientemente desaparecida. El detective King iniciará una carrera contrareloj para encontrar a la chica y a Tommy antes de que sea demasiado tarde… y de paso intentará poner fin al legado de muerte de ChromeSkull.
Makeup Artist
A man has been trained in a deadly form of hand-to-hand combat using ballistics and firearms. He is one of the few Americans who has perfected it, which makes him the CIA's best weapon against International Terrorism.