Executive Producer
In a Boca suburb, a couple retire to a second marriage of freedom, play, and the world’s largest puzzle collection.
Routine is the enemy of time. Jedidiah Jenkins rides his bicycle from Oregon to Patagonia, the southern tip of South America, while expounding upon ideas that made him leave a job he loved for the open road.
Routine is the enemy of time. Jedidiah Jenkins rides his bicycle from Oregon to Patagonia, the southern tip of South America, while expounding upon ideas that made him leave a job he loved for the open road.
A behind the scenes from film Short Term 12
Guest at Mason's Parents' Party
Grace es una joven de veintitantos años que trabaja como supervisora en Short Term 12, un centro de acogida para adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad. Le encanta su empleo y está entregada al cuidado de los chavales, pero al mismo tiempo se debate con su propio pasado conflictivo. Cuando ingresa en el centro una chica inteligente e inquieta llamada Jayden, Grace se da cuenta de que no puede seguir dando la espalda a los problemas que arrastra desde su propia infancia.