Production Design
Un malvado urbanizador amenaza con envenenar a una colonia de ratas y robar su territorio.
Production Design
Christy Brown es un enfermo de parálisis cerebral, nacido en el seno de una numerosa y mísera familia irlandesa. Su madre es la única que lo ve como un chico con talento y sensibilidad. Con el tiempo, Christy se revela como un irascible pero talentoso escritor y pintor, que utiliza su pie izquierdo -la única parte de su cuerpo que tiene motricidad- como instrumento.
Production Design
Una división de soldados norteamericanos, muchos de ellos novatos, es transportada a un punto estratégico, desde donce partirán para tomar una colina, en manos del Vietcom. En esas fechas Vietnam era un infierno para unos, y para otros la capital mundial de la diversión. La misión de la compañía Bravo, que en un principio parecía un mero trámite, se convierte en una masacre de la que el ejército estadounidense no sabe cómo salir.
Production Design
Michael Lamb is a Father questioning his calling, in a Reform School in Ireland. When young epileptic runaway Eoin is sent to the school, the two recognise kindred spirits and escape to London together. With the police on their tail and the money running out however, Lamb is forced to make some terrible decisions.
Art Direction
Cuando el avión donde viaja Nikolai "Kolya" Rodchenko debe realizar un aterrizaje de emergencia en suelo soviético, el mundialmente famoso bailarín tiene razones para sentirse inquieto: unos años antes, cuando era la gran estrella del ballet ruso y un icono de la propaganda comunista, Kolya desertó y se instaló en los Estados Unidos. Ahora, contra su voluntad, vuelve a un país cuyo gobierno le considera un traidor.
Production Design
When Harold, a young white man, learns that his alcoholic, handicapped father is returning home, his frustration turns into racist viciousness against the two black men who work for the family.
Production Manager
Dr. Fischer has an unusual hobby — to expose human greed. How much humiliation will his fellow man endure enticed by valuable presents? Dignity for money! Death for money?
Production Designer
Judith Allchurch and Ian Stevens star in this drama based on the story by Edward Chitham. When young historians Teresa (Allchurch) and David (Stevens) discover that the name on a piece of embroidered cloth belonging to Teresa's family matches that of a strange gravestone in the local churchyard, their intrique is piqued and they set out to find out what happened to the mysterious Abigail Parkes.
Production Design
Slice-of-life look at class divisions among employees of a brokerage house. Alan, with his portrait of the Queen and love of the peerage; his wife April, who raises cats; youthful and pretentious friends Nigel, Giles, and Anthony, who gather for a wine-soaked dinner party with the chatty and risque Samantha and the mousy Caroline; the plummy Lord and Lady Crouchurst, in a spot of bother needing the help of Francis, a senior partner, to assist with the family's cash flow. Alan comes home from work to find Mr. Shakespeare doing a photo shoot of one of April's cats and a wealthy stranger, Miss Hunt, waiting to purchase one. His instincts for sycophantic palaver kick in.
Production Design
When his father becomes a bomb victim, Jimmy leaves Belfast for his uncle’s farm in remote west Ireland. But even here there are links to the past.