Alexandra Harris
Nacimiento : 1981-01-01, West Sussex, England
Alex Harris is a native Oklahoman, having grown up in Edmond. She is currently a Junior Art major at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock. Alex did her first play in the fifth grade and has been acting ever since. In addition to regular school drama involvement, she has acted in a long list of productions with local theatre training academies, ‘On Broadway’ and ‘Lyric Academy’. She has been cast in a handful of commercials and has played a leading role in the feature film “ The Prophets Son” and the short film “Close Your Eyes”. Alex views acting as a lifetime endeavor. She is ex-tremely honored and grateful to have been cast in this exciting new movie.
Released from prison for a crime she didn't commit, Diana tries to prove her innocence by tracking down her ex-husband, Elias, who framed her for fraud. However, she soon uncovers a much more nefarious plot that involves a mysterious disappearance.
When Lindsay gets the chance to sign up to the notoriously exclusive dating service Eternity, she clashes with Will, her first date. They mutually agree this dating service has been a complete bust and make a deal to get their money back. However, when they turn up at the door, they find all the furniture gone, Eternity nowhere to be found and make a pact to find out the truth – they’ve been conned! Or have they…?
Anika and Charly are rivals from opposing volleyball teams. Each year, the teams pull pranks on one another. Things begin to get out of hand when the volleyball partner of Anika is found dead. Charly becomes the target of some extreme pranks, as the season progresses, with all the signs pointing in Anika's direction. Even Charly’s teammates seem suspicious as well. Charly now only trusts Becky, her new friend, and the team's intern. As Charly and Anika find themselves in a cabin together, tied up, they must figure out who has it in for them.
A busy travel writer goes glamping at a state park with her best friend and finds herself falling in love with one of the park rangers.
Cuando una estudiante universitaria se niega a acostarse con su profesor a cambio de buenas notas, corre el peligro de que la maten para mantenerla callada y su madre debe dejar todo para salvarla.
Después de un robo de tren, dos hermanos que lideran una banda de vaqueros deben sobrevivir a la noche en un pueblo fantasma habitado por un aquelarre de brujas.
When a substance abuse counsellor gets arrested for a DUI and returns to her hometown of Niagara Falls, she learns that her estranged father is dying of cancer and wants her to form a bond with her teenage half-sister that she's never met.
Cuando una joven autora caprichosa que esconde un secreto oscuro regresa a casa para la graduación de su hermano, se encuentra obsesionada por el pasado y atormentada por terribles terrores nocturnos.
Detective Christine Egerton
Tres detectives que siguen la pista a un terrorífico asesino en serie son atrapados en un laberinto donde se enfrentarán a sus mayores miedos.
Desert Princess
La historia se sitúa en una tierra devastada por las guerras, donde las facciones tribales viven con el temor de la aniquilación, y un guerrero mortal lleva adelante una campaña militar destructiva. El guerrero es traicionado por su propio clan y dado por muerto, y una princesa misteriosa lo rescata y lo sana, y luego es acogido por una tribu oculta, que cree que él fue elegido para librar una batalla final.
Lisa Thompson
Denny Burke is finally about to graduate high school. Senior year has been one bad thing after another: a broken leg, a broken heart, and — worst of all — a broken home. With four of his closest friends, Denny goes on one last rock-climbing trip to prove he’s ready to start his adult life… On their trip the five teens receive a genetic boost beyond anything they’d ever imagined. Denny’s soon faced with the first big decision of his adult life: does he give up these powers and stay a normal teenager, or does he keep them…and graduate from the human race?
Two ex-lovers are at odds with one another during a weekend lake house party. As a killer in the woods picks off their friends one by one, they must decide whether to rekindle their flame or lose each other forever.