Christine Deschaumes


Las damas galantes
Madame de Saint-Luc
Las guerras entre católicos y hugonotes en la Francia del siglo XVI envuelven las aventuras amorosas que vive un aristócrata. Después, todas esas historias quedarán plasmadas en el libro "Vida de las damas galantes". La figura de Brantôme, un memorialista del siglo XVI que vendría a ser el ìantecedente del personaje de "El amante del amor" de Truffaut, en una ìevocación moderadamente certera. Su principal problema estriba en una ìexcesiva superficialidad, pero lo compensa con un tono narrativo convincente ìy una delicada formulación estética. Film inédito en España.
Le bourgeois gentilhomme
In this adaptation of the play by Molière, Monsieur Jourdain, social climber, nouveau rich but naive, dreams of being recognized in high society. He hires masters of music, dance, philosophy. He has gone mad with thoughts of honors, decorations, and power.
Il y a longtemps que je t'aime
Josyane, Gilbert's wife
A couple make the decision, after twenty-five years of marriage, to live separately, so as not to fall into the trap of routine. On their wedding anniversary, Brigitte and François Dupuis announce their decision to separate, to the chagrin of their children. After twenty-five years, they chose to enjoy their life, but each on their own. Everything is going for the best. François rediscovers the life of a bachelor, meals with friends, at night with friends. Brigitte, for her part, met a movie buff whom she took as a lover. From time to time, François and Brigitte meet again. It doesn't take long for them to realize that they get along better and better ...