Tadeusz Łomnicki

Tadeusz Łomnicki

Nacimiento : 1927-07-18, Podhajce, obwód tarnopolski, Polska (obecnie Ukraina)

Muerte : 1992-02-22


Tadeusz Łomnicki
Tadeusz Łomnicki


La fierecilla indomable 2
El romance de Kaska y Patryk se pone a prueba cuando sospechan mutuamente de infidelidad. Para empeorar las cosas, sus vecinos siguen entrometiéndose en sus asuntos.
The Deluge Redivivus
Jerzy Michał Wołodyjowski
The Deluge Redivivus is a new remastered cut of the original Polish “The Deluge” from 1974 that was released for the film's 40th anniversary in 2014.
Ich bin eine Terroristin
Violette knows that she will go and one night, she goes. Once away from her home,she will make good on her innermost wish, to walk in the steps of Rosa, the Rosa to whom she feels intimately attached, her Rosa, Rosa Luxembourg. Just eleven, but Violette, thinks of herself as Rosa's heir, the guardian of her memory. In the energy and the courage of this revolutionary figure, she finds her own identity. She feels herself transported by the utopia vision of the letters which Rosa wrote from her prison cells in 1917.
30 Door Key
wuj Coco
A young writer in 1939 Warsaw faces the conflict of acting his age or relapsing into childhood during the brink of World War II. Based on the famous novel Ferdydurke by Witold Gombrowicz.
śpiewak występujący w roli Scarpii
A small-time racketeer Stefek evades mob bosses by passing himself off as a mentally unstable cleptomaniac and laying low in an asylum. The racketeer and his closest devotee escape from the asylum and find work at the opera. Stefek becomes stage-doorman and soon discovers that the opera doubles as a brothel.
All of Me
Theater Director
Orlanda is a person between male and female. Their profession is diseuse, a performer who entertains with songs and speeches in the German tradition of the 20's and 30's. To escape from loneliness, as well as to play with taboos, Orlanda decides to marry their friend Elizabeth. On a concert tour in Warsaw, which also serves as a honeymoon, both the newlyweds fall in love with a young Polish man.
All of Me
Orlanda is a person between male and female. Their profession is diseuse, a performer who entertains with songs and speeches in the German tradition of the 20's and 30's. To escape from loneliness, as well as to play with taboos, Orlanda decides to marry their friend Elizabeth. On a concert tour in Warsaw, which also serves as a honeymoon, both the newlyweds fall in love with a young Polish man.
A Tale of Adam Mickiewicz's 'Forefathers' Eve'
In the eve of the Day of the Dead, among mysterious old rituals of the Vilnius region, ghosts of the past and present start to appear.
Decálogo 8
"No levantarás falsos testimonios, ni mentirás": Elzbieta acaba de llegar de Nueva York para investigar sobre los supervivientes judíos de la guerra. Para ello, asiste a una clase de Ética en la Universidad de Varsovia y se presenta a Sofía, la respetada profesora. Octavo de los diez mediometrajes realizados para la televisión por el director Krzysztof Kieslowski y el guionista Krzysztof Piesiewicz, denominados genéricamente "Decálogo". Cada uno de ellos está inspirado en uno de los Diez Mandamientos.
Los poseídos
Rusia, 1870. Un grupo de jóvenes revolucionarios anarquistas se proponen derribar el régimen zarista por medio de la violencia. Sus atentados crean un clima de psicosis y de desconfianza mutua entre la población; pero, en realidad, tanto revolucionarios como represores están siendo manipulados por un diabólico individuo.
El azar, Cita a ciegas
1. Werner
Enfrentándose a un futuro incierto, Witek, un joven polaco estudiante de medicina, decide interrumpir temporalmente sus estudios y coger un tren e ir a Varsovia.
Chronicle of Amorous Accidents
Rev. Baum
Set in the summer months preceding the September 1939 outbreak of World War II in Polish part of Lithuania. A young highschool lad, Witek, is hoping to pass the entrance exams to the university. His love interest is Alina, his high-school colleague.
The House of Fools
The feature film debut of director Marek Koterski. Thirty-year-old Adaś Miauczyński visits his parents, which ends with his nervous breakdown.
Daimler-Benz Limousine
profesor Stefan Hahn, ojciec Michała i Andrzeja
Two brothers of German heritage live in the Polish town of Poznan. Michal is the sensitive brother who likes literature, Andrzej is the daredevil with no intellectual bent, and between the two of them, they steal the German consul's Daimler-Benz limousine, on a lark. When they are caught by the police, the German consul unexpectedly forgives them their prank -- but in the meantime, the episode has put the brothers in touch with a Nazi underground group who want to prepare the way for the pending German invasion (set to occur within a matter of days). Andrej helps the group kill the German consul and then they blame the death on the Poles -- giving the Germans an excuse to cross the border. Not only the consul, but "artistic" types like Michal are also killed for the same reasons. After these murders, Michal realizes his brother is no better than the group he joined, and decides to set his own course in the face of the rising threat of invasion.
Hands Up!
Opel Record
The reunion of a group of former medical students results in a flood of bitter memories.
Listy naszych czytelników
A television short by director and actor Stanisław Latałło.
Contrato de matrimonio
Adam Ostoja-Okędzki, ojciec Piotra
La celebración de una boda se convierte en el hervidero de las tensiones afectivas, religiosas, ideológicas y sociales entre los invitados y también entre los novios.
The Housemaster
A small village during the period of agricultural reforms in 1945. The two protagonists, a terminally ill count and his housemaster, engage in a private game that consists of artificially maintaining the social hierarchy which reigned here for centuries.
Wherever You Are, Mr. President
Stefan Starzyński
Stefan Starzyński, the mayor of Warsaw, organizes life in the capital in September 1939 and lift the inhabitants' spirits via radio announcements. After the surrender, he does not use his last chance to escape.
The Border
starosta Czechliński, wcześniej redaktor naczelny "Niwy"
The Dancing Hawk
"The Dancing Hawk" refers to the son of a peasant who senses he can climb to the job in troubled times by playing his cards right. His slavery to work match his ambitions, and gradually he reaches the social position he desires. But the costs have included a dehumanized soul and a loss of a moral conscience. People have had to pay for his advancement, including those nearest to him. The downfall is equally painful: either imprisonment or the easy wasy out are offered as the alternatives.
El hombre de mármol
Jerzy Burski
En 1976, una joven de Cracovia que está realizando su diplomatura en cine, investiga la vida de un obrero, llamado Birkut, quien en los 50 fue, de manera fugaz, un héroe proletario. Su objetivo es investigar como se originó esa leyenda y que efectos provocó en él.
Akcja pod Arsenałem
Colonel Michał Wołodyjowski
Siglo XVII. Mientras la guerra hace estragos por toda Europa, un valeroso guerrero lucha por el amor de una doncella llamada Olenka...
Nagrody i odznaczenia
sekretarz partii
1944. Three wounded officers from both sides of political conflict meet in the hospital where the staff is politically divided too.
A Slip-Up
[obsada aktorska]
The main character has quit school, makes a living by taking pictures. He seduces a nurse who treated his head wound which he earned in a fight. They witness a hit-and-run driver killing a little girl on a sled. He builds up an elaborate trap by putting a doll dressed as a child down the hill in the path of a car. The man hits it and thinking that he hit a child - runs. Marek takes pictures of him and tries to blackmail him to use his car for a week. He wants to use the car to win back the nurse, who could not cope with his humors...
Pan Dodek
Woźny w urzędzie
Gwiazda Wytrwałości
Officers of the 5th Horse Rifle Regiment of the 1st Armored Division go to Brussels, where they meet Joachim Lelewel. To verify the story, the press officer of the division goes to Brussels.
Coronel Wolodyjowski
Jerzy Michał Wołodyjowski
Situada en el siglo XVII durante la invasión turca de la Mancomunidad de Polonia-Lituania, la cual fue eventualmente rechazada. El coronel Michael Wo?odyjowski, con un puñado de soldados fronterizos de la Mancomunidad de Polonia-Lituania, se enfrentó a turcos y tártaros. Después de la declaración de guerra, defendió la fortaleza en Kamieniec Podolski (1672). 1.060 polacos trataron de detener a 120.000 turcos y tártaros de Crimea. La defensa fue un ejemplo de las actitudes patrióticas en un país devastado por anteriores guerras. El héroe murió; sin embargo, al año siguiente (1673), los polacos ganaron la batalla de Chocim y en 1683 salvaron a Europa de la invasión turca en la batalla de Kahlenberg. Esta fue la última gran victoria del Reino de Polonia y de los legendarios Húsares alados polacos.
Stajnia na Salvatorze
Jan Gajewski "Zyga"
WWII. Zyga, one of the Resistance soldiers in Kraków (Poland), is arrested by Gestapo. Soon later with new arrestings comes out that Germans must have received some new informations. Zyga is suspected to become an informator.
The Killer Leaves a Trace
Zbigniew Cybulski (voice)
In the last days of WW2, Polish military looks for the murderer of prosecutor responsible for storing Gestapo files.
lekarz w przychodni zakładowej
En la Polonia de los años sesenta, un estudiante de medicina recién graduado sigue los movimientos de una misteriosa mujer, conductora de tranvía, por las calles de una Varsovia comunista conformando un imaginario repleto de una exquisitez insospechada. Sueños y realidad se mezclan con grandes dosis de realismo mágico. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Doctor Speaks Out
Klinikarzt Dr. Maurer
A serious Swiss melodrama/documentary about abortion, marketed as a sexy exploitation movie in the US. The film contains real medical footage.
Potem nastąpi cisza
major Świętowiec
Głos ma prokurator
Back to Life Again
Three idealists - a communist secretary, a former RAF pilot and a female political activist - need to face the hardships and accusations of postwar Stalinist years before being finally rehabilitated.
The First Day of Freedom
Freed Polish soldiers are trapped in a small town in Germany during the last days of World War II. After a doctor's daughter is raped by a concentration camp worker, the Poles allow her and her father to stay in the house that is their temporary quarters. While waiting to be repatriated, the war-weary group is forced to fight some German soldiers who invade the town. The war brings out conflicting emotions of the Poles who find themselves trapped in the house and once again under fire from the enemy.
The Lost Bridge
porucznik KBW
Lieutenant Mosura fights the groups of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Suddenly, he manages to capture and eliminate its commander. Several years passed. The lieutenant is accused of collaborating with the insurgents, because he took part in several terrorist operations in order to gain their trust.
Time Past
Fram is in a German POW camp where brutal, cold-hearted Gestapo officers like Weber or Von Steinhagen terrorize and execute their Polish prisoners. One day Fram sees a way to escape the camp and he takes it, heading out to find his fellow resistance fighters.
In this haunting short fiction film, a group of Jewish children and their teacher are herded into an ambulance by Nazis; the vehicle, ordinarily representing comfort and safety, becomes the group’s death chamber. Morgenstern’s presentation of the incident serves as a metaphor for the horror of the Holocaust, and provides a powerful trigger for discussion of the disturbing issues raised by the film. The figure of the children's’ teacher specifically parallels Janusz Korcak (1879-1942), a famous Jewish educator who ran an orphanage in the Warsaw ghetto and died with his young charges at Treblinka.
Innocent Sorcerers
A young doctor is tired of being sought by women. One night he meets a young girl who all but forces herself into his room where they talk of morals and love. But he loses her when he goes out to see some friends and then rushes madly around the city after her.
The Stone Sky
A deeply touching psychological drama adapted from the novel 'Kamienne niebo' showing the Warsaw Uprising through the prism of civilians’ tragedy. A classic feature trick of locking characters up in a confined space allowed the film creators to focus on the psychological portraits of their characters and the experience of an individual facing a hopeless situation. Warsaw, the last days of the Warsaw Uprising. A few inhabitants are imprisoned under the rubble of a tenement house in the Old Town. To start with the characters are not very worried by the incident. They are convinced they will be freed soon, however no help is in sight. They run out of food and their attempts to get out of the trap prove unsuccessful. Every captive reacts differently to the extreme and life-threatening situation. A Warsaw wheeler-dealer Maniuś tries to take some action, an old professor loses his eyesight and the seemingly rational janitor goes crazy… The last oil-lamp goes out.
The Depot of the Dead
In the rugged mountain gorges and ravines of southeastern Poland, a new boss and his wife become a catalyst for violence.
The Birth of a City
Narrator (voice)
On the 10th anniversary of Nowa Huta, documentary filmmakers go back to the beginnings of the town's construction and the conglomerate, using archival footage from the Polish Film Chronicle. The city is born to the rhythm of seven days of creation, and the jubilee is celebrated by children - its peers and former builders.
El atentado
Thriller bélico basado en el famoso asesinato del criminal de guerra nazi Franz Kutschera, comandante de la policía y las SS en el Distrito de Varsovia, ejecutado por el AK polaco el primero de febrero de 1944. Kutschera era apodado "el torturador de Varsovia" por haber ordenado una serie de ejecuciones masivas y su muerte suscitó represalias inmediatas por parte de los ocupantes alemanes, que fusilaron a 100 rehenes inocentes. Sin embargo, el asesinato fortaleció los espíritus de los paisanos polacos y reavivó sus esperanzas de victoria. La película obtuvo reconocimiento local e internacional en países que también habían luchado contra el fascismo.
The Eighth Day of the Week
Grzegorz Walicki, Agnieszka's brother
Zbigniew Cybulski and Sonja Ziemann play lovers struggling to find happiness and privacy in overcrowded Warsaw. The movie shows an honest picture of life in a war-damaged city, contrasting the characters' difficulties with their dreams of a better life. It was banned in Poland in 1958 and would not been seen anywhere until its European release one year later.
From Powisle
Narrator (voice)
A documentary depicting the Warsaw district of Powiśle where time has stopped. One of several films made by Kazimierz Karabasz included in the "black series" of Polish documentaries. Featuring a commentary typical for documentaries of the second half of the 1950s, it is distinguished by penetrating observation and lyricism.
Lt. Zawistowski (segment "Ostinato Lugubre")
Tells two tales set during WWII: A seemingly feckless and selfish finally takes up arms in the national struggle against the Nazis. Set in a POW camp, Polish inmates cling to their hopes for an eventual escape, encouraged by the legendary escape of one of their own.
Warsaw Main Station
Narrator (voice)
Warsaw Central Station, 1958. A place of greetings and farewells, an intersection of people from different parts of Poland and Europe. A girl waits in vain, she goes away. Soon the station would belong to the past too.
Alone in the World
Narrator (voice)
The first documentary realized by Danuta Halladin after her studies announces one of the main themes of her future films: children and childhood. Alone in the World is a story about orphanages.
On the Roads of Armenia
Polish documentary about Armenia.
Where the Devil Says Goodnight
A look at the poorest district of Warsaw. Targówek looks as if the war ended just yesterday - the place is full of rubble and misery, and devoid of any perspectives for a better future.
Stanisław Mazur "Bartek"
Durante la ocupación nazi de Polonia, toda una generación de jóvenes tuvo que crecer a marchas forzadas a causa de la adversidad. Stach es un adolescente caprichoso que vive en las afueras de la Varsovia ocupada por los nazis. Guiado por pequeños actos de desafío y el fervor comunista, se adentra en el movimiento de resistencia, donde conoce a la valiente y bella Dorota. Pronto se ve implicado en la arriesgada lucha contra la opresión y la búsqueda de dignidad, madurando mientras asume la responsabilidad de las vidas de sus amigos y compañeros...
Five from Barska Street
Lutek Kozlowski
In war-ravaged Warsaw, five juvenile delinquents are given probation for stealing, to rehabilitate themselves, but remain under the influence of their profiteer-boss.
Soldier of Victory
żołnierz pochodzący z Mogiły (nie występuje w napisach)
Two-part biopic about General Karol Świerczewski, living embodiment of the party line, and the group of party members from his hometown fighting the fascist forces towards the socialist state of affairs.
Jozef Wietecha
Two Brigades
Pietrzak, actor playing Jarka Karhan
A social drama that depicts a conflict between a young factory collective and a sympathetic but backward old specialist.
The Steel Hearts
Miner Wiktor Tuszynski
In occupied Silesia, resistance is organizing. In close contact with the miners and led by an engineer, a group of partisans prepare the sabotage of the steel combine. The going will be tough as the place is closely guarded by the Nazis. But despite a denunciation from a traitor and several violent deaths, they get going and the operation is a success. But the Red Army is approaching and now the coal production must not be sabotaged anymore. On the contrary, the partisans must prevent the Germans from destroying the steel mill and the coal mine...
Dom starych kobiet
Narrator (voice)
Documental sobre la vejez a través del retrato de diferentes internos en una residencia de ancianos. La atmósfera de abatimiento, intensificada por el implacable tic-tac del tiempo, se evoca a través de imágenes repetidas, como el estribillo de una canción, el latido de un reloj, velas que se apagan y sombras en una pared.