Quinton Wong Liu-Che


Hidden Track
Plant hothouse boss
Pu Pu is dumped by her boyfriend whom she loves. Before she moves out, she asks to listen to "their song" just one more time, that is the hidden track by Jay Chou. Then she leaves him and goes to her sister's place in Hong Kong. All the while she is there, she searches for the same song, the "hidden track", and from this it leads her onto a journey of discovering love and a new beginning. Despite the whole movie revolving around Jay Chou's song, Jay Chou plays only a cameo part.
New Tenant
The film centers around a writer, Alan Tam (Anthony Wong), who has spent the last decade in a mental hospital. Upon leaving, he rents an apartment in an abandoned building which contains a clock that sends him back to 1984. The only person that can hear Alan during this time is one of the previous tenants, a young girl named Dolphin (Dolphin Chan). A strange romance soon develops between the two, and so when her sister Whale (Perrie Lai) begins dating a suspicious professor (Lawrence Ng), Alan helps Dolphin to find out the shocking truth about her sister's beau.
Give & Take... Oh! Shit!
Simon Loui's character gets thrown out by his vicious girlfriend and ends up taking on a VERY different social status than before. That of the beggar but together with a group of seemingly crazies (Victor Wong, Joe Junior and Elvis Tsui), he gets a new outlook and direction in life...
Junkie A
This film is about the life of socially deprived people who lives in caged housing in Hong Kong. Given the very tough topic of social deprivation, extreme poverty and shockingly appalling living conditions, I expected "Cageman" to be very tough to watch. This turns out not to be the case. Instead, "Cageman" is a warm, positive and loving film about friendship. People in the caged housing live as harmonious as possible, supporting each other by their limited means.