Anthony Shuster


Male Audience Member 1
La leyenda del mundo del espectáculo Judy Garland llega a Londres en el invierno de 1968 para realizar unos conciertos durante cinco semanas con entradas agotadas en 'The Talk of the Town'. Han pasado treinta años desde que se disparó al estrellato mundial en 'El mago de Oz', pero si su voz se ha debilitado, su intensidad dramática solo ha aumentado. Incluso sus sueños de amor parecen intactos mientras se embarca en un torbellino de romance con Mickey Deans, su futuro quinto marido.
Una adolescente británica se ve obligada por un hacker a hacer su voluntad. Si ella se niega, el hacker publicará comprometedoras fotos suyas.
Exit Thread
Thomas Decker
Tom Decker is a clergyman in his late twenties with a rural church outside of a small college town. Laura Carlisle is a mid-thirties history professor who has recently begun a romantic relationship with Tom. Abigail Scott is a mid-twenties graduate student studying under Carlisle who is also Tom's oldest and closest friend from childhood. The three realize that they have interconnecting relationships when they find themselves at the funeral for Laura's former mentor. Unbeknownst to Laura, Tom and Abigail have a past that extends beyond friendship - they were once lovers. While Abigail longs for a return to that passionate relationship, Tom struggles with his continuing attraction to her, even as he falls further in love with Laura. Observing all of this at a distance is Rev. Ezekiel Hartt, a clergyman in his mid-sixties who has returned to town after a long absence with a secret that threatens to destroy them all.