Who knew that Communism could be so funny? This madcap documentary reexamines the Cultural Revolution and restores the once bright reputation of Mao Zedong. "The Passion of the Mao" begins by correcting misconceptions about Mao's early years. Unlike the tyrants with whom he is usually compared, Mao was a successful scholar and businessman before he became a rabble-rouser.
Grant Broderick
The sequel to "A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story" in which Betty Broderick is on trial for the murder of her ex-husband and his new wife.
Vegetable House is no garden variety comedy. When actor/writers Joe Doyle, Ron Dean (Code of Silence), and Aaron Freeman (America's Political Satirist) team up, nothing is sacred. The Vegetable House players include some Chicago's brightest comedy stars drawn largely from the famed "Second City" comedy troupe. At Vegetable House, Brussels sprouts shiver in their sheets while above lurks the menace of the Vegomatic. Suburban housewives submit to weekly games of bondage bridge. Meet Tokai Lokoto, the 3rd World's funniest man, and Gordon, whose nailbiting has gotten out of hand. Follow the adventures of "Kaa Kaa of the City" who was abandoned at birth and raised by pigeons in Grant Park. And the Veggie Video, don't forget the Veggie Video. Hot Pop. Hot Veggies. Hot Video.
Vegetable House is no garden variety comedy. When actor/writers Joe Doyle, Ron Dean (Code of Silence), and Aaron Freeman (America's Political Satirist) team up, nothing is sacred. The Vegetable House players include some Chicago's brightest comedy stars drawn largely from the famed "Second City" comedy troupe. At Vegetable House, Brussels sprouts shiver in their sheets while above lurks the menace of the Vegomatic. Suburban housewives submit to weekly games of bondage bridge. Meet Tokai Lokoto, the 3rd World's funniest man, and Gordon, whose nailbiting has gotten out of hand. Follow the adventures of "Kaa Kaa of the City" who was abandoned at birth and raised by pigeons in Grant Park. And the Veggie Video, don't forget the Veggie Video. Hot Pop. Hot Veggies. Hot Video.
El instituto John F. Kennedy ha sido demandado por graduar a los alumnos sin saber leer ni escribir. Los estudiantes llevan navajas, trafican con droga y hacen de soplones para la policía. Los profesores han perdido el interés por la enseñanza, preocupados únicamente por sobrevivir. Alex (Nick Nolte), veterano en el departamento de inglés, trata de sacar adelante a los chicos, pero su labor se ve obstaculizada por la desidia de sus incompetentes colegas. Lisa (JoBeth Williams), una abogada que fue alumna de Alex, llega al instituto para encargarse del asunto y lo anima a seguir adelante en su empeño por resolver el problema.
Cop in Ghetto
Cheech and Chong are hired to drive a limo from Chicago to Las Vegas by two shady Arabs - Mr. Slyman and Prince Habib. Unbeknownst to them, five million dollars of dirty money has been stuffed throughout the car.
Basada en un relato corto de Kurt Vonnegut Jr., esta película es uno de los primeros trabajos del prestigioso director Jonathan Demme. Harry (Christopher Walken) es un tímido empleado de una ferretería que en su tiempo libre forma parte de un grupo de teatro amateur. Cuando se sube al escenario se transforma completamente y asume la personalidad del personaje que interpreta. Helene (Susan Sarandon), que es nueva en la ciudad y trabaja en una compañía de teléfonos, consigue tras una audición el papel de Stella en la representación de "Un tranvía llamado Deseo" en la que Harry tendrá el papel del bruto Stanley. Durante los ensayos, Helene se enamora perdidamente de Harry, al que cree fuerte y varonil como su personaje, sin conocer su verdadera forma de ser...
A pair of cops, a pair of doctors, and a pair of lawyers examine a crime — the wounding of a ten-year-old girl by a sniper — from three different angles in this pilot to the short-lived series.