Ha Yeon-soo

Ha Yeon-soo

Nacimiento : 1990-10-10, Busan, South Korea


Ha Yeon-soo


Young Jang-mi
Hyun-ah is listed on top ten of TV audition program with talented voice and attractive appearance. The reason why she is in this show is to be shown to her mom, Jang-mi, who has been separated for over 10years. Jang-mi used to be a potential singer long time ago but had to give up her dream due to her responsibility she had to take at that time. They had lived together happily even in poverty until something happened bringing their parting.
There is a small cafe in the corner of a quiet alley. Although it's isolated, people can still find it. It gets busy on days with good weather.
Very Ordinary Couple
The probability of a couple that had broken up getting back together and having a successful relationship is just 3%. Dong-hee and Young, who had broken up over a minor tiff, later realize their love for each other and end up getting back together. But will they be able to fit into the 3% bracket?