Philippe Toledano


La mágica aventura de Óscar
Executive Producer
Camille¸ es una joven antropóloga contratada para hacer investigaciones en una isla lejana. Sus hijos¸ Óscar y Miranda¸ acompañados por su perro Friskie¸ salen en su búsqueda para volver a encontrar el inmenso amor y la ternura de su madre¸ cuya ausencia no soportan. En su viaje cruzarán ríos¸ montañas y el mar de un país maravilloso. Gracias a su amigo chamán Tikake¸ van a pasar al otro lado del espejo. Triunfando ante todos los peligros¸ ayudados por unos¸ amenazados por otros¸ siguiendo los mágicos caminos del arco iris lograrán encontrar a su madre.
Antes de Morir
Executive Producer
Andrés lives obsessed with the disappearance and possible murder of his family during a violent military coup in his country. The years have aggravated his obsession and he has become a police man as a way of accessing the truth. There is some madness in his life. He won’t rest until he finds the truth which is closer every day.
Bésame mucho
Un hábil vendedor seduce mujeres solitarias y con problemas emocionales, para luego robarlas. Un día se enamora de una de ellas. Paralelamente, en la ciudad suceden una serie de asesinatos de mujeres solas. Hasta el final, el espectador no sabrá si el vendedor está involucrado en ellos.
La nave de los sueños
Executive Producer
Four men and two women illegaly board a cargo ship from Buenaventura, Colombia to New York. All their dreams and frustrations confronts them while they attempt not to be discovered by the ship crew. They all seek the "American Dream".
Jairo es un adolescente que vive en un mundo marginal, en un barrio repleto de drogas y asaltos. Hastiado de la pobreza y de su infierno familiar, se ve obligado a recurrir a la violencia. Cree que su única salida a tanta miseria pasa por el mundo del crimen, así que decide participar en un asalto para conseguir dinero con el que pueda recuperar su dignidad.
An eccentric millionaire gives a party for his birthday. With his friends, gamblers and collectors , they play games in their own way. One of them, a woman, suggests this: since they're all gamblers they should play a fortune on the life of one of them.
An eccentric millionaire gives a party for his birthday. With his friends, gamblers and collectors , they play games in their own way. One of them, a woman, suggests this: since they're all gamblers they should play a fortune on the life of one of them.
Far from Dallas
Thriller centered round the assassination of John F. Kennedy.