After losing his title of king of gamblers, Asia's top card player holds a contest in the hopes of restoring his reputation and his wealth that was cheated from him. Awesome tricks, fists and kicks galore.
Fong and Angie were close friends when they were in school but departed after graduation. Fong continued her further education in a training center. Angie worked in a studio and had a crush on a guy classmate Cheung, who was also attracted to Angie. Though Angie had feeling on Cheung, but she found out about Fong's infatuation so refused to date Cheung. One night, Angie was particularly low in spirits, she went to see Cheung at the club where he sang. She ended up sleeping with him. Stricken by a guilty conscience, Angie refused to see Cheung again. Fong found that Cheung didn't like him so she dedicated herself into course. At the graduation performance, Fong invited Angie to go but Angle didn't show up. Fong kept calling Angie and eventually she got through and found out that Angie had drown in the swimming pool.
Comedy about a Taxi driver moonlighting as a race-car driver.
Pao's sister
Mak Kar, a faithful and honest constable, was ordered to arrest Dean Saki, a pickpocket. However, each time he was caught, he was released by lack of evidence. Although Dean was a tricky man, the money he pickpocketed from those dirty rich people was spent on the seven poor orphans with whom he lived in an old shaky church. Dean had an intention to buy a house where he could keep more orphans.
Sau Yee
Un luchador de kung fu manchú moribundo envía a sus tres hijos en una misión de venganza contra los cinco campeones del sur que lo derrotaron y humillaron hace una generación. Los tres manchúes entran a la ciudad donde viven los viejos campeones y comienzan a desafiar y luchar contra un grupo desprevenido de artistas marciales que alguna vez fueron poderosos y sus hijos. Después de que sus contrapartes en las otras familias reciben serias palizas, Billy se ve obligado a tomar un curso intensivo de un maestro destacado en los estilos North y South Eagle, así como en Horsehead Fist. Solo entonces podrá enfrentarse a cada uno de los tres luchadores manchúes.
Guan San
Yuan Ying Fei es descendiente de la conocida Golden Sword y él mismo es un maestro de la técnica además de
ser el jefe de la ciudad. Por otro lado está Guan Ah yun, que es el dueño de la oficina de seguridad de Wu Wei que Yuan desea comprar. Pero guang no quiere vendérsela de ningún modo. Como Yuan le ha puesto el ojo a la hermana de Guan, no se decide a atacarle, pero consigue utilizar a 4 rufianes que no tienen donde caerse muertos pero poseen armas legendarias para intentar derrocar a Guan sin que sepa que todo es idea de Yuan Ying fei.