Una avioneta pilotada por Jacques aterriza en Taula, una isla minúscula del Pacífico, para dejar a tres criminales y al padre Perrau, que se ha trasladado para relevar al padre Doonan. Un terremoto y una erupción volcánica se producen en la isla y Doonan convence a los recién llegados para saltar en paracaídas y rescatar al personal sanitario y a los niños del hospital de la montaña.
Molly's husband Rick was a gang leader somewhere in the middle west. When he's shot, the tough woman moves to S.F. with a couple of the gang to start anew. Disguised as a noble woman, she and her gang rob security transports. But when one day Rob confesses to her that he killed Rick out of jealousy, she shoots him down immediately. In lack of proof she can't be convicted for the murder, but she goes to jail for the robberies. It's a new and very open female prison, where she learns a profession for the first time in her life.
Un químico de la policía (Van Heflin) utiliza técnicas forenses para resolver asesinatos en una ciudad plagada de corrupción política y bandas criminales.
Harry Langdon and Charley Rogers star in this 1941 Monogram comedy, about two bumbling brothers who take jobs at a New York food cannery and accidentally lose a valuable diamond inside a can of pork-and-beans.
La joven irlandesa Nellie se enamora de Jerry, un guapo muchacho, pero sus padres se oponen a la relación. Ambos deciden casarse y mudarse a Nueva York.